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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Thanks Pete. I knew someone would know how to spell it correctly...
  2. From personal experience I know that when all else fails, a RBFH will usually do the trick.
  3. To the best of my recollection there is no "Tip" switch on that model. Depending on how long it was down, you might want to consider pulling the plugs before you try and start it. If you managed to get oil up into the top of a cylinder, you might have a hydro-lock situation. You could also end up bending a connecting rod. Or worse yet, putting a rod through the block.
  4. They should be Mikuda (or however you spell it)
  5. Where you wearing a mask and carrying your piece when you made the deal? Or did you just have to kiss him as you walked out the door? :rotfl: Either way, you made a sweet deal. You going to bring it down to the Pork in the Pines next year?
  6. Yah, like you don't have enough trailers as it is. Interest is one thing, but fetish is something else completely..... :rotfl:
  7. Thanks Bubber. I was beginning to think you didn't love us anymore...
  8. Try a fresh set of plugs....
  9. Me 5 on the Caswell Sealer. Great product and easy to work with.
  10. Hey, we don't call it the weird coast for nutten yah know....
  11. With both UPS and FedEx, I had to authorize them to drop the package without a signature or even verifying that anyone was home. However, once I did that I absolved them from any responsibility once the package was delivered. UPS should be able to verify that the package was delivered even without requesting signature delivery. Everything is scanned in and out by the driver. 9pm also seems like a very unusual time for UPS to be making deliveries.
  12. And you can keep it all in your backyard thank you very much. :stirthepot:
  13. Not sure she actually needs sharp objects. Rubber bands work quite well. They just take a whole lot longer. Makes ya walk real funny for a while though. But after your voice raises an octave to two, everything seems to be alright. :rotfl:
  14. Well, you know what they say. Remove the Abaya and Burqa and they all look the same...
  15. :bang head: And you too Annie. Being down under may not provide any shielding what-so-ever.
  16. Ouch. I hope you realize that compared to owls, elephants have short term memory....
  17. Thanks Kevin, Unfortunately, we are way beyond this point. We are now trying to figure out why there was insufficient lubrication which took out all the connecting rod and main bearings.
  18. Do we, by any chance, have a member who is a certified GMC mechanic???? Trying to find out what the oil pump flow rate is for a 4.3L engine. Thanks much
  19. OK, yah got me on that one. :rotfl:
  20. Is there a good joke about Gold Wings????
  21. My suggestion, for what it's worth. Soak them in tranny fluid.....
  22. It has been brought to my attention that a comment I made in the thread concerning the dropped bike donation was taken as a slam at the folks who put on the 2013 International Rally. So, let me take this opportunity to publicly apologize to those members who went above and beyond to put together a fantastic event. All seed money which was advanced to cover the up-front expenses for the rally was reimbursed and the fund received a donation of the funds taken in over and above their expenses. Unfortunately, what was intended as a left handed way of prompting members for donations without coming right out and asking (which I really hate doing) actually came out appearing as a slam against the hosting committee . That was not the intent, and I am truly sorry that I left anyone with that impression.
  23. Uhhhh, yah know, some of us try to have a real short memory of some things...... :rotfl:
  24. Bad day at Flat Rock. Thought I had already posted a response to this thread last night. But for some reason it didn't come through. Anywhoooo. Those who have the misfortune of making a dropped bike donation can send their contribution via PayPal to CFAS4U@Charter.net Those who do not use PayPal can send either a check or cash. If you are donating with a check, please make the check payable to Russell Hicks and send it to 185 Redwood Drive, Apple Valley, MN 55124. Please tag the check as a SAF Donation. I have a bank account set up for the SAF, but as we are not a registered non-profit or a business, the account had to be set up in my name. And, while I hate to see (or hear about) anyone dropping their bike, ALL donations will be graciously accepted. For the past few years, the fund has been refreshed by money earned through the International Rally, and other member donations, so we have not had to have a fund raising drive. However, any and all donations will still be a great help and will be graciously accepted. Thanks much . Ride smart, ride safe
  25. Frank, I have a 92 Virago 1100 and I think it is the cats a$$ bike. Only real issue I had with mine (besides running out of gas in Yellowstone) was a blown fork seal and excessive rusting in the fuel tank. The blown fork seal was my own fault (sometimes that "S" in the middle of the forehead does stand for stupid). The rusted fuel tank was taken care of when we sealed the tank with an epoxy liner. Depending on what is seized and why, I think it would be a great winter project bike and if you get it running I think you will really enjoy riding it. Oh... I also installed forward controls on mine which changed out the whole riding configuration. For the better I might add.
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