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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Still can't get used to calling it Thunder Bay. It was Port Arthur when I was working there as a cook in Dinty's Restaurant. First KFC Franchise in Canada. Had the pleasure of meeting Col Sanders there.
  2. Time is getting short. So thought I would resurrect this one to get another chance at seeing how many folks will be coming to the 10th Year Anniversary Homecoming dance. Even if this will be your first experience at the PIP, any and all are welcome. Can't imaging a better, economical way to wrap up your riding season. Three days of camping, eating some of the best fixin's you can get outside of your momma's kitchen, meeting some of the best (or maybe the strangest) friends you never knew you had, a chance to pick the brains of everyone on maintenance issues, and maybe even some riding.
  3. See, yah lern something new every day from this site. Thanks for the tip,,
  4. Anyone else on the site raising worms?
  5. Was not aware that altitude sickness came in bottles :innocent-emoticon:. But that is the great thing about this site. I learn something new every day......
  6. OK... Who is the artist for the Eat-ride tune? If Squidley was more active here he would be pushing to have it adopted as the VR Theme song....
  7. And environmentally friendly too boot.
  8. Well Condor I am 73 years young, and until this last medical issue put me down I was still on two wheels. But it looks like my riding days are done. To you other old times, ride on and enjoy every minute you can.
  9. Maybe a bit reckless with the truth.... but never a lie. Or, as I like to say..... "It's my story and I can tell it any way I want to."
  10. Boy we have come a long was since Potato Creek 1. Now we are dangling trailer raffle tickets to get folks to attend the International Rally. Guess there was one one willing to offer up tail feathers.
  11. Been down that road several times myself in the past few years. You have my sympathy.
  12. Count me in. Someone has to keep an eye on Bubber and the rest of you old reprobates.
  13. That is one place I have always wanted to visit. A school mate of mine has lived up there for the past 50+years and he would never consider returning to "civilization". His brother also pulled a 5 year stint there with the pony soldiers (RCMP). Hope it works out for you and you get to make the tip. Will be waiting to see the photos at the (shameless plug here) Pork in the Pines 10 year reunion.....
  14. That ain't no real campground. Where is the rooster? Just ask Bubber. Can't have a campground without a rooster....... But is sure is purdy.
  15. Never too late Tom. You can send a cheque to Bubber or, if you prefer you can do a PayPal to me at CFAS4U@Charter.net. Looking forward to seeing you folks again. Will be bringing my new acoustic electric guitar for you to play.Will also have the Fender with me....
  16. That's the spirit. Will be keeping and eye out for you. It's a great fun weekend and you can't beat the food. And the price is right.
  17. If I'm not in the hospital I am planning on being there. :missingtooth:
  18. You know (I hope), that it is not a hard line rule that you must show up on a mc to attend the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. Every one is welcome regardless of how you get there.
  19. I don't know man. Those one night stands always seem to be cheap and superficial.....
  20. OK.... Finally made it down to the mail box and the patches were there. Believe me folks, Red1 and Bubber did and excellent job on getting the patch designed and sewn. The sale of the patches has been a bit slow and we are hoping they will pick up. So, if you are planning on getting a patch (or two) let Bubber know.
  21. Snoring is not his problem. He gets up at the crack of dawn and starts crowing........
  22. Gary, hope you don't mind my changing the font color. It was just too hard to read, and Lord knows we don't need to be giving folks any more excuse not to make the meeting,,,,,
  23. Bubber, you missed one name. Mich B sent his money in by PayPal. Check your PM's....
  24. Happy birthday you young whipper snapper. I often reflect back on our time in Cody and you hitting on all the ladies at the café. If I promise not to tell too many tales, any chance you can make it to the tenth anniversary Pork in the Pines Homecoming?
  25. OK folks. The patches should be delivered soon to Bubber and we need a lot more folks ordering a patch to cover the cost.
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