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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. That's what meter maids rode back in the 50's. So Bill, does it come with the chalk stick????
  2. So, we have my "Trailer Queen". MikealiasMike's "Trailer King". And now, Dingy's "Trailer Princess"???? Looks like we have the makings of a Royal Straight....
  3. Have fun in Bismarch..... (yah right!) You gonna be able to make the PIP this year????
  4. Always room for more help. And many hands make work light. Besides that, I could sure use more eyes to keep Bubber and Gary in line. Otherwise we could end up with wings and who knows what else on the roaster. SO, take a break from the heat and come up for a day of Manuel labor.
  5. Jeez Squidley. You need to man up. A little screaming, crying, wanting to really hit something, and sucking up the oxycodone is good for the sole. And as they say, what doesn't kill you (even though you swear you would need to die to feel better) makes you stronger. And you really haven't lived until a stone blocks the urinary tract.....
  6. If you go to "Our Place" for breakfast, tell the ladies that Lowell said hello.....
  7. Yah... I heard your best political voice at PC1.... "Cut em" "Cut em" "Cut em" But then, as they say "Those were the days my friend."
  8. I don't think it is called a lose when the other parties "CHEAT".
  9. Let me see if I remember this correctly. Squidley: "Don't worry man. I got your back" Black Owl: "Thanks" Squidly(chanting): "Cut them. Cut them. Cut them". Is that about right?????
  10. Ha. Another country heard from. Yah, every one at Potato Creek 1 knows how YOU count.
  11. It is a sad day fors ol pickers like Freebird and a few others. The Queen of Country Music, Ms Kitty Wells, has passed on. Next to Willie, she was one of my favorite old time country singers.
  12. Yah know you are supposed to let sleeping dogs lay don't yah? Besides that, who could be trusted to do the count? Huh, huh, huh.....
  13. If they don't stop in for a brew, and the company, it will definately be their loss. Hey, here's a thought. If they don't stop in, you could just send me the brew..... Sure did enjoy it (and the Sneeky Pete) at Cody....
  14. Sounds like a great trip. And if you are going through Yellowstone, remember to gas up,,,
  15. Hmmmm, let me see Pork in the Pines... Aug 31 thru Sept 3. Wedding (and it's about time someone made you legitimate) Sept 15. Pork in the Pines, Laporte, MN. Wedding Marine City, MI Distance from Laporte, MN to Marine City, MI 870 miles. I do believe it's doable.... So, should we put you down for 1 or 2 ?????
  16. SO, since the response was to be limited to those who were coming to the Pork in the Pines this year, based on your response can we take it Momma is going to allow you to attend again?????? And yes we do have Cheesecake up here in fly-over land. Maybe not as good as someone's, but we do have it...
  17. I am in the process of laying out the menu for the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. So, does anyone who is planning on attending have any requests for a special item or side dish? If so, please let me know and we will try to accomodate you. Thanks.....
  18. If all else fails, you could consider a short (1000 mile) run up to the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast over the Labor Day long week end. There will be a lot of folks in attendance who have extensive experience with the 1st Gens.
  19. Well, it's been a day or two (1968) since I have had any extended conversations with the boys from down under. But, to the best of my recollection, Footie is a sort of combination volleyball/soccer that they play under the name of "football".But then you know what they say. If you want it really screwed up, get an Aussie to do it. (Sorry Annie... I couldn't help myself)
  20. Have you done a search of the members in TN? That should give you some idea if there is anyone living close to you.
  21. Have no idea what they are worth now, but I can tell you what I paid for mine Hope that helps.....
  22. Many tests done by DNR agencies around the country have established that they do not work.... Save your money.
  23. Jack, May you find comfort in your memories.
  24. Jack, Our thoughts are with you at this time of sorrow.
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