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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. If you can put off tearing into the bike for a few days, I am driving down to MO for Wrong Ways wedding. I can swing by your place on Friday, May 3 and drop off my borescope for your to inspect the cylinder. Would pick it up on my way back Sunday. If this would help, you are more than welcome to us it.
  2. Sure sounds like a valve strike condition.
  3. Never heard of him. Any relation to Pete Seeger????
  4. Unfortunately, not going to be in the OBX until the last week of May.
  5. Brian, Put me down for one 5 inch and one 7 inch. Thanks much. Russell
  6. Aw come on Bob. You can always use a back up.
  7. Anne, What a pleasant surprise to wake up to this morning. I and the other members thank you so much for the donations for the Special Activities Fund (SAF) Your generosity is greatly appreciated. And it is acts such as this that make me proud to say that I am a member of this organization. You truly are an exceptional member. Thank you again.
  8. Duct tape... The working man's answer to the toughest questions.
  9. If you could talk her into rescheduling the wedding until late August, then you could do the Pork in the Pines on your way out to Idaho. So, yah got the gift 'o the gab? :rotfl: Come Party with a Pig.
  10. No. the floorboards for and 83 will not fit an 87.
  11. Like Maga2500 said. If it was properly registered in MN there should be a tag on the tongue. It is a lifetime registration and does not need to be renewed.
  12. Nahhhh.. Oil pressure and lubrication are highly over-rated. :rotfl:
  13. Not sure if this would classify as a cliché, but depending on the location of the cow this would be grammatically correct. :rotfl:
  14. What the He.., If Condor can have one, I want one too.
  15. Yah shudda been here when we could count the members without having to remove our shoes.... Then someone made a silly bet. :rotfl:
  16. LMAO. That ain't snow. Just a light dusting of frost.
  17. Yah should of been pushing a Hardley...
  18. Sure.... Just keep rubbing it in. We just got hit with another wind-rain-Ice and Snow storm over the week end. May a camel find your mess kit......
  19. Don't know about the 70's. I was much older then . But if you want to talk about the early 60's........
  20. Concerning the extractor tool you asked about. I have a set, and from my experience they do not work that good on round head Allen bolts.
  21. I would say it is 44.? But, since you have the assembly out, just read it from the back side.
  22. Earl, I'm a bit confused here. When you say "your" insurance adjuster, are you referring to the auto owners insurance or your home owners insurance. If you are dealing with the auto owners insurance, I would strongly recommend that you get your home owners insurance involved. Let the two insurance companies fight it out.
  23. If you're looking for "Studs in leather" you have my phone number. Actually, what type of leather and trinkets are you looking for? When I made the mud flaps for my trailer, I used baler belt which I picked up at the working man's mall (Fleet Farm).
  24. Do you have coolant fluid in your oil?
  25. Was it just the lead, or did you get some of the wood from the pencil down into the cylinder? It is never a good thing when you get Foreign debris down into a cylinder. Back in the day in another life you could really screw up someone's motor by stuffing string down into the cylinder. Now, being a straight arrow I would never do that myself, but that's what I have been told.....
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