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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1995 BMW R1100R
  1. Well, I finally got to tear into it and found the cable at the vacuum actuator was a mess. I followed it down to the junction where it makes its connection to the throttle cable and found someone had been there before me and reassembled it incorrectly. After a quick search through the manual to find the PROPER reassembly instructions, it works like new. Thanks everyone for your input!
  2. Been looking at J&M's site - can't find anything that says what type of mic they use. May have to give them a call.
  3. The adapter they have doesn't look like it accepts microphone input - says audio only.
  4. Anybody had any luck making an adapter 2 use a cell phone style headset with the existing 5 pin intercom? What i would really like to do is add a headphone bluetooth adapter to the driver and passenger connection and be able to use or cell headsets.
  5. Tried that - no difference
  6. The turn signals are on a speed sensitive cancel or time delay cancel or both? Mine cancel after a certain amount of time, but speed doesn't seem to affect them. Maybe this is my cruise problem? By the way - 86 Venture Royale - 49K miles
  7. Checked the clutch switch. It appears to be in the proper location and the lever is depressing the switch. Are the self-canceling turn signals speed canceling or on a timer? I think I read somewhere that there was a speed sensor that canceled them? Mine cancel by time not by speed.
  8. sign me up for a set too
  9. But will the set light come on and stay on if that is the problem?
  10. It isn't a matter of stabilizing - it's just like there is no cruise - will just coast to a stop. It never picks back up - acts just like every other bike I've ridden with NO cruise.
  11. I know this is probably addressed here somewhere, But I'm not finding it. New (to me) '86 Venture Royale - cruise turns on and goes through light diagnostic, hit set and the set light comes on, but won't hold speed AT ALL. Hit either brake or clutch and resume light comes on. Hit resume and nothing. Is it a vacuum leak? Vacuum pump? Pump wiring? Where should I start? Thanks
  12. Looking for someone in East Central Indiana that would let my wife and I at least sit on your beloved 80's vintage Venture. We are looking for a tourer and want one that still feels like a bike instead of a small car, and we think the Venture may be just that kind of animal. So if you live anywhere between Dayton and Indy somewhat along I-70 and are willing to let us try your bike on for size, let me know. Thanks, Greg and Michelle
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