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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. You're right. Their coffee is passible.... And they have the absolute best biscuits and gravy. Unfortunately, they have not ventured into flyover land yet.
  2. Boy, yah know... if it wasn't so dang far, and I wasn't so busy, and if the snow clouds were not gathering, and if......... and if....... I would be more than happy to dig through some dung (wonder if buffalo eat coffee beans) and make you a pot or two......
  3. Boy, the things I learn on this site. Did not know that they were growing coffee in Canada. Or is it strickly limited to BC?????
  4. Now you got me thinking. Even more than Who or How. WHY???? :doh:
  5. Personally, I think Mickie D's has the best coffee around. And it tastsd the same no matter where you go..... But there are some who apparently have a different opinion. Here’s a coffee that will really wake you up: the brew, the reportedly most expensive in the world, is made from beans found in elephant dung. Black Ivory Coffee, sold in the Maldives and Thailand, will cost you $1,100 per kilogram-- yes, that’s over $1K for coffee passed through the digestive systemhttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png of a Thai elephant. The makers of the brew celebrate the coffee for its natural refinement, stating, “Research indicates that during digestion, the enzymes of the elephant break down coffee protein. Since protein is one of the main factors responsible for bitterness in coffee, less protein means almost no bitterness.” With the coffee coming in at over $1,000 per kilogram, drinkers would be paying over $50 per cup. The makers also point out that only about 50 kilograms of the coffee are available, making the expensive product even more difficult to obtain-- that is, if you’re really dying to try it. For now, we’ll learn to appreciate the bitterness of the cheap Starbucks househttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png blend. Read more: http://www.thedailymeal.com/pricey-coffee-made-elephant-dung#ixzz29eulOmVU And if this don't leave a crappy taste in your mouth, I can't imagine what would.
  6. I Seafoam every fall before I store the scoot. I also Seasform the chain saws, lawn mower, etc and the snow blower in the spring. Have yet to have a problem with any of them. Others may have had a different experience.......
  7. Try Budget. Rented a full size Chev Malibu from them this past summer when I drove to NC. Great rate and no additional mileage charge. Also, if you have USAA, they offer a discount.
  8. But you're retired. Why did you even care???????
  9. Just a suggestion. You might want to consider contacting Ron (Kantornado). He lives in Vegas, and if memory serves me correctly, we works at one of the casino's. Besides that, he and his wife are a real hoot.
  10. And you all think I am only a pretty face....
  11. Stopped in at my local Caribou Coffee shop this morning to pick up a cup. They have a daily trivia question. Answer it correctly and you get 10% off. Todays question is: What is Ethiopia's main commercial export crop? Don't know if anyone goes to Caribou Coffee or if they have the same trivia contest. But, if you do, and they do, believe me the answer IS NOT political refugees. Not sure if I will ever be welcome back in their shop.....
  12. Joe, Thanks for the recommendation. Even without an "Offender" button, the moderators are quick to spot an offending comment/thread. In fact, one is under review as we speak.
  13. Get me the info, full name, hospital address (with phone number), room number etc and I will get flowers sent. Also, If he is to be released soon, a home addd4ress and I will send the flowers there. Thanks
  14. AH, a cassette deck. Why didn't you say so in the first place....
  15. What's an Ipod????
  16. Just doing my little bit to be a good citizen and helping the community any way I can.
  17. Just had a purdy young lady come to the door looking for donations to help maintain the swimming pool at our local elementary school...... She said it would help keep the tax levy down. So I gave her a bottle of water.
  18. Oh yah.... Pain meds and beer. He'd be ready to go duck hunting with a rake....
  19. Just to let every one know. We just sent a get well floral arrangement to Larry. Your Special Activity Fund donations at work.........
  20. I think Squidly is trying to mess with what's left of my old grey matter. First he sez he wants a maintenance day in Cleveland. Then he says Houston. Well, I'll show him. If he can't make up his mind then i just ain't cummin.. or goin.....
  21. Let me know as soon as possible as to whether he will be in the hospital or at home and I will get a floral arrangement out to him from the SA Fund.
  22. Hey Yamagrl... Welcome to the funny farm. Hope you hang around for a while, become a supporting member (best $12.00 investment you will ever make) and get to know the folks here. I see you're riding an 84. Sweet ride.. Now, back to licking the windows.......
  23. SO, now you qualify for that CPP and OOP..... :rotfl: Happy birthday buddy.
  24. Uhhhh. Cleveland, Ohio??????? Guess I could trailer the Queen that far.....
  25. Me thinks it would be easier to build a new shop around the equipment. But then I was never into heavy lifting. Anything over 1 liter without foam was way beyond me......
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