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  • Name
    Robert Cullen


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 Venture Royale
  1. That's the big problem. I can't get that last carb to run really at all without being 6 turns or so. I just took the carbs apart again lsat night thinking I missed a blocked jet or something and really couldn't find anything bad. Reassembled, reinstalled. I synced them all up, no problem there at all. Checked idle (about 1000) and rechecked the mixtures. Anybody use the colortune before, when I set it to just before a yellow flame, all of the carbs end up being at about 4 turns. The last carb i can't even get to run right at all without misfiring unless it is about 6 turns, very odd. I check anything i could think of, even vac tested the YICS system and all hoses, etc. Don't know what else to do but run it like that. Anybody know where I can get a new carb from??? AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
  2. Okay, so Thank you for all of your responses. here's where I'm at, I bought a colortune and it came in yesterday so I was tinkering with it and seem to get 3 of the cylinders to adjust the A/F pretty easily, but the last cylinder (right, rear) will only give a "somewhat" decent mixture at idel when the screw is about 6 turns out! I am not able to get any cylinder to give a good idle mixture until it is about 4 turns out, which is the way it actually was set when I first started this. I wonder if there is other leaking going on. I did check the nipples and any ports, intake manifolds, etc for leaks, but they all look good. I also took the slider out of the right, rear cylinder to see if the pin was set at factory, and it is. I hope I don't have to take this thing apart again. Right now, i ran the seafoam through the carbs straight and ahve it sitting for a few hours, to see if it gets better. BTW, the gluing I did was not actually to the rubber parts, it was between the plastic slider and the metal sleeve that goes in it. 2 of the carbs had these coming apart. All rubber parts and gaskets were in very good shape, and it really had no blockages in the jets. I just hope i didn't blow air through the mixture screw and force something in there to block it.
  3. I had a frikin mouse chew a hole in my air filter without realizing it. Ran the bike about 1000 miles or so before I got to seeing it and my carbs paid the price with lots of dirt in them. Funny thing is the bike ran great the whole time, no issues. My problem is now, after I had to disassemble all the carbs and clean them out, blew them out and double checked my work. Everything seems to work ok and no leaks, or damage except for 2 of the diaphrams that fell apart (inner sleeve thing) which I just reglued. The bike starts, chokes good, and idles fine, but will immediately bog down and bacfire through the carbs when I give it quick gas. A slower throttle gets the rms up, but still gives me blowback through the carbs. BTW, valves are set good also. I tried resetting the adjust screws back down to 2 turns and it got worse. When I originally took things apart, most screws were at 3.5 to 4 turns already, is that too much already? Does anybody know if I should mess with the slide needle at all? I do have a colortune coming so I can try a better A/F mix setting, but wonder what the factory setting is for the slide needle. Sorry for the long winded post, just trying to think of anything.
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