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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Joe, If my memory is correct, there are a couple of steps missing from this recipe. First, the roaster needs to be a "polished aluminum" roaster. The last step is to continue cooking until aluminum roaster starts to melt. Then, throw out contents and eat roaster..... But then, guys in the Navy were never too picky about their food. As long as it was hot, plentiful and available, they would eat it.. And hot was not an absolute... :rotfl:
  2. Never wooda thunk o that one. :rotfl:
  3. Once again we reinvent the wheel. About 4-5 years ago someone here started collecting recipes for a Venture Cook Book. Still waiting for that one......
  4. Uhhhh, the only problem I can see with that unit is.... How is he going to convince Mrs Eck that he needs a "new" phone????? :rotfl:
  5. Boy, that really sucks. Hope things work out, both for a recovery and the coverage. Or, you could take the better person position and accept that whomever took it just needed it more than you. (yah... right) :rotfl:
  6. personal experience.... Tried one somewhat like that a few years back when I had my 1300 1st Gen. Mine had a screw jack type of assembly which I could lower to the ground, run the front wheel into the chock and then raise the wheel off the ground using the screw jack assembly. Simply stated, it was less than satisfying. Bike would not track. Found out the upright was a few degrees off. This caused the bike to lean adversely effecting tracking and increasing tire wear. Sent it back to the manufacturer detailing the problems. Was really surprised when they contacted me and acknowledged that the welding jig had been misaligned and causing the problems I addressed with them.
  7. Yup... it can happen to the best of them... and to old ferts like us. (you too Paul)
  8. Welllll, actually me thinks it would have to be "Notopoff". :bang head: But then, someone did saw we would be passing another station about 5 miles down the road........... and I always listen to what I'm told. :rotfl: However, as I am now the proud owner of a "can of shame" , we should not have that problem in the future.....
  9. :rotfl: Heck, I don't even take "spare" fuel with me on short runs though Yellowstone. :bang head:
  10. Ouch...... :rotfl: But he did post one pic of them at least in the trailer.......
  11. Well, as they say... One man's hobby is another man's obsession... But did you note that none of them appear to have been customized by crunch....
  12. Not wanting to rain on your parade, but if you have oil in your coolant, there is a fairly good chance that you also have coolant in your oil. Need to get that coolant out of your oil as it can play hell with your engine. Degloss and cavitation pitting of the bearings, cause frothing of the oil and degrading of the lubricating properties of the oil. Would also suggest a pressure test to determine if you have a bad head gasket.
  13. Very nice selection of fling wings. Should have my new Art-Tech Hughes 300 Special Edition 400 class within the next few days. Being here in MN, have also been considering getting the 185 Skywagon Float plane. But not sure if I can convince the Finance Officer that I need a fixed wing.....
  14. :rotfl:Heck Squidley.... everyone on this site is younger than you...
  15. Still waiting for my new RC Heli to arrive. But with the number of members who are into RC flying, both fixed and fling wing, maybe we should try and organize a "fly-in" somewhere. Just a thought.....
  16. Whether it be the traveling wall or the actual monument in DC, a visit should be on everyone's bucket list. Particularly those who did not have the opportunity (for whatever reason) to take part in the SE Asia War Games......
  17. The bike has always been a bit top heavy, and IMHO a real pig in a parking lot. One of the reasons I downsized to the Virago 1100..... Had to get me an OF ride... now I just need to get it off the
  18. Daughter and son-in-law have one and love it. And Nissan is definately consumer oriented...... Have found that whenever we determine there has been a problem or an issue with their vehicles they are more than willing to step up to the plate and do the right thing.
  19. OK. Dummy question. Is it 3 hours faster... or 21 hours slower????? In other words, are you gaining or losing time? It does make a difference.
  20. As you will be travelling with TWO HD's, I'd be a bit concerned if the hack will be big enough to carry all the parts that you will be picking up along the way. :rotfl: Sorry. The devil made me say that. As Eagleeye stated, you should have no worries..
  21. Have been using mine for going on 5 years now. IMHO it is one of the best things the VA ever did for me. Find I can't sleep without it now. Give it more time and you will be amazed at the change.
  22. Now this brings back many not so fond memories. At those temps my teeth would be chattering too loud to worry about any noise the truck was making. Sorta makes me glad I retired in the south....
  23. Wolf,,,,,, Wolf,,,,,,, Wolf
  24. Have yopu tried the SPAM Bacon????? :rotfl:
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