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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. From what??????
  2. Lower MPG and higher repair cost. Now if that ain't a boone to the economy I don't know what is. And MN is talking about going to E-20. :bang head:
  3. Clutches are highly overrated.
  4. What? No homemade baked beans this year.... Well, I guess retirement is a priority.....
  5. Just wondering if any members plan on attending. http://thepatriotride.org/ride.php The Canadian Vietnam Vets Assoc (CVVA) traveling wall will also be on dispay.
  6. Even funnier is what is happening to the boat they took off the trailer.
  7. Sweet find. Good luck on the restoration.
  8. Just got off the phone with Bob. He is chipper and feeling better. Hopes to be discharged sometime today if all goes well.
  9. Just my 2 cents worth here. This is an excellent trailer and you won't find a better deal anywhere. The rally committee has gone to a lot of trouble to get this trailer and it would be a real disappointment to everyone if the ticket sales came up shart. So, if you are looking for a trailer or looking to up grage your existing trailer this would be an excellent opportunity.
  10. If you have a few hundres to spare, I can hook you up with the best custom flame painter in the area. Veeeeeeeeeery pricie but he does excellent work. Does most of the flame work on the custon street rods in the area.
  11. Sounds like you may have a damaged spark plug cap or sprk plug lead which is allowing the electrical to flow to ground when they get wet. You could put the bike in a dark area. Then yse a spray bottle to mist the area and see if you get any corona.
  12. Most everyone here was 29 at one time. Trouble is, the majority can't remember just when that was.
  13. Well I am somewhat, nearly almost semi retired (again). Been trying to work 3 days a week, and some weeks I can actually pull it off..... It's great if you can make it work for you. Good luck
  14. In my previous life my partner and I came out of a 24 hour small tire shop and found an idiot trying to break into our PBW with a coat hanger. We wander over and began making small talk and offering suggestion to the guy on how to get into the vehicle. After about 5 minutes I ask him if he thought it would be easier with a key. He laughed and said it sure would be. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the key and my partnet put the collar on him. Told him that in addition to it being easier to get into the car, we could also provide him a ride.... to the cop shop. Guy didn't know whether to sh.. or go blind.
  15. Bit hard to do with the trailer queen, but if I remember correctly lane splitting is legal in CA.....
  16. Oh to be young and invincibly again.....
  17. Why single out this morning?????
  18. :bang head: Dang. No Fat Tire.... AGAIN BTW. Yah coming up this year? We missed you and Lina (and the Fat Tire) last year. Had to settle for Moose Drool :rotfl:
  19. Dan, Was that Colorado????? If yes, do I win a Fat Tire?
  20. Good to know. Thanks for sharing.
  21. "Then who shall guard the guards?" http://www.charter.net/news/read.php?id=17490515&ps=931&srce=news_class&action=5&lang=en&_LT=UNLC_NKNWU00L5_UNEWS Don't it just make you feel so safe as you're standing therre waiting to be groped......
  22. If anyone is in the market. Nothing for the Queen's ride, but Bike Bandit ( www.bikebandit.com ) has a tire sale going on.
  23. Yah Right.......
  24. Guess you never saw that Dodge commercial where the old lady says "Don't you buy no ugly truck." On the better ide, I can say we have only had occassion to examine two burned up Avalanches.....
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