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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. I made the spigot suggestion to my doctor. He said they are available but end up causing more complications than they cure. Some foolishness about them causing infections. The belly tap really isn't that bad (other than the fact that it is performed while you are wide awake). The needle looks to be about the size of a railroad spike and you can definitely feel it as they move it around inside you.
  2. For those that know me, I am a very private person. So, I was more than a bit surprised when it was brought to my attention that Don had made a posting concerning my recent medical problems. I have also received several inquiries as to what happened and how I am doing now. So, thought I would kill two birds with one stone to thank those that have taken the time and trouble to offer up prayers and well wishes for my speedy recovery, the cards, and to those that went out of their way to visit with me in the hospital. I had ben feeling out of sorts for several months last year. Not something that I felt really required me to go see my Doctor. BIG mistake on my part. On Dec 10th I got up, and was really out of it. So out of it in fact that I was not even aware that my wife called 911 and I was taken to the emergency room. The diagnosed my problem as pneumonia and began treating me for that. Apparently, and here I am only repeating what I have been told, my potassium level was through the roof and my liver was shutting down. They then began trying to bring my potassium level down and the medication caused my kidneys to cease working. This resulted in an excessive build up of fluids around my heart and I went into congestive heart failure. They started dialysis to drain the kidneys. I crashed twice and they were able to jump start me. I now have the Liver specialists, kidney specialists and the cardiac specialist all working on me trying to get everything under control. I crashed a third time and they jump started me again. The attending physician told the wife that she should consider calling in the kids before it was too late and asked her if she wanted to sign a DNR. The next thing I remember, it is 22 Dec and I wake up in the ICU wondering where the heck I am, how I got there, and why my daughter, who lives in Washington DC, is there. They move me out of the ICU and onto a medical ward. Two days on the medical ward and I come down with the flu. Wake up again in the ICU. Then they determine that I have contracted SMIRMA (I think that is what they call it), the drug resistant virus, and I am moved to an isolation ward where I spend another week. Jump ahead to 11 Feb when they decide I am well enough to be discharged. Home for a week and kidneys stop functioning again. Can't pass enough water and my weight goes up 14 pounds in 3 days. Back into the hospital again and they start working on me trying to get my kidneys functioning properly without causing my liver to shut down. They do a procedure to drain off excess fluids and the first time they drain off 5.8 liters of fluid. Two days later they drain off another 5.75 liters. the next week they do the procedure again and this time that get 9.8 liters. Anyway, I am finally back home and they (think) they have my medications finally figured out to keep everything sync'd. However, still having a problem with excessive water retention. Weight went up 9 pounds in a week and I need to go back in for another belly tap. And there you have in in a nut shell. So, thank you again so much for your prayers and kind thought. This really is a family....
  3. Bill, It would definitely help if you posted a mailing address. Due to circumstances beyond my control I will not be able to make it down for the rally, but still have something to donate. Suspect there are several other members in a similar position. So...................
  4. BUMP
  5. And what about JoDee (and the Sin-e-mon rolls)?
  6. BUMP. For you folks that were wanting/needing to use PayPal to buy the patches. You must have missed my post concerning how to send the payment by PayPal, So, figured I'd better bump this one again.
  7. ok Folks. Spoke with Bubber yesterday and we have come up with a solution relative to the use of PayPal to pay for the patches. For those that need/want to use PayPal you can use my PayPal account. CFAS4U@Charter.net Show the payment as a donation for the PIP Rally. No need to tell me how many patches you want. I will know by the amount of the money sent. One patch = $6.00 2 patches = $12.00, etc. Do include your full real name (no site names please) and a mailing address and I will pass the info on the Bubber. Remember. You do not need to be coming to the PIP too purchase a patch. It would be great if you would be coming, but that is not a criteria for getting one of the great looking patches. And thanks again to Red1 for jumping on this and getting the patch designed and finding a supplier. And to all the others who are stepping up to help make this a great event. Any thoughts/suggestions or recommendations of activities you would like to have during the PIP (within reason) would be greatly appreciated.
  8. If all else fails, I can send you mine as long as I get it back in time for the PIP Pig Roast in September. Better yet, you could just bring it up with you cuz I know you are just dying to make the 10 year anniversary.
  9. BUMP (No that is not the sound of me falling down) Just bringing this notice to the forefront again.
  10. Well, I'm back and feeling much better. Still trying to get used to the forced changes in my life style. But waking up in an ICU, realizing that you have lost two weeks somewhere and learning that they had to jump start you twice makes the changes a bit easier to make. See you in September.
  11. Boy, just shows you how indispensable one really is. Take a couple of days off and someone else just jumps in and takes over. Anyhow, just to show there are no hard feelings I am placing my order for two patches. Check will be in the mail today. Seriously though, I think Red1 did an outstanding job on the patch and my thanks to everyone how has stepped up and offered to help with getting this years Pork in the Pine together.
  12. The Vietnam War Memorial Foundation is planning (and currently soliciting funds) on building an indoor display for all the items left at the Wall. Depending on how the fund drive goes, construction is scheduled to start next year. If you have not had the opportunity to visit the Wall, it should definitely be on your bucket list.
  13. Black Owl


    OK folks. lets remember that this is a family site. None of those 4 letters words.....
  14. Just reviewed the Regional events and the thread relative to the 2015 Pork in the Pines 10th year homecoming is not there. DO we need to repost it????
  15. Looks like you put a lot of work into this change. And, as I said, I'll get used to it.
  16. So sorry to hear of your loss. May your beliefs provide you the comfort and strength in your time of sorry.
  17. Change? I hate changes... But, I can survive. SO do what you think is best and I can ***** about it later (like that would do any good.
  18. I'm with you Don. Eating health just ain't eating in my opinion. Years ago, a Doc told me that if I wanted to live a long healthy life I needed to give up smoking, drinking and avoid risky behavior. I told him if I had to do all that it wouldn't be living it would be existing.
  19. Anyone using (or tried) a sound hole neck cord? Did you like it? If not, why not?
  20. Great pics. Thanks for posting them.
  21. I also have been having this problem. Been going on since at least the last update. Never said anything cuz I figured it was just me. Glad TO see I'm mot alone. Or is it just us old guys?????
  22. If you go to the recall notice click the button for attached documents. There will be a list of the recalled units by Model, year and VIN.
  23. Just checked the weather map. There is a line of thunder storms from Brandon over to Bemidji. Guess Rick (Sarges46) must be on his way to the PIP Pig Roast.... :rotfl:
  24. Or are you going to miss it like you did with the meeting in St Cloud? You know, the meeting that YOU set up.......
  25. Not a problem Brian. That is part of what the PIP is all about. Just bring the kit with you and we will get em installed. Anyone know which end of the bike these lights go on??????
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