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Everything posted by geep

  1. Nice places to stay, eat in Hot Springs? Is there any actual hot springs to go in? close to any hotels? bike friendly would be nice (friends have an HD and are convinced some one will steal it ' cause they are so rare..wink)
  2. I will never go back to the Hills during bike week.....tooo much of a gong show with WAY too many bikes. After Labor Day weekend is my favorite time, still lots of bikes out, but the sensibility factor is much higher IMO...unfortunately we are going there durin Labor Day weekend this year...might just hole up in Deadwood with a hot tub and a card table for a few days then carry on riding
  3. geep

    Cody Pics

    Damn...I should have went...we stayed in Cody last summer, had a good time!
  4. A bike that never should have been discontinued....much like the RSTD
  5. I have two mesh jackets, one a Yamaha Star cruiser style, the other a Fieldsheer sport bike style, the FieldSheer one has decent armor but bulky, the other not so much...I won't ride in just a tee shirt for a lot of different reasons but one reason is the hair on my arms just drives me nuts in the wind...the tingling. Being too warm is dangerous too but you can safely manage that with breaks, proper clothing, etc mind you I don't ride in the high temp/humidity states so........
  6. If I crack the throttle wide open quickly while at highway speed, I smell gas, the smell goes away as I resume normal speeds , all carbs appear dry externally, thoughts oh wise ones?
  7. Are the Yamaha conchos STR-4NK78-10-00 the same size as the embossed emblem on the RSTD seat skirts?
  8. this should help
  9. Buy a tach and race 'em!
  10. Very nice offer, great to have people like you on this forum!
  11. so well put, I still think in the imperial system...metric system is something I hope I forget as I age
  12. After returning from the car wash (300 mile run with lots of suicidal yellow butterflies) I went to chamois off the much talked about air filters.....the chrome lid came off in my chamois Obviously this is a problem, the chrome lid is just glued to the filter body as shown in the pictures, the inside of the chrome lid is very smooth and did not give the glue much surface roughness to bond too....I am going to drill some holes in the existing glue, rough up the existing glue and inside of the chrome lid with a Dremel tool and using Gorrilla Glue and rubber bands try to reattach.....I guess you get what you pay for but if this is a failure that could happen on the road and you may not notice....hmmmm one way to scuff up your cylinder walls
  13. Here is the OEM measurements.....http://www.hogtunes.com/msa1_assets/MSA-1_Basic_Measurements.pdf No guarantees it would fit....checked clearance on my RSTD MS batwing and it would be close but my batwing is mounted at more of angle than some so the clearance between the speedo and fairings is tighter than some installation
  14. Took mine off last fall...haven't seen them since
  15. See thread called 2005 RSTD Ultrastar in this forum, works good, cheaper, a bit of fab bending and drilling 4 aluminum flat bars....I like it since it is quick removable so I can have a choice of naked, windshield or batwing
  16. So right! I did nothing but wait a day, some oil dripped out of the filters, started it up and runs like with OEM filters, maybe better since it requires very little if any choke now (temps still in the 40s).....all smiles now....I did install the suggested brackets...fabled out of dollar store cutting boards, plastic works better in my shop than metal, painted textured black...thanks guys for all the leg work on this project
  17. Ok there is a vacuum on both those hoses, PLUGGING the hoses allows the bike to run more like prior to the filter change out, the bike does not want to idle with or without the hoses being plugged, so what gives....the new filters are having some effect on the carbs action IMO
  18. Holy crap bike does not run worth a crap...in fact it won't run at all without about 1/4+throttle...I applied K&N oil to the filters and let it sit for 3 hours before starting bike, runs like plugs are fouled...is it possible the KN oil is doing this and it just needs to burn it self out?
  19. What to do with the two rubber 1/4" hoses that where attached to the air pods?
  20. Is it necessary to have the fabricated bracket installed?
  21. Ever take something off your bike and then can't find them? Happened to my knee blockers....this middle age thing is turning out to be less fun than I had first heard ;(
  22. More info: http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?xl=xl_blazer&v=RYmsIZPYbs8
  23. Got one of what? A MS batwing or Hogtunes? If batwing and looking for RSTD mounting check out the thread listed above..I have no idea how how Hogtunes mounts to a MS batwing
  24. Can you hear these filters sucking? Or is the road/exhaust noise too great?
  25. if you take a look at pictures and comments on the 2005 RSTD UltraStar thread and compare those pictures to http://www.sscustomcycle.com/products/accessories/handlebars.shtml and http://www.hogtunes.com/msa1.html it "appears" as if it will fit.....I am still waffling on placing an order since I ride with earbuds on the highway and not sure I would gain anything in sound quality.....but if you cruise a lot on urban streets maybe???.....sorry about the bold text but gave up trying to turn it off
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