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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Sheez. Gotta teach them northerners everything. Three drives = a drove. So.... If you drives, Marilyn drives and Big Bob drives, that's one drove. And... three droves = a whole bunch.....
  2. Check your PM's... Any and all comers are more than welcome to try to dethrone the master..... MikealiasMike came real close last year but..... as they say, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.... :rotfl:
  3. I think Bubber is still looking for a couple of four foot stacks.... :rotfl: :rotfl:
  4. Black Owl


    Heck Rick... I think Marilyn could keep up with the "BIG BOYS" on a Honda 150. But as for the Vstar 1100, you are right on the money...... Almost as good as the Virago 1100....
  5. Hey, hey hey.... The liars and Fryers campfire doesn't start til Friday night. Then you can start your whoppers about how much work you had to do on the new roaster, etc, etc, etc. :stirthepot:
  6. Any word from Pakidaho, Ride2much, NRXtreme or Idaho Ron concerning the fire in Idaho?
  7. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel..... No. Did yah miss the line that said 18 and older. No were did it menition Older that dirt..... And going neekid to the Frozen Chosen Cheese Fest just don't seem to have the same appeal....
  8. That's the problems with you old retired Navy guys... No imagination And Bubber.... What about a neekid Pork in the Pines.... Huh, huh, huh..... All accept the cook that is. That rooster is only wait high and could get dang hot...
  9. I think our "friends" in Florida have been holding out on us. Checked the events calander and could not find any mention of this event. It seems that the Sunsport Garden in Loxahatchee, FL is hosting thie annual End of Summer Naked Bash. In an attempt to increase participation they have extended an open invitation to visitors 18 & older to join them for a fun filled, naked week end..... My sources also tell me that helmets are optional..... So how come this was not posted on the calander?????
  10. Well it definately isn't me. My hair is silver and I'm way better looking. You sure it ain't Squidly after a loooooog week end????
  11. Welcome to the funny farm. Where the inmates run the institution. As the scoot is at least 12 years of age, I would recommend that you also consider swapping out the spark plug leads. They do tend to become brittle and crack... A simple way to check is to put the scoot in a darkened area and check for corona (stray electrical arcing) while running.
  12. Withoutadoubt, the best BBQ is at the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast. So start packing your bags. As for BBQ Sauce, I have always been partial to Silver Dollar BBQ Sauce.
  13. Sorry to hear about your break down. But there are some definate advantages to having a trailer Queen. And, since you are in a car, you might just as well swing a bit east and do the Pork in the Pines again. Were planning an even better menu this year. So, if you and Grump come, come hungry.
  14. He is well, but working harder than ever since retiring. He has been doing a bit of fishing (when it's not too hot) and keeping busy trying to catch up on all those little things he didn't have time for while working. He also just purchased a new computer and is the proces of getting it set up and should be back on line soon. Like most of us, he has found out that retirement is a hard job.....
  15. Ifn yah don't tell us, than we are gonna have to start guessing.... My guess is an engraved Silver Swine cup to be awarded to the city, state, province having the most members in attendance at the Pork in the Pines..... Did I win??????
  16. Heck. When I was with the (govt) I was cleared all the way up to Disney Land and points west. Does that count?????
  17. If anyone really wants to know, it is the cross member for the heel toe shift floorboard assembly for the 1986- 1989 model years. Sheez....
  18. Well, the last I heard there was going to be another challange this year. It is also my understanding that "he" is going to be cheating AGAIN by having his lovely and talanted wife make those Sin e moan rolls. So Bubber what is the Secret project???? Can we eat it or sleep with it??????? :duck:
  19. As you totally avoided the 2011 Pork in the Pine Pig Roast, maybe you would consider putting it on your schedule for 2013. The dates will be Aug 31 thru Sep 2. Then you could leave for Utah, Portland or whereever...... Yah know MN ain't all that bad, regardless of what you hear about flyover land....
  20. Heck... Two is always better than one....
  21. Jeez Bubber, The last "numbers" challenge I was in I ended up loosing my tail feathers. Those guys from Ohio can't count straight..... Hope you didn't wager your mustache.....
  22. Nope. You must be on someone's "special" list....
  23. From the condition of the weld that I started on the stack, I might just as well have had my eyes closed . Come to think about it, I did.....
  24. Well, looks like no one has any special request for food. So, I am locking this thread and you will be stuck with whatever the committee decides on.
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