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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. What? Married 2 hours and still has time to come visit the sight....:rotfl:
  2. When your wife says "What?". It's not that she didn't hear you. She just wants to give you a chance to correct what you just said.
  3. There are days when my house is nothing but doors....
  4. "Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was? Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses. Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an event boundary in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next. Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new locale." It's not aging, it's the door!
  5. "Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was? Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses. Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an event boundary in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next. Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new locale." It's not aging, it's the door! :rotfl:
  6. Hmmmmm, So, just how far is it from Hertford, NC to Deadwood, SD to go camping overnight????
  7. ... and toothaches, broken bones.... etc etc...
  8. Yay.... but it sure don't improve his looks any.
  9. When I had my 86, I used coated picture wire. Cut the wire to the desired length (personal choice) Affix terminal ring connects on both ends of the wires. Attach wires to one of the bolts holding the latch and to the catch. The picture wire comes in various diameters and is very flexible. Using the coated wire prevents any abrading on the edge of the case.
  10. Old news. This is now the third time this topic has been posted.
  11. Hoping a few ore folks will jump on the wagon and send him a thank you note. HINT HINT HINT
  12. Bubber, Got a call yesterday from John to let me know you have sent him an E-mail thanking him for hosting the PIP breakfast. To say the least, he appreciated it.
  13. Almost forgot. Here is the E-mail address for John Pagels. John is the Electrical Engineer that has hosted the breakfast at the Pork in the Pines for the past three years. jpagels@pagelsengineering.com So, if you would like to shoot him a quick thank you note it would be greatly appreciated.
  14. And a couple of beers, eh.... :rotfl:
  15. By no means an RV tech. I get to look at them after the heaters work too well.... But, if it has been sitting for a while, you might want to check for spiders nesting in the ignitor or the burner. They can be a real PITA......
  16. And now, as Paul Harvey would say, here is the real story. The re-designed cooker worked better than anticipated and took about 2 hours off the cooking time and cut the use of charcoal considerably. Have a couple of further design changes to try with the cooker and we are going to have the guest of honour butchered a little different for next year to make him easier to handle. It was great to see old friends, and to meet new ones, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. We had a decent turn out, but as usual, I was a bit disappointed in the meager showing by the MN members. But then they are Minnesotans. My thanks to all the folks who jumped in to help with some of the mundane tasks. Cooking breakfast. Had to fire Bubber (again). But his replacement (Renata) was a quick learner, and much easier on the eye. Marilyn, you definately have a way with the eggs. Terri, making the salads, slicing and dicing. Heck, can't forget Red1 who jumped in and sliced the peppers for the Taco's on Sunday. And the biggest help of all.... the clean up. Thought I was going to run out of pots and pans to cook with :rotfl: but Marilyn, Laura, Renata, Terri, Rick, Red1 and a few others that slip my mind right now jumped in and saved the day. Yupper. The fresh blueberries for the pancakes are always appreciated. Thanks also to Tom, Rod and Chicago Dan for the musical interlude. Never realized we had so much talent disguised in all that leather. It definately made the liars and fryers campfires more entertaining. And to those that jumped in and helped with the heavy lifting when it came time to load and unload the cooker. To those who donated items for the drawing Sat evening. Thank you. Tomphil. Whose generosity in donating his 50/50 winnings to the kitty for next year was definately not expected but much appreciated. And last, but by no means least ALL who showed up to help us wind down the riding season. Without you, the Pork in the Pines would be, uh, well nothing... Thanks much for coming and we sure hope you come back next year. Oh, wait. I forgot Bubber. Where is Bubber???? Still trying to figure out who finally clued him in about the Pig Hat...... Have also attached a few more pixs. Thanks one and all. And we are already planning for next year. August 30 thru Sep 2. Mark you calanders and bring your friends.
  17. OK... I'll just wait until you're finished so I only have to make one post to render an "accurate" accounting of the events....
  18. Uhhh. Did you forget that this is Minnesota? The land of 10,000 bars. Sarge can't transport enough beer to get us sober as a judge....
  19. How true. Depending on who's stats you look at, you can loose from 12 - 17% in fuel economy using E85..... But we are saving the environment. With all the corn going to ethanol, less feed for livestock and human consumption. This results in less Methane gas release into the air...... :rotfl: Gotta love those environmentalist. Go hug a tree (or make luv to a porcupine)
  20. Well, how is this for stupid. The EPA is getting ready to mandate E15 in all gasoline. I just purchased a new pressure washer with a Honda gas engine. Warning label on the engine states it is a violation of Federal law to run E-15 or E-85 in the engine..... Duh
  21. You ain't foolin me. You just want to get there in time to splash some water on your face, rub a little dirt on your hands, and then tell everyone how harrrrrrd you been working. and there better not be no 4 foot stacks.... :bang head: :bang head:
  22. No hard fast time for breakfast. Just sort of laid back and as the guests wander in we fed em. Just like visiting with family.... I will have Bubber up about 4AM () to start getting things ready. The I figure I can wander in about 6, check to see that he has done it right, grab a cuppa and work from that.
  23. OK. So, regardless of what Bubber will try and tell you, it isn’t exactly like "Hell’s Kitchen". It’s the "Oil Can Café". :rotfl:And this is what is on the menu for the 2012 Pork in the Pines week-end. Friday evening Black Owl’s world famous Sweet Chili Saturday Breakfast Eggs.. Cooked to order (As long as you order scrambled) Sausage... Links or patties O’brian hash browns Pancakes Orange juice, coffee Dinner Roasted whole hog Roast Turkey w/Moose drool dressing and gravy Old fashion potato salad Cole slaw Green garden salad w/assorted dressings Romaine Asian Waldorf salad Pasta salad Fried cabbage & fresh pea pods w/malt vinegar Fried cabbage w/horse radish Corn on the cob Eagle Eye baked beans Logging camp bread pudding Sunday Breakfast Same as Saturday Lunner (late lunch early dinner) Pulled pork sandwiches Hispaniola pork fajita (Chefs special) Assorted salads And, there are still several openings for kitchen help
  24. All great recommendations to date. But, if you really want it "fixed", bring it up to the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast next week end. We are in need to a "project bike" to work on now that Mikealiasmike had to back out for some feeble excuse.....
  25. Yah.... what he said. And don't forget the food. Heck, we could even figure out some way to put it on a stick if you are into that kind of thing. Any you sure can't beat the price....... So, just jump on the scoot and we will keep the light on for yah....
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