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Everything posted by geep

  1. Cruise is a must for me....aftermarket kits run up to $900 bucks depending for a Strat or Roady...the Venture should be cheap by now...they have recovered their tooling costs by now
  2. I don't believe a drum roll was required...a long yawn would suffice...next bike will say HD on the tank...sorry Yamaha
  3. Given the close proximity of the turn signals to these super lights, can you still distinguish the flashing turn signals?
  4. I pulled out a male cover which exposed two round female openings, there is something inside there that grips the wires...kinda Mickey mouse but way better than nothing IMO
  5. What kinda radio and how and where?
  6. There should be a switched plug in located under the seat, white plastic, just push the tinned bare wires into it
  7. Ya it nice to see the tourist maps of the hills now have color coded routes on them....finally. Some thoughts on our recent trip Best Western in Hill City is bike friendly Old Hill City road to Keystone is nice especially if you are a train spotter...great photo ops at each of the many crossings Needles Highway was so busy during Labor Day (gorgeous weather) that they had cops directing traffic at the Sylvan Lake end Sylvan Lake Lodge is it's usual gong show with reservations Deadwood Social Club above Saloon #10 is a great meal especially if the weather is nice and you can sit outside
  8. I think some Ford products like Thunderbirds and Mercury Cougars that these
  9. three pictures, off, run 50%, turn 100%.....damn this photo resizing is a PITA After looking at the pictures I may shorten the strips so the are not present close to the headlight...will see
  10. Ok back from riding the Black Hills....strips are flexible in one plane only....they will not follow the compound curve of the fairing well if at all...strait line only. These are the smaller 3500 series LEDs, when used with the Dual Circuit Converter - LED 2 Wire to 3 Wire for running lights they may not be very bright in the daytime. I have no idea how to hide the power wires yet. The back ground marks are not very noticeable since the strip is less than 3/8" wide..kinda looks like high tech jewelry.....hope to have the bugs washed off tomorrow and get a start on this
  11. Just a heads up, there may be more visually appealing LED strips that do not have the tape measure increments, scissors, and exposed electronic parts, a couple that look better are here: http://www.ledlightsworld.com/ultraflexible-waterpoof-trichip-led-strip-lights-p-142.html http://canadiancruisercustomizing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=5&products_id=11 I did not order these but we will see how things look when I receive mine
  12. Here is a link showing the LED strip in operation with the converter http://canadiancruisercustomizing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7&products_id=13
  13. I have no visual idea how bright these are, (specs mean nothing since I cant relate brightness) I wonder if the Eclipse2 would look like a semi at night? Price is fair in either case, decisions decisions.....
  14. Custom Dynamics just replied that their converters will work on any two wire LED strips so that opens things up a bit.....so I need one for each turn signal but cant get my head around which of the two they offer is better
  15. I wonder if the TruFlex Dual Converter shown at the bottom of the page would do the trick? http://www.customdynamics.com/truflex_flexible_led_lighting.htm
  16. I am thinking about using two flexible LED strips http://www.ledlightsworld.com/ultraflexible-waterpoof-trichip-led-strip-lights-p-142.html mounted on my MS Batwing and having them light up as aux front turn signals/running lights. Also the plan includes wrapping them back around to the inside of the batwing a couple of inches to provide some signal indication to people driving beside the bike. Question is in a perfect world (forget the legal crap) I would like the strips to be powered on full time but flash on and off with the turn signals...is this possible with the existing wiring? Quick connectors would be used for batwing quick removal which I can do Bike is an 05 RSTD Thanks guys and gals
  17. Once you guys have the Venture Wish List nailed down and mailed to Yamaha, here is my wish.......a new Tour Deluxe based on a new Venture!
  18. Ya i know the feeling well, my small city of Estevan SK is part of this "wonderful" Baken oil boom...i wish they would all go away...way too much money being made by way too many people with way too little education/common sense for their own good. Chipped diesel trucks, Escalades and coke for everyone....its the oil patch way
  19. IF you have the MS lowers mounted on their batwing, use caution when removing the batwing....my usual way was to use the palms of my hands and give a push up to disengage the fork mounts from the pins....well the other day I went to do that and one lower broke off as I pushed up, was very lucky I did not cut the palm of my hand since it was a glass like fracture.....I am guess it was cracked/broken due to vibration but held on by the three screws....all in all still a good project IMO....now if I could mount some LEDs somewhere for signal lights?
  20. P.S. oil patch boom in ND/MT has made getting hotel rooms VERY difficult....Williston is likely out of the question for drop ins...phone ahead
  21. Any reason in particular you wanna take ND 5? Flooding no longer an issue on ND 5. Lots of correction line changes of direction, not much to see either, watch your gas mileage since you will have to run from Noonan to Williston 81 miles with no gas stations (Crosby has gas but not on the highway) Bottineau and Mohall have gas stations right on the highway too. Noonan has a bar/restaurant that is popular with bikers and a good Mexican restaurant on Main Street. Watch for deer in the ditches, most roads have the shoulders cut of tall grass, white butterflies near canola fields are the worst I have ever seen, freaking millions of them....have a safe ride
  22. So what are the common indicators of a need replacing shock? Roads are so bad around here I often think I should be riding a dual purpose bike
  23. Glad you enjoyed Canada, ya if you wanna test your shocks come north funny about you saying pricey with weak dollar, we have lived with the Canadian dollar being as low as 65 cents US......
  24. iPhone I understand but what does it look like on iPad? Sized to fit or that goofy 2X zoom?
  25. Every once in a while when viewing this forum I get a pop up notification saying there is an app for viewing this on an iPad.....anyone used it and their thoughts? It is a paid app......
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