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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. I'm sure that is what she was seeing in her mind... But time does have a way of taking its toll on all of us.
  2. :rotfl: and my wife tells me I am also..... But I had enough sense to get rid of the bell bottoms and paisley shirts
  3. Went past a "lady" on the street yesterday and had an immediate flash back to the 60's. Leather mini skirt, 5 inch spike thigh high Nancy boots, sheer blouse. Oh the memories that ran through my mind. Only problem was, she must have been 60 if she was a day and weighed in around 300 pounds. And enough lipstick to cover a barn. Now I gotta go get my eyes tested again.... :bang head::bang head:
  4. LOL. Already doing that. The problem with Charter is that they have too many customers for their equipment capabilities. During peak usage time, from about 10am until 3:30-4pm, their service is sporadic at best. They have sent out personnel and even supervisors to check the lines, my equipment, etc and they just can't seem to do anything about it. So, every time it goes down, I call them to file a complaint. They take the charges off my bill. But that doesn't begin to make up for the inconvenience to my clients. If it didn't cost me an arm and a leg to change service provides I would have dumped them long ago.
  5. Not trying to be a SA, but I just turned on the new computer. It came with all these things they call apps (which I have no idea what they are or how they work. But one was titled Solitaire. Clicked it and Bam, it came up. I can even get it when my wireless connection is down. Which is good cause I am locked into using Charter and my internet connection is down a good 30% of the time. BTW, Did I mention that Charter service sucks...
  6. So, if it was a HD, would there be room for both fuel lines in the filler tube? :rotfl:
  7. Good for her.
  8. Rick, I am running WIN8 and have no problems with the Solitaire program. I can get it without going to cloud.
  9. Hummm... New Hardley New boat, Now I know who hit the lottery:rotfl::rotfl:
  10. How 'bout MYASISDRAGEN or, if it's the HD model Myoilslik :15_8_211[1]:
  11. WOW. If she rode a Harley, with a little more practice you could call her a young Freebird...... :rotfl: Seriously though, great finger work.
  12. WOW. Thanks for the lecture. Now, can you give us the Readers Digest Condensed version?
  13. Quite evident that these folks have never met a Venture Rider. Round Rock Donuts in Round Rock TX has a challenge to anyone that thinks they can consume a 2 pound donut. Heck, that ain't even a good appetizer. :rotfl: Whatcha tink Squidley?
  14. They are usually available in any hardware store.
  15. In a situation such as described, does the five second rule apply?
  16. Boy, this thread was a real disappointment..:duck:
  17. and the water will just bead and run right off the clothing..... Hey.. maybe even cheaper than buying Frogg Toggs
  18. Interesting. Are you going to do a daily trip report here?
  19. That is understandable. If they need to replace the OEM harness, that is going to cost more than the FMV of the bike. You can always negotiate to purchase the salvage back from them and attempt your own repairs.
  20. And this was a surprise because? Why would you expect less from the Twinkies????
  21. No answer to your question (since it is a matter of personal choice), but it does raise a question for me. Do you think the Bunkhouse was the inspiration for E. Hinkley & Ed Miller when they wrote "Oh no, Don't let the rain come down". Hey, don't blame me. Velma made me ask.....
  22. You are probably one of the few who do.... BTW Don, did you see the VTS patch on EBay? Coincidence???
  23. Hmmmm. Anyone remember the MTA?
  24. No. But I do have a question. WHY?
  25. Sheez. Some guys would b$@%h if hung with a new rope. :rotfl:
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