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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Home Depot has their MC lit on sale for 89.00. (80.00 if you're a vet)
  2. "IF" I were to ride it... 3 easy days.
  3. Awoke to some really saddening news. Mike (aka MikealiasMike) Glover's wife JoDee's son passed away Friday. Please keep them in your thoughts as they struggle through this loss.
  4. Boomer... no need to worry about running into snow if you are thinking of coming up. (Getting home might be a different story)
  5. And if Bubber don't do nutting to screw it up, I have arranged to have great weather (for Minnesoda) this year. Warm sunny days and mild nights. See y'all there.
  6. As the bike is an 83, maybe your just getting down to the dredges of light left in the lamp....... Just a thought. :rotfl:
  7. Yah, I know. Just trying to be a good citizen and make it a bit easier on them. Heck, if they get their invitation to the Pork in the Pines Pig Roast early enough maybe they can attend one of these years....
  8. Does anyone, by chance, happen to know the correct Email address for the NSA? Want to try and save them some time and cut their expenses by just putting them on as a cc to my Emails. Thanks in advance. Russell
  9. Now you know how Sarges46 feels. In fact, I'm not even sure if Marilyn even lets him carry and tools with him any more.
  10. For those folks not of the mailing list, www.Motorcyclegear.com has a fantastic sale on rain gear going on right now. Foul weather jackets, normally listed for $99.00 are on sale for $35.00 Now since it only rains on the unloved, I don't need foul weather gear :rotfl:. But for the rest of yah....... well what can I say. (and the roof don't leak in the VentureRanger) Beat yah to it Bubber
  11. I thought we agreed never to talk about that.
  12. And the rooms overlooking the parking lot are only 96.32 per night.
  13. I thought the tag line across the bottom of the photo was interesting. Bikers Against Texting
  14. Hey Don, Where's that "special" you're number 1 icon when we need it????:rotfl:
  15. Hang it off the back end. The way those bikes smoke it would be cured before you got out of state...
  16. That would need to be an underhand pitch. Can't hurt them poor unfortunates yah know...
  17. See, no matter what they say. I'm more than just a pretty face.:rotfl:
  18. Showers? Nobody said nuttinn bout no showers. A garden hose with a spray nozzle maybe..... real men don't need no shower!:rotfl:
  19. In the sign in block on the left side of the screen... click user CP. On the screen that comes up, second block down on the left side... click edit signature. Then edit signature picture/whatever. click save.
  20. Red Blooded 'merican....... Guns, Guts and Pick up trucks...
  21. Sturm Ruger just announced that they will be opening a new plant in Mayodan, NC. Plan to hire 1200 employees with production to start early 2014.
  22. If that don't give them riders bragging rights nothing will. The idiot(from Minnesota no less) in the red car sure wasn't helping any.
  23. Just in case anyone is interested. Was out at COPART in Ham Lake MN today and noticed that they have a burned up GW Trike which will be going up for auction. Heavy fire damage to the front of the bike by just a lot of melted plastic over the rear (trike) assembly.
  24. Dang it Tom. You beat me too it. I was going to ask if it could pull a trailer.
  25. Don't know if Porsche had any input on the V4. But they did work with HD on the Evolution frame. And the water cooled engine was designed by Honda for HD.
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