Bad day at Flat Rock. Thought I had already posted a response to this thread last night. But for some reason it didn't come through.
Anywhoooo. Those who have the misfortune of making a dropped bike donation can send their contribution via PayPal to
Those who do not use PayPal can send either a check or cash.
If you are donating with a check, please make the check payable to Russell Hicks and send it to 185 Redwood Drive, Apple Valley, MN 55124. Please tag the check as a SAF Donation.
I have a bank account set up for the SAF, but as we are not a registered non-profit or a business, the account had to be set up in my name.
And, while I hate to see (or hear about) anyone dropping their bike, ALL donations will be graciously accepted.
For the past few years, the fund has been refreshed by money earned through the International Rally, and other member donations, so we have not had to have a fund raising drive.
However, any and all donations will still be a great help and will be graciously accepted.
Thanks much .
Ride smart, ride safe