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Everything posted by DonB

  1. I had to replace mine awhile back and I made my own from some 1 1/4" ID copper tubing. there are two ways to do it. 1) cut two pieces 1" long, split one longitudinally and slip it over the uncut one then solder the cut 2) cut a piece 1" long and then get a union sleeve, grind off the inside ridge and slip over the cut tubing. Works great, no problems or leaks for a couple years now. Cheap too! db
  2. Just thought that I'd pass this on I went to Meijer's today in Taylor Michigan and they had several cans of Seafoam in stock for $7.99 so I bought 2 cans which came to $15.98 When I checked out I got a big surprise when they applied a discount of $4.00 bringing the total to $11.98. (before taxes) What a deal. db
  3. Hey Lobo Watch out as I'm going to catch up to you. I turn 72 on May 15 so I'm close behind you and gaining. Good luck on your trip this summer, I know that you'll have fun. Don
  4. I bought the 1.25 Amp Battery Tender Plus a couple of years ago when I was at the Daytona rally and it worked OK on my 1st Gen for several months but then it acted up and totally drained my Odessy gel battery. It took 4 days to bring the battery back up on slow charge. I was lucky that it didn't ruin my battery. I've been meaning to send it back as it's under warrenty still and they will repair/replace it for $12.95 since I can't find the receipt. If I use it again I will certainly keep an eye on it. db
  5. I had the same problem in getting my TCI out so what I did was to use a hacksaw blade and cut the two ears off the TCI and out it came. I then rerouted the wiring to the left and then to the top of the airbox. I put some velcro on the airbox and TCI and have never had another problem with it. Easy to get to now and nice and dry. You don't need the two ears for mounting to the top of the airbox anyway. DonB
  6. Just cut to top off of an eyedropper which any drugstore carries and silicone to the dash. Works for me. db
  7. Schlepporello Well I have a 1985 Venture and I don't have that happening. I usually fill up my tank to the top and everything works as it should. db
  8. I was setting up an ignition coil test to attach to my TCI bench tester and during the test where I put the TCI thru several tests I started getting arcing from the lower solder joint for the primary coil wiring to the support bracket which holds the coil to the bike bracket. This arcing was very strong and it was jumping at least a 1/2 inch gap. This would surely affect the performance of the bike and I wonder if the gas mileage would also suffer. I was still getting the spark jumping across the spark plug as it's supposed to. I then coated the solder joints with plastic dip and I didn't see any arcing but I'll be doing some further tests. In any case I will be applying plastic dip to the 4 coils on my bike. db
  9. DonB

    SeaFoam - $$$$

    Well here's a picture of it. I went to Home Depot here in Windsor but they only carry a cheap no-name brand of carb cleaner for $3.95. I didn't get it. I'll check out Walmart next. db
  10. DonB

    SeaFoam - $$$$

    Well it looks like the Seafoam price is all over the map. I usually put the full can in my bike about every 2 months but this time I only put in a 1/2 can. I should check to see if They have it at Wally World here in Canada
  11. WOW I just came back from Napa here in Windsor and I bought a can of Seafoam. It cost me $11.90 plus taxes (cdn) I complained about the price to the counter clerk and he said that everyone says the same. I told him I could get it in Detroit for $6.99 to $7.99 a can. I'll stock up there next time. Then I was following someone's post about using Lucas Power Steering Stop Leak to stop a front fork leak and that was $13.21 plus taxes for a small bottle. I sure hope it stops my small leak. What a ripoff it is in Canada. DonB
  12. Gary

    Did I send you an answer to your query about the TCI?


  13. I have a colored schematic for the 1983 Venture which should also cover 84 and 85 bikes and maybe even later models. I am will to share these schematics. One is English and the other is French-English. I would upload them but they are 1.5 megs each. Maybe they could go into the technical section. The original is 14.5 inches X 21 inches and I had to scan it in six sections. Mike Brood then took these six sections and pasted them together. He did an excellant job in this as you can see in the resultant schematic. I then cleaned it up a bit as there was some discoloration and crease marks showing. Looks good now. If anyone wants me to email one or both schematics directly just let me know. Donb@mnsi.net
  14. Lee Yes you have to desolder the 14 contacts on the end of the board and take out the center screw. Be careful in prying on the board as I have seen some that were cracked by people doing this. If you do open it up there are 8 white/blue diodes along the top just below the 4 output power transistors that are of very poor quality. If you have it open then replace them with IN4007 diodes. You may even find some of the original diodes corroded. Ride safe db
  15. I occasionaly lose a plug and to find it I use a thermal sensor. The cold plug will show up right away. I bought mine at Harbour Freight in Detroit for $10. One of my better investments. Regards db
  16. Still going uphill at 71. Last week on May 15th. Met a biker in Fort wayne that was 82 and he was going to the Dayton Hamfest with his sons. Have a nice ride. db
  17. I make my own. I just buy a piece of copper pipe, cut 2 pieces about 1 1/4" long, slit one, insert the unslit one inside the slit one and solder it up. That's it you have a new gasket db
  18. I tried Xubuntu on my laptop and on a spare PC and I found them to be so bloody slow that they were unuseable. I'll stick with XP for now. db
  19. Yes there's a 5 year warranty on the charger and I'm in a conversation now with their warranty department. With my receipt they want $9.95 to repair or replace and without a receipt they want $15.95. I don't remember if I filled out the warranty card or if I filled out a warranty page on their website and I'm waiting for an answer from them on this. I wasn't sure if I could put a car charger on the Odessey battery or not and since we have several inches of snow on the ground I didn't mind waiting 3 days for the battery to charge. Spring is just around the corner!!! db
  20. I bought my 1.25amp Battery tender Plus in 2005 during Daytona week and was using it ever since. I always plugged it in summer or winter whenever I parked the bike in the garage and the Odessey was always at full charge. Until last week when I went into the garage and the green light and red light was out. I thought that I had forgotton to turn it on but I had turned it on as usual. My Odessey battery was stone cold dead cuz it had drained out thru the charger. I started my bike with jumpers from my truck and ran it for 15 minutes or so and then I attached my other 0.75 amp Battery tender and it took 3 days to get the battery back up to full charge. I was afraid that I had ruined my Odessey (PC680) but it looks as if it'll be OK. I bought the Odessey also in 2005 in Florida. Just a warning about keeping an eye on any charger you have hooked up. db
  21. Thom Maybe this schematic will help explain some of the wiring for you. db
  22. The 2nd gear problem was fixed in 1985 1200 engines on bikes with serial numbers greater than 0001413 db
  23. Done db
  24. Barry I have a 1985 Venture 1200 and there is a collection box, 4 exhausts in and 2 outlets but there isn't any catalytic converter. There is someone making them and they are around $200-$300 as I recall. Depends if you get one made from Mild steel, stainless steel or ceramic coated. I took mine off and welded new outlet pipes on and its been good now for 2/3 years. Hope this helps db
  25. Skooter here's a reply some time ago from Paul marsh on this site. =================== the wires push into the coil and are secured with a retaining nut.. you can reach the front 2 coil towers by reaching up under the front of the fairing. shine a flashlight up in there and you should be able to see the coil towers. you'll have to remove the top cover, the battery and the battery box to get to the rear coil towers. might have to remove the breather cover too, not sure. been awhile. =========================== Hope this helps db
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