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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. I could probably answer your question if I knew what "poignant" meant. Had a girlfriend from New Jersey once who thought she was poignant, but she was mistaken....
  2. While it has been difficult to obtain an accurate count, it is estimated that over 30,000 Canadians enlisted/drafted into the US Forces to serve in Vietnam. For additional information visit http://www.cvva.ca/
  3. Just in case anyone wants to put this on their calander.... We are very proud to announce the 2012 Patriot Ride in Ham Lake, MN. This is the 7th Year of Minnesota Motorcyclists are making a difference for our military here and abroad. Sponsored by Dennis Kirk this ride came from the idea that citizens needed to do more to show their support in more ways than just slapping a ribbon magnet on their cars. Last year just over $100,000 was raised to support the MN Patriot Guard and the Minnesotans' Military Appreciation Fund. That money makes a meaningful difference to those in uniform from Minnesota. What really matters is that you show up and show you care. The crowd size, the cheers, and the tears all help make up the biggest military support ride in the Midwest. Along with the vendors and military equipment displays is a special Moving Wall. Many of you have seen a Vietnam Moving Wall before and wondered at the sacrifice. This year our friends from the Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association are bringing down the Canadian Moving Wall. I was personally stunned to learn that 121 Canadians enlisted in the US Military and made the ultimate sacrifice. How they must have felt watching the draft dodgers going the other way to Canada as they were coming to America to enlist.
  4. Yes, I am still watching. And It's really nice to see that we can have a friendly discussion on a controversial topic without anyone pushing the envelope off the table.... Thanks everyone.
  5. Don, You really need to be careful taking that ax on the road with you. Just read about a traveling guitarist that got himself arrested for fingering A Minor...........
  6. And the countdown clock has now ben activated.
  7. Oh, this just raises soooo many questions but I'll play nice today..... :rotfl:
  8. Here I am, a day late and a dollar short.... again. Was going to say that you could just come back up to the Pork in the Pines this year and we would use your bike as the project for this year and Bubber could practice welding on your side stand. :rotfl:
  9. Not really. But then maybe it's just my age showing..
  10. From what I see in the photos it looks like he picked up a nail/screw. Were you using Ride-On????
  11. Huh???? Was I just dis'd or what......
  12. Congrats Jack. A few more years and you will catch up with Condor....:rotfl:
  13. This will probably last a full 30 seconds before heading south,but having spend over 30 years in federal law enforcement these types of incidents really ring my bell. http://www.charter.net/news/read.php?rip_id=%3CD9TU8E601%40news.ap.org%3E&ps=1011
  14. Or try McMaster-Carr www.McMaster-Carr.com And don't forget they are metric size.
  15. Don't let it go to your head. Even a blind pig can find an acorn once in a while.... :rotfl:
  16. While I don't often do it, I am inclined to agree with Condor on this one.
  17. Now that's funny.... Sad, but :rotfl: funny
  18. And they say lightning never strikes twice in the same place :rotfl: or did they forget to vent the labs?????
  19. Was wondering the same thing myself this past week end. Hoping all is going well with his recovery.
  20. Now that he has lost so much weight, once he went airborn we would have to run over to NoDak to pick him up. :rotfl: :rotfl:
  21. Lesson learned, eh. Hope you didn't get hurt too bad......
  22. Now THAT is one scary thought......:rotfl:
  23. Good... er, no GREAT move there Chief. Glad to see that there are many folks who do more than pay lip service to the vets.
  24. Thanks for sharing. Passed it along to the other board members and the State PIO.
  25. See what happens when you volunteer to be a Moderator. Everyone starts coming to you for assistance..... And, I'm sure that being the great guy you (as well as all other moderators) are, you immediately wired him all that he asked for plus a tad bit more for those miscellaneous expenses that were sure to pop up. :rotfl::rotfl:
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