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Everything posted by ablumny

  1. ........I was still sick ! Get better..
  2. None to energetic stock? Hauled my large butt pretty well but certainly nothing compared to my Venture! I agree, it sure looks home grown but he says he paid someone to build this thing.
  3. Its been +90 on Long Island for (too) many days now. In bumper to bumper traffic I can get to 220-230 on the gauge. Same hot day when cruising it stays around 200 but Ive seen it drop to 190.
  4. Ive asked him a bunch of questions about how it was done, havent heard back yet.
  5. It was more then a year ago that a guy drove 12 hours from Canada, north of Michigan to pick up my 2000 1100 Vstar. He was getting back into biking and wanted to turn my bike into a Trike and I had just bought my Venture. Anyway, long story but just the other day he sent me the pics of the finished product. Ive never seen anything like it. No rear wheel, there's a car axle under there somewhere. thought it was interesting here it is on my last ride with it (cabot trail) http://lh3.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/SE6Vm-GZc7I/AAAAAAAAAYQ/r1Yrp2TEUrs/s640/Nova%20Scotia%20June%2008%20260.jpg and here it it now: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/TEOutXWZcSI/AAAAAAAAD2I/vxCuxDP86zY/s640/Photos%202009-2010%20204.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/TEOusvT2JRI/AAAAAAAAD2A/uxyBbJKjvR8/s640/Photos%202009-2010%20191.jpg
  6. We are leaving Saturday morning. Plan on taking our time to get as far north as possible Saturday. Get to Mt Washington and area for Sunday, then come back Monday. Im going to try and map this out tomorrow. Thx for the itinerey; Ill take a look on my map program. Ever head up to Mt Greylock in MA? great place! thx andrew
  7. thx craig! good info
  8. Pictures ? yep! but Im still looking for road tips.....
  9. This coming weekend Im leading nine bikes from Long Island up to Mt Washington; a 3 day trip. Day one plan was to get as far north as possible staying off the main arteries as much as possible. Day two, top of the mountain and surrounding roads. Day three buzz home, probably highways to New London CT for the ferry to Long Island. SO, any road tips up on day one and around the Mt Washington area on day two are appreciated. thx andrew
  10. Maybe I should loan him my torque wrench! (some of you know why thats funny)
  11. Well, I did another 50 miles after slippign in my new brake pads, still no noise. While it might not make sense, the overtightened axle nut fixed the prob. ....and Im liking the E3's! thx everyone andrew
  12. My torque wrench is a 1/2" drive with easily an 18" arm. Easy to get alot of force going. I have no idea what 110#'s feels like so I crank it until the thing clicks on what I belive to be an uncalibrated or damaged device. If I hadnt also destroyed my vstar axle using this wrench I might not be so confident but I did and after tightening the ventures nut only as far as I could with a regular driver, this noise has disappeared. Im also imagining a ton more then spec 'd pressure on the spacers of the shoulder of the axle where the threads are. Im not taking it apart again to see! andrew
  13. Folks, before I tell you how this problem has been solved, I want to once again thank you all for your support. This thread got a lot of action and I appreciated everyones input. When you read my explanation, try and go easy on me ! So I wake up this morning with the answer to the problem. It came to me in a dream! I thought about the one thing I did the same every time I removed and reinstalled the wheel. The one thing I didnt change, I didnt do different. I had cleaned, greased and fit this back together many ways but the one thing that was always the same was the torquing of the main axle nut to 110 ft#'s every time with my 1/2" drive torque wrench. I had questioned my torque wrench in the past but now I know to chuck it. I load up my bike with the tools and take it out until the noise returns. On the side of the road, I take the muffler off, loosen the pinch bolt, then the axle nut, re-tighten the axle nut as tight as I can with a regular socket and re-tighten the pinch bolt; muffler back on. Get back on the expressway, same distance as before I get of fan the noise is gone. Continue riding the local roads, then back on the expressway, total ride time after fixing the axle not was 1.5 hours...no noise. Even sadder is that I question my torque wrench because I did the SAME THING to my VStar axle a few years ago with this thing!! I had forgotten all about that! So there you have it. Thanks again. Andrew
  14. Appreciate the ideas on final drive gear oil and road testing the tires. RE; final drive oil, I checked the level, its fine but I didn't change it. 11K miles, it should be changed? Ive tested the tires plenty on Saturday when I thought that was the prob. Again this noise can be isolated by working the clutch. thx for the ideas. andrew
  15. Nope (but thx). The noise does not change at all with engine RPM. It only changes depending on how fast I am rolling. ....... and I have that whine as well.
  16. I spoke with Mike (eusa1) who walked me through a reasonable explanation of why I have this problem and how to fix for which I did. It involves inspecting and cleaning with emery cloth (clean all grease away first), the inner hub "hole" and the outer surface of the part the hub slides on (the part with the snap ring). Theres more too it but thats the basics. Pictures start in the middle of this album: http://picasaweb.google.com/ablumny/VENTUREREARWHEELPICS?feat=directlink However the problem is more pronounced now. (Thank you Mike, it was a reasonable plan and I appreciate your time). So now I am completely convinced its drive shaft or tranny related and it must just be a coincidence that its happening after a tire change. Here's why I suspect this: - I can absolutley isolate this noise on a quiet road, pull the clutch, coast, noise very loud. Let the clutch out a little bit, noise goes away, pull clutch in again, noise is loud. Clutch out, slow speed, no noise. - At slow speed, put it in 4th or fifth, clutch out and rock the throttle, noise comes and goes with the rocking. Ive called a mechanic and will bring it to him first, then the dealer if he cant figure it out. Thank you ALL again, everything stated and offered was reasonable and very helpful. Standby, Ill post the results. Andrew
  17. FOLKS, I have taken the whole thing apart again and taken pictures from the point I pulled the wheel from the hub to the point I pulled the hub/pins out of the wheel. The ring looked well seated, the rear "rubber band" gasket was in place with no damage. Each pin does have a "dent" in the end, not sure if thats the way they make them or some other sign but they all have it. Mike (eusa1) I need to run out for a bit. I will call you when I return. http://picasaweb.google.com/ablumny/VENTUREREARWHEELPICS?feat=directlink ALSO: I hope I dont have RedRiders problem:
  18. Good thought but nope. I thought of that a while ago.
  19. Thats all I have left.... This simple tire change has been h#@!, but again you and the forum members have been awesome Taking apart wheel now..
  20. Yes, I agree with your last posts and will pull the wheel one more time, taking a very good look at the hub pins, bushings they sit in and that snap ring. Todays findings mess with the whole thing though. 1hour 50 mins, no noise, then noise, then no noise... OK, standby for next report! Mike (eusa1) I'll call you today....
  21. Two hours out: For 1 hour and 50 mins, Im checking often, highway, twisties, stopped for a few mins, got aggressive on it..... no noise. I come into my neighborhood, noise returns. I ride around neighborhood for 5 mins, noise goes away. - Im now running 40# in the rear tire - When the noise re appeared: - I hit the rear brake, no change - I put it in neutral, killed the engine, gliding, no change - We know its not the tire rubbing - I know know its not the brake or the rotor - The tire is not the problem (not standard road noise and not out of round or mis mounted) - I know its not tire pressure, ran 40# and 47#, no change. - I now see the problem is inconsistent. Perhaps this is coincidentally something in the drive train? Maybe the hub isnt seated right as suggested by the possibility that the ring is not seated. Not sure what my next move is.
  22. on a better note: my VentureRider hat arrived yesterday and it's great !
  23. Yep, good idea. Mine was lipstick (surprised no one made fun of me) but chalk makes more sense but I think as you point out thats not the issue. I dug pretty far into a new tube of Moly60 during the 3times Ive taken this thing apart now. That axle (and every other rotating part that should be) are well greased. Brakes are my next suspicion; going out for another test ride now... thx andrew
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