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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. I believe that it was some time around the 70's when they were switching over to the all vol military that the DOD came out with figures showing how much money the troops were actually making. Those figures included housing, subsistence, clothing, medical, and the savings from shopping at the PX and commissary. Sure made it sound great.....
  2. Well Chris, since I am Theist if you only believe in 1 less God then I do, that would sort of take you of the Atheist camp......
  3. Actually, the Atheist's already have a holiday. It falls on April 1 every year.
  4. Hearing someone wish me a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, or have a Good Festus does not bother me. But, what really turns my crank is Joyous Noel ..... :rotfl::rotfl:
  5. Welcome to the conversation Jim....
  6. See what happens when the courts decide that the prostitution laws are taking away the peoples rights of freedom of speech and association.... Yah starts getting Hor everywhere :rotfl:
  7. That's what I thought, but wanted to make sure before I made a recommendation. This probably won't help. If you are like me, I want to try the boot on before I buy. Anywhooo http://www.lapolicegear.com/footwearboots.html
  8. What you been smoking COWPUC???
  9. What are SWAT boots????
  10. $140.00. That is almost three times what I was making when I first enlisted. So let us not go down that road.
  11. Skycrusher, I really must admire you for taking what has turned out to be a rather unpopular position and sticking too it. But I am curious about one thing. Maybe you could explain it to me. Why did you choose the article written by Dr. Lawrence Kolb to support your argument? Dr. Kolb is a retired Naval officer, he is also drawing a pension for his time with the US Government and drawing social security. And, in addition to drawing three government pensions he is working full time as a professor at Georgetown University.
  12. Guess you just missed the opportunity. Nobody to blame but yourself.. However, if you are under 42, you could still join up. If you are over 42, then the next best thing is to become an elected official. Other than that I guess you are just SOL.
  13. I for one would actually like to thank Skycrusher for his insightful comments. They caused me to stop and think about just how good I had it in the military and to wonder if I actually deserve that 70% disability check I get each month. I mean, what other job would have sent me to flight school and then given me the opportunity to spend 2 years in sunny south east Asia. Just think. They never even charged me for those three helicopters I "lost" over there. Then there was the gratuitous medical treatment to get the shrapnel out of my legs and stitch up the bullet hole in my side. And as for the Agent Orange. That was my own problem. Nobody told me I had to breath while they were spraying in the area. Heck I was lucky they didn’t charge me for damaging Government property. Yes sir. Never had it so good. So again, thank you for forcing me to realize just how much I really own you and the rest of the tax payers.
  14. After 20 years with the Federal Gov't, we came to be on very intimate terms...... :rotfl:
  15. the military retiree's another "Bendover" award. Because military retiree's are receiving soooo much money, and most took other jobs after retirement we can expect a 1% reduction in our COLA. More awards to follow... Don't forget to thank your federal legislators......
  16. A boomerang that won't come back is called a "stick".
  17. This E-bay item has me scratching my head. There is a buffalo hide up for sale. The item is listed as new. Now maybe I'm looking at it a bit skewed, but since the buffalo was the original owner, wouldn't this item be "used"??????
  18. You know, they say that fine wine and cheese get better with age. and you, my friend, are really showing your age.....:rotfl: Regardless, hope you have a happy and many more to come.
  19. Don't leave us hanging. Did the suggestions help?
  20. You are, in my opinion, absolutely right in your observations and comments. This site has slowly changed over the years since it's first inception. And not for the better in many ways. Maybe we have just grown too big and lost the "brotherhood" that we once had.
  21. Click user CP on in the box on the left side of the screen. On the screen that pops up, scroll down to the block for messages. In that block you will see a choice to edit sent messages. Click that box. This will take you to a screen where you write a message. scroll down to the bottom and you sill see several options, Click on save sent message. That should correct your problem.
  22. Hey hey hey there. My trailer Queen doesn't think she should be put in the same class as a HD...
  23. I pulled a tour at Ft Story back in the before days. Been almost 48 years but I can recommend some of the places the wife and I used to go to if that would help.
  24. On several occasions in the past I ordered items on-line. If there is a price drop between the time I place the order and the ship date, I have always received the lower price. For me, it is just very poor customer service.
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