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Everything posted by plainmd

  1. Read this link......Tells of the dangers of feeding through your dryer outlet...Just as easy to do it right. http://www.experts123.com/a/the-dangers-of-back-feeding.html
  2. http://www.interlockkit.com/ This is what i used on my house....Legal and gives you the choice of what circuits you want to use
  3. Welcome to louisville...I have a cast on my foot or should would come help you...I moved here in 91 so have been here for a bit.....YOu have any questions about the area send me a email...
  4. That road you are taking about is called the cumberland Parkway.. If you get a chance check out the muscle car musuem in sevierville.
  5. I used this company and was pleased with my headlight modulater and the brake flasher unit http://www.kriss.com/
  6. Thanks for the replies. I like the looks of that gas can that fits in your saddle bag from amazon....Looks like what I need...
  7. Was wondering what do people carry the extra gas for a long trip in....
  8. I usally run 38 on the front and 45 on the back...
  9. Just pulled off a set of Avon Venom off my bike today.....17500 Miles....could have made it for a few more......I have been happy with them but went back on with Dunlop elite 3 for no reason other then going to try something else
  10. Just used there live chat to find the ninety degree valve stems for my bike......
  11. I am still looking for someone that knows the right size to buy for front and rear.I want to get these before I put my new tires on
  12. I am going to put new 90 degree valve stems on the front and rear of my 06 midnight star venture.....Do they take a special size........And where is a good place to get them....Thanks in advance
  13. Take a look at this website http://www.formotionproducts.com/ They have a lot of great products I have used a few myself
  14. I have an Sears allstate deluxe model 811.40 that i had when i was a kid.....Thinking about restoring it .....so am really enjoying your posts about you restoring yours..
  15. plainmd

    Spot Gps

    Thanks for all the help....If i want some information about something I know I can count on finding it here.....Who needs google lol
  16. plainmd

    Spot Gps

    I have seen that some use the spot gps for others to track there locatoin on long trips....Is there anyone that can fill me in on the ins and outs of this item.
  17. I am a Nam vet who has friends Names on the wall.....I will admit that video brought a tear to my eye..... Freedome is the taste the proteced will never know...
  18. You forgot about aircraft mainteance technicans
  19. I just sent my payment....Looking forward to recieving the tool
  20. Just let me know when they are ready..I will take one
  21. That was an outstanding video....Made me think about the inscription that is on my zippo lighter that was given to me when I left nam....FREEDOM IS THE TASTE THE PROTECTED WILL NEVER KNOW
  22. It is an pretty scenic drive. A motor home and trailer would have no troubles. Plus you get to go through the cumberland gap tunnel. http://www.nps.gov/archive/cuga/tunnel.htm
  23. I wish i would have knowen sooner mamma..Maybe next year will be able to make it there...Took a ride down there last summer and you are so right ..Beautiful country and the view of the river is awesome
  24. Skyline drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway gets my vote
  25. Thanks for all the good info saw this on the dennis kirk website and wondered why NOTE: Never use sintered metal brake pads in calipers originally equipped with non-sintered brake pads. Check your owners manual to see if sintered metal brake pads are standard equipment on your motorcycle
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