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Black Owl

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Everything posted by Black Owl

  1. Boy Don, I just can't understand why you can't make this site all things for all people. If you listen to the ads for Eharmony; Ourtime.Com and ChristianMingles. They promise to make sure that you only get responses that fit your needs/desires.
  2. Truer words were never spoken Condor. The deals are out there, you just need to be proactive.
  3. Thanks Don.That seems to have taken care of the issue. I go through the forums daily and read the postings there so could never really see a need to be notified every time someone made an entry.
  4. Don, The notifications are coming from VentureRider. Those along with an alert every time someone makes a posting or responds to a thread. Signed on this afternoon and had 379 Emails. Will send you a PM.
  5. Okay, so I'm a total Ludite (sp) when it comes to computers. So, can someone walk me through a process here to get ride of notifications of offerings on Ebay, new messages posted etc. Not sure what I did, or did not do, but for the past month or so, I have been getting E-mail notifications for Venture items being sold on Ebay. And I no longer own a Venture. So, how do I stop getting these notifications???? Any help would be much appreciated. But it needs to be real simple instructions.
  6. While searching the members list, I found that we have over 500 members who have not listed the State or Province in which they live. This makes it extremely difficult to locate a member and, on those occasions when a mass E-mailing is made to members in a specific area, if you have not listed a State or Province, you will not receive the information, invitation, etc being put out. So, please check your profile and make sure that you have listed a State or Province. That being said, does anyone know how to get in contact with Tequila Pete? Thanks much
  7. Now that is one hard core rider......
  8. This is a great idea. Depending on my health issues, I will try my darndest to attend. But will be caging it...
  9. Only one day left to cast your vote for WI as the site for the 2016 IR. Come on folks. Do your duty and cast the vote that you know should be cast. Vote for WI. You won't regret it and you wallet will thank you.
  10. Not that I have anything against WV. In fact, in my other life I spent many hours lost back in the hills looking for witnesses and trying not to get shot as a "Dang revenue agent" looking for stills and illegal coal mines. But, it is my firm belief that we can get more bang for our bucks and have a better time if the 2016 IR were to be held in WI. I also believe that since it would be more centrally located, there would be a better attendance. I have already cast my vote, but if you are still on the fence, I recommend that you strongly consider (and then vote for) WI as the location for the 2016 IR.
  11. Well, just heard that we will be having another picker in attendance. Chicago Dan is on his way as I write this.
  12. Glad to hear that because I believe that what Orlin in WI has exactly what we need to take us back to our root beginning Nothing fancy. Just the opportunity to get together, see old friends and make new. Centrally located (Well maybe not for the wet coast folks) and at a reasonable cost so that one does not have to auction off their first born to attend. So, now you have my feelings on the WI location.
  13. Hey Don, can we start campaigning for our preferred location in WI?
  14. So, you are back safe and sound. You are going to have to share with everyone the events of the trip. Understand we will see you folks on Thursday. Bubber has a whole schedule of work for you to do....
  15. Hey, they grow wheat down here in MN yah know.... Seriously though. Sorry to hear that you folks aren't going to be able to make it. Guess I will have to pull the Virago parts off the auction table and hold them for net year...:}
  16. Sorry guy, but they are neither. They are Felony Flyers.......
  17. Your point being??????
  18. Duct tape is a fantastic product for all those quick repairs. Unfortunately, even duct tape can't fix stupid. But is can muffle the sound.......
  19. Thanks for the reminder. The wiffy has be nagging ...err reminding me, that I need to clean out the garage. I have all kinds of, "better save this as I might find a use for it later items."
  20. Site looks great.
  21. Great.... You bringing your axe? I have a new acoustic electric I will be bringing along with my old Fender. Maybe I can find someone to give them a good work out.
  22. Hope she can make it. But, either way, we will be watching for you. Have a safe trip and see you when you get here.
  23. Will be great to see you two again. Thanks for responding.
  24. Now this is more like it....... Throw in a pig roast and it would be just like our Pork in the Pines event. Sweet and simple.
  25. Thanks Dan. Appreciate the push. Sure hope you can make it this year, and try and bring that lovely missus with you.
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