Okay, so Thank you for all of your responses. here's where I'm at, I bought a colortune and it came in yesterday so I was tinkering with it and seem to get 3 of the cylinders to adjust the A/F pretty easily, but the last cylinder (right, rear) will only give a "somewhat" decent mixture at idel when the screw is about 6 turns out!
I am not able to get any cylinder to give a good idle mixture until it is about 4 turns out, which is the way it actually was set when I first started this. I wonder if there is other leaking going on. I did check the nipples and any ports, intake manifolds, etc for leaks, but they all look good.
I also took the slider out of the right, rear cylinder to see if the pin was set at factory, and it is. I hope I don't have to take this thing apart again.
Right now, i ran the seafoam through the carbs straight and ahve it sitting for a few hours, to see if it gets better.
BTW, the gluing I did was not actually to the rubber parts, it was between the plastic slider and the metal sleeve that goes in it. 2 of the carbs had these coming apart. All rubber parts and gaskets were in very good shape, and it really had no blockages in the jets. I just hope i didn't blow air through the mixture screw and force something in there to block it.