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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. If you can get into your trunk or luggage, the key code should also be on the lock assembly. Or just remove one lock assembly and take it to your local locksmith. Much easier than removing the ignition lock assembly.
  2. Quick question. DO you need my address for sending out the quilt Sounds like you folks have really been working your tails off to make this years rally memorable and us no-shows miserable......
  3. Well, as my grandson would say..."it isn't far if you go real fast."
  4. Someone needs to balance things out. With all the folks getting shipped north from Texas the state would be purdy much empty otherwise.
  5. Wishing you all the best in your new venture (pun)
  6. They are just so much fun. I am scheduled for another one on Aug 7th. Really gives one something to look forward to. Guess we are just not as young and invincible as we once were.
  7. Ouch.....cold, but true...
  8. Great photos. Looks like a good time was had by all. Thanks for sharing.
  9. What's wrong with this picture??? All that work you did replacing stators on everyone elses bikes in Cody and now yours craps out. Bring the bike to the Pork in the Pines and we can find someone to work on it for you....
  10. Rick, Come up to the Pork in the Pines and we can probably help you with that 2d gear issue. And feed you some of the best food you have had since you left home....
  11. Two black ones....... but no "tail" feathers
  12. That you will need to take up with the hosting committee.....
  13. Just thought I would give everyone an advance viewing of the 2012 International Rally Long Rider trophy.
  14. So Jack, Are you saying that Crazy Glue is the new duck tape?????
  15. Glad too see that I am not the only one that has poor, deprived grand kids in need of the essentials....
  16. Damon. Just an FYI. You may not get a response to this inquiry. Circuit rider is no longer an active member and has not been on the site since April 2010.
  17. Sorry to hear about Renate's back problem. Hope it resolves itself with no lasting problems. As for the pup at the PIP. No issuess as far as I'm concerned.... but it's Gary and Ann's property......
  18. What's the issue? Just to a tandum tow..... :rotfl:
  19. Nah. He was probobly just wearing that purdy white sailor hat and she had a flashback to a bygone era.
  20. Sorry to hear about his set back. He made it to the Pork in the Pines last year and I thought his health was improving. Could always count on him to brighten my mornings with his E-mails. Wishing him all the best for an improvement in his condition as he needs to be around a lot longer so I have someone to keep me out of trouble with the ladies.....
  21. Cute. But I wonder how it opens to load....
  22. And I always thought that Friends don't left friends move to Nova Scotia.....
  23. Glad to see it slowed everyone down. Also, did you notice that he had his temp tag in the back pack where he was stuffing the broken parts?????
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