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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Saw it last week thanks to Cheap Shot. It is funny, so lets hope it doesn't go south.
  2. Me too. But the boss calls it a pay cheque.
  3. Don't know nuttin 'bout dat MKII. But on the Virago, it seems to happen automatically while riding. :rotfl: Sorry, couldn't help myself.
  4. Bubber, If you have not been there before, most of the Venture folks are camped out around the swimming pool. They will have a banner up.
  5. Quite evidently you misunderstood. AGAIN. What I said was that what I do in Laporte stays in Laporte. Everyone/everything else is fair game... :stirthepot: And we have spies at the Davis Rally also........
  6. Whoo dat sayin Whoo???
  7. What PIP rowdy bunch???? I do believe that Tall Tom will be there. Me thinks you're just looking for some more Hot Sex..... :rotfl:
  8. Come on Condor, fess up. What is the cheapest price for gasoline that you can remember. Heck, I'm not that much younger than you and I can remember buying gas for my 39 Olds for 17 cents a gallon. And I was earning the princely sum of 75 cents and hour. Ah yes. The good old days.
  9. For those who were at the Pork in the Pines and asking about Cheap Shot. Just spoke with him a while ago, and he is OK. Minor little glitch in his life. Other than that, all is well with him and his lovely co-pilot.
  10. This shoulf help you http://www.dunlopmotorcycle.com/fitmentguide.asp
  11. :rotfl: Picky, picky, picky. A tires a tire.... Right? Try this site http://www.dunlopmotorcycle.com/fitmentguide.asp
  12. Probably work a lot better if you didn't have to get down on your knees so often to beg forgiveness from the Mrs.....
  13. Well, I was hoping to be the first one to start posting about the 2011 Pork in the Pines, but late (as usual) so I'll have to do the best I can to try and get the truth out. But let me start by saying once again, that this event would be nothing without the great folks that show3 up and Gary and Ann for puttingf up with us and making both their property and home available for our use.. It was a great week end. Great food, thanks to Eagle Eye (home made baked beans), MikealiasMike (his chili),Gary and Ann (fresh corn on the cob, tomatos, cucumbers, etc), Tiny Star (fresh home baked Sin emone rolls and Zucini bread), LuAnne (Mrs Bubber) home baked cookies and butterscoth bars) Great folks who jumped in and helped with the food prep, cooking, cleaning, and numerous other mundane tasks that help make this the fun event it is. And most important, the folks who were able to fit this week end into their schedules. Bongobobny, Rockhound, Bubber, Frank, Dano, the multiple Tom's and Steves, Lowell, A1Bummer, their navigators, Deb & Gary, and the others who's names escape me completely at this time. The weather was fantastic for both the riding and the sleeping. Only had to use a light blanket one evening. All the other nights I was tasty warm. I noted that Mikealias Mike has already given his version of how the Chili Challenge turned out. I must say that he was a very gracious Looser, considering the landslide trounching that he took. And just to prove that I can be a gracious winner, I won't even ask him ,"Did you expect any other outcome?" Hands done howerer, the winner was Tiny Star, Mikes gracious and lovely wife JoDee. However, I was forced to tell her that she could not bring the Sin-emone rolls or Zucini bread next year. Told her I couldn't stand loosing to pastry two years in a roll. Particularly when the pastries were made by a "girl.":rotfl: Thanks so much, again, to one and all who wer4e able to make it. And for those who were not able to fit it into their schedule, there is always next year. (see Mike, I didn't mention the Trailer King, or your bribing the waitress even once)
  14. Wheels are rolling....... See everyone in a few hours.
  15. Couple more things to finalize here. Then hope to be on the road around 10am. Will stop off to pick up the gueswt of honor and should be rolling in sometime between 2 and 3pm.
  16. :rotfl: If I tell you where you are, will that gauarantee your vote in the Great Northern Chili Smack Down???
  17. UH???? You live in the same state I do? Where you getting this "It might rain" stuff. Down here it be gorgious... 75 and sunny....
  18. Yah wonna hope he has a T shirt, or something else on. I've seen him topless. It ain't a purdy sight by any means.
  19. Frank, Just in case, my cell phone number is 612.865.8232 Don't let Mikie see it, or he will be on the phone forever trying to convince me that he really knows how to make chili and rubbing in the fact that JoDee made all them bodacious sin emon rolls to help swing the vote. :stirthepot:
  20. Ride safe Bob. And if you stop off at Eagleeye's, don't be eating up all them beans before he gets a chance to pack them up for the trip. Weather forecast for the week end is fantastic. See you tomorrow.
  21. YES... Down to a wake up. Got a lot to get done today to be ready to hit the road in the morning. Looking forward to seeing everyone again as well as a bunch of first timers, and we will "talk" about the friends that couldn't make it this year.... Good folks, great food, and a good time to be had by one and all. I know we will wind down the season with a lot of fond memories to warm us during the up-coming down season. Ride safe out there and see you at Gary & Ann's tomorrow.
  22. Really sorry to hear that you will not be able to make it. But, there is always next year.... (Pssst... Can I have your proxy vote? Those dang sin emon rolls are developing quite a few turn coats) I'd offer to save you some chili, but as mine will be all gone, it would have to be some of Mikes and I just couldn't do that to anyone. :rotfl:
  23. Bubber. I never realized you was such a butterfly . And to sell your soul for a Carmel glazed sin emon roll. Who would have guessed. Well, at least I can still count on the LuAnne and my other REAL friendsto be in my corner when the chips are down....
  24. Yah, but it's really hard finding a long enough skirt....
  25. At my age that's all I can handle...
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