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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Has anyone heard from or abut Sgt46? Has he headed up to the great white north? Is he back? Is he lost some place and riding around in circles? Curious minds want to know.
  2. OK folks, I know that more than 17 people will be attending this years Pork in the Pines. But that is the grand total of folks that have done us the curtesy of helping us plan for 3 days of food and drink. We have a new Chef handling the meal preparations this year and he (Bubber) needs all the help he can get. So, once more I am asking. Hell, I'm not above getting down on one knee and begging if that's what it takes to get you to let us know if you are coming.
  3. Just thought I would throw out High River as a site location as I have my fond memories of the area from when I was a rip snorting, saddle straddling real life cowboy working on the Prince of Wales ranch. Actually, I think you might actually be a bit surprised at the number of 'mericans that would show up.
  4. Hey, High River, Alberta, nestled in the foot hills of the Rockies would be an excellent location for holding an IR in Canada.
  5. Well Don, as you may well remember, the rally in Ft Collins proved that the committee (for lack of a better title) did not need to be on site to put together a great rally. Squidly was the driving force on that one from Michigan with folks from all around the country, and Canada, stepping up to give him a hand. Of course after all was said and done he swore he would never do another one. NC is way off he radar for me, but I am more than willing to give you any assistance I can from here in fly over land.
  6. And we will miss you also. Actually we miss JoDee more, but don't want to be giving you an inferiority complex.
  7. Well, the test was negative. Apparently it is a benign fat cell lump. Dr said they could remove it if I wanted. Told him I didn't need any more cutting than was absolutely necessary. Quote "Wishin for ya,,,, sorry about having to go through that,,, but maybe it has to do with size,,, so maybe size does count. Did you make sure they knew what gender you were?" Funny.... Actually, I told the technician doing the squeezing, what if I had know that I was going to be going through something like this, I would have gown em larger so they would have more to work with. She failed to see the humor in the comment.
  8. In addition to all my other medical issues, I have had a lump in my breast for the past year. My Primary Care Physician felt that it was probably a benign fat cell, but just to be on the safe side, he set me up for a mammogram. Now I know what if feels like to be caught between a rock and a hard place. So, fellas, if your sweetie is still of an age where mammograms are recommended, take pity on her. Cause it really does hurt like he77.
  9. Thanks for sharing. Looks like you folks were having a great time.
  10. Really sorry to hear that you will be unable to make PIP this year. But your health comes first. Will miss you as I really enjoy getting together with you. Hopefully you will be up to coming down next year.
  11. Just thought I would bump this once again in case anyone has forgotten about the Pork in the Pines pig roast which is fast approaching. We REALLY need to know how many are coming so we make sure we have enough food and drinks for everyone. So, please be so kind as to let us know if you are coming. Thanks much.....
  12. All you folks heading for Sturgis Ride Smart, Stay Safe and have a great time. Also try and keep MikealiasMike out of trouble
  13. When I heard that you had crashed (AGAIN), my first reaction was "Oh S...." I then checked to see if there was enough money in the SAF for either flowers or a funeral arrangement. There was, but thank goodness it won't be needed. Glad to hear only the bike got broken. You take care now........
  14. Bubber, If we have any patches left, can you put two aside for me. Tanks mucho.
  15. Actually, Ft Collins was the first "International Rally". And the count was 159 folks in attendance. The first VR get-to-gather was Potato Creek 1 and if memory serves me well there was a grand total of 39 folks in attendance from Canada and the US of A.
  16. NOW that would definitely be a different way to cook chili. If it didn't work out we will be more than willing to provide a stove, or even a camp fire over which you could cook your chili. So, bring it on. All challenges accepted.
  17. Congrats Short Haul. Hope you enjoy the trailer and that it serves you well.....
  18. Hey Freebird.... Did I win the trailer???????
  19. Bubber, Check your Email........
  20. There never has been any real competition for the chili. Some folks (no names given here) have made a weak effort to at what they call chili, but that's all it was. Actually, I think he just opened a few cans of Hormel. Or maybe it was that Campbells Road House. But there is always that off chance that someone else knows how to make chili.
  21. Would love to join you folks for the ride up. Unfortunately, I will already be at Gary's by the time you leave. Am going up Thursday to help get things set up. See you folks there. BTW. Watch your speed. the boys in maroon will be out in force looking to earn some revenue for the state.
  22. Got it. Will let Bubber know so he can get them sent to you. Or, if you are coming to PIP do you just want to pick them up?
  23. Food Friends Fun. Some come up to the 10th Anniversary Homecoming Pork in the Pines Pig Roast over the Labor Day long week end.
  24. Still a chance to get your 10th Anniversary Homecoming PIP Patch.
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