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  • Location
    Williamsburg, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 yamaha venture, 2008 1200 sportster,2003 fz1
  1. Change can be a challenge

    Red 2000

  3. Thank you. I wasn't sure if the front brake had a seperate fluid cylinder and was concerned I may lose the front brakes from the rear leak. ED
  4. Lost my rear brakes on the way to work this AM. Looks like fluid spray on the rear tire--no rear brake pedal. Front brakes still working. Safe to drive carefully to the shop (10 miles)? Thank you ED
  5. Ride with some cheesy Beemers and have a party--get it? wine & cheese. Pretty lame sorry.
  6. I'm new to the bike,but this AM after getting it to run on all 4-I gave it some extra in 3rd gear on a ramp entering the super slab and I was shocked.No it wasn't endless electric like my FZ1 but compared to my 1200 sportster and my previous bikes it was smooth and kept revving until I backed off--really amazing for 1100 lbs (me added). Very nice:hurts:
  7. Having bought this bike sight unseen and then driving it 540 miles in 9 hrs with three pit stops essentially on 2 cylinders--this is a tank with a 56 buick roadmaster ride. What is really nice is knowing all the little stuff that got fixed up through this process and a good baseline. Mileage on the bike is good--24,500 for a 2000. Radio -tape-cruise-all work good Oil change this Saturaday--Maybe a good synch--then tires and brakes When I'm done I'll probably be into it for about $6,300--I'm a very happy camper. Now to sell the FZ1 and the 1200 anniversary sportster.
  8. Thanks to all--Finishing re-installing the carbs last night at 21:30. Sooooooooooo much fun--cross threaded the back bolt on the fuel tank-other than that just very time consuming and tedious. Floats at .33--idle at 2 3/4 tu:banana:rns out from stop--fuel filter--air filters--plugs. Heart pounding as I attempted to start her up--nothing--what now? Woops emergency shut off dummy. Ok try it again--wow immediate snarl and a fast smooth idle.. Check exhaust--ya hot stuff on both sides--no gas spurtting out Wait a couple of minutes--now the big test--ease in the choke By golly its idling on its own--adjust the idle speed--Ya baby. Drove her to work this am--wow what a treat--smooth both on and off throttle How sweet--The Fire Truck is back on the road. Thanks to all you folks that helped me through this endeavor--very rewarding. ED
  9. Now that I have done it once it will not be that hard. I will probably still remove all three covers and the fuel pump just to make it easier for my fat arthretic fingers. But yust wanted to thank everyone.The old one looked like original equipment. Didn't look like a bolt head had been touched.It didn't solve the no idle off choke issue but its one more thing done. Thanks to all ED:thumbsup:
  10. I have read everything from 1/4 tirn counterclockwise to 3 turns as a nominal? On the second Gen which is a good start point from bottom (snug but not forced tight) Thanks ED
  11. Well I got the carb rack out without any major glich (inside throttle cable was not fun. Looks like the carbs have never been touched. Both right hand carbs were bone dry I mean they had a dust like film no moisture at all. Both left hand carbs soaked. Throttle control pin could not move the throttle pulley at all. Sprayed the whole works down with orang something de-greaser and let soak overnight. Next decision --Do I attempt to clean reset the carbs myself or give it to mt Guzzi dealer as a bench job. I have not touched a carb in 40 years and have no compressed air and limited facilities. I guess I could give it a shot and if it gets to hard to do then give ot to a mechaic who knows what he doing (I hope). Setting the floats looks tricky to me. Thanks to all ED
  12. Will do and thanks again--I do have a pretty good Guzzi dealer and if push comes to shove I could take the rack to him and have him go through it and re-install it myself Probably save big bucks limiting his work to bench work. We''l see how it goes. I'm getting pretty good at getting the seat and tank on and off--ha ha
  13. I am going to do this.I read through the on line maint. manual-and I think I can at least get the:fingers-crossed-emo carb rack off and clean the heck out of it and get all the stuff moving.If I feel real brave I may even attempt to check out the floats but at a minimum get the bulk of the crud off all the moving parts and give the rack a general inspection and clean. Put it back together and see if it runs. This sight is really confidence inspiring. Thanks again ED
  14. Not really--Did get the fuel filter changed--new plugs--seafoamed-- Started up fine but stiill would not run off choke. Seems to be surging. Noticed the left rear carb was totally gunked up and wet at the top where it meets the air chamber. I'm done--don't want to mess with removing the carbs--looks like way to much fun Thanks to all --the fuel filter change out worked good-well ok
  15. Thnks to both--I'll give it a shot tonight:173:
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