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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. The VIN shows this to be a 1983.
  2. :stirthepot: Yah always get more from Canada then you ask for. Beer, sex, whatever. That's just the way they are up there......
  3. Bieber is just payback for the 60's. Now let's see how many can remember what I'm talking about....
  4. Ouch!. But tell me true, is it now correct that all you French speaking Newfies are just Quebecque wannabe's?
  5. HEY! You can't be saying things like that aboot the pride of Canada (or at least Quebec).
  6. Hush Bubber. If Mikie hears that he may never bring JoDee again.
  7. Glad you made it back. Probably could have had a lot more folks offer to come pick you up if your beter half had been with you.... You are bringing her with you to the PIP aren't you????????(Bubber has been asking )
  8. That's not a stranger listening. It's good old Uncle Sam.......
  9. Just got a call from Mikealiasmike. He is broke down in MI near Sault Ste Marie. Sounds like his ignition switch failed. He is having the bike taken to a shop. But if there is anyone in the area that might be able to give him a hand he sure would appreciate it. His number is 1-515-351-1555. Thanks folks.
  10. OK. So I've followed all the recommendations and jumped through all the hoops and have reached this conclusion: The new protocol is still the pits. :bang head:
  11. Trying to figure out when they will be passing through. I have 2 Dr's appointments this afternoon. But if she can give me a shout on the cell phone 612-865-8232 would be great to see them again.
  12. In the for what it's worth column.... I like the "old way" better.
  13. It just seems that the truly good ones leave us way to soon. Please let me know as soon as anyone hears about the final arrangements so I can get a floral arrangement sent from the VR members.
  14. IMO If your going to the Weeping Radish, I strongly encourage ordering the 5 sausage sampler plate w/sauerkraut. It is a full meal.
  15. You may want to read the fuel info tag again. I don't recall all the info that is on the tag, but I do recall that reference to 91 octane was referring to a different octane testing method.
  16. Wanna bet? I never cease to be amazed at how hard some folks work to prove that stupid is alive and well....:rotfl:
  17. There should be (or at least there was when it left the factory) a label on the inboard side of the fuel filler access door telling you to use 87 Octane.
  18. Actually, he done real good getting to the wedding. But afterward, Dee asked if I could drive him back to the RV to make sure he got to the right one. Talk about the blind leading the blind. And before any of the wise acres from Cody say anything. No... I did not run out of gas!
  19. For those that may not be aware of it. Wrongway (Cheap Shot) and Dee got married this past week end down in MO. He must have done something right 'cause even the weather cooperated and the sun came out on Saturday for the wedding. Great turn out as there must have been over 100 people in attendance to wish them the best. Lots of adult refreshments flowing and a good time was had by one and all.
  20. Barry, Payment received. Thanks much
  21. The VA can help you trace the relatives.
  22. You should also inspect the connecting rod. With a valve strike there is a very good chance that you now have a bent rod. Good luck.
  23. This story just confirms my originals impression of you. A big Teddy Bear. One more observations. How come that puppy mansion isn't insulated and wired for heat and light? :rotfl: As for your choice of names. When you said naming them was really easy, the first thing that came to mind was that you named them Freebird, et al... Yah done good my friend...
  24. Well, I still have the pattern, but never did figure out why Painterman's booties were hanging up as I could not recreate the condition. The price of leather is going through the roof. Could make a set in leatherette (faux leather) if you would like to try a set.
  25. This George Jones song just fits so many people I have met over the years. Present company excluded of course... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luKmSLXukaw
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