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Everything posted by ablumny

  1. Well I lasted exactly one week without a bike! I picked up an 07 FJR1300 Saturday. Just paid my $12 renewal so I can keep my eye on things here . Joined the FJR owners forum, they've been good to me so far with my many questions... And a couple are or were venture riders as well. (I'll send them over if they aren't already here) Anyway... The FJR is an amazing machine. Although, no auto canceling signals, no real cruise control, no carbs to sync, no stereo and no cassette deck! Thanks for yeArs of support. I'll stick around ! Andrew
  2. Thanks everyone. Guy came tonight, stayed firm and it's done at $6500 cash. Heck of a nice guy too. There are good people out there on Craigslist ! I'll stick around the forum. Told myself I was getting out of biking, but I'm eyeballing an fjr1300 ...... To be continued
  3. Thx. Ya that's a great price. I'm feeling mine is fair but will stay firm.
  4. Well said. Thx. I'll be very cautious.
  5. Hmmm. Well I'm in no rush and don't need the funds for any particular reason. Ya I wonder if these guys will show, one guy was very convincing. Well appreciate the input !
  6. Hello friends. I'm not riding as much as I used to so I decided to test the market and listed my 03 Midnight on Craigslist for. $6500 and I 've been inundated with calls. I've got three guys coming over the weekend. I'm wondering if I priced it too low?.. I promise I'm not trying to solicit a sale here!....just opinions Here's the story : 2003 Yamaha Midnight Venture - Low Miles; 21,000 - One year old front tire, brand new rear tire - Sirius Satellite Radio / Garmin GPS / Custom Audio Mixer - Clearview Windscreen with vent - new Hagon rear shock - Drivers backrest - Factory mufflers installed, set of Harley Road King Mufflers/brackets included - Bike lift w/adapter for this bike - Carbtune - Full Face Helmet, couple of jackets in different sizes - Cover, Rain Suit , Kuryakyn Pegs, Trunk Spoiler, LED rear lighting and lots of other little extras added on This may work: https://plus.google.com/photos/116811512302801092027/albums/5866684500407550993?banner=pwa Thanks Andrew
  7. Found this guys Venture with Peacemakers on YouTube. As you noted, hard to judge by a video but maybe it helps. [ame= ] [/ame]
  8. Some of the LEDs in my spoiler light bar went out. I spoke with a smart friend of mine in electronics engineering who suggested I simply reflow the solder on each side of the LED as over time, high vibration and likely not the best quality, the solder could crack. He was right. I touched a hot solder iron to each side of the faulty LEDs, I presume that resoldered the joint and that solved my problem. Might be worth a try. Andrew
  9. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2013/09/11/11/41/police-car-slams-into-couple-on-bike Insane
  10. Thanks all for the advice and ideas. I'm all done [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPvfX381MK4&sns=em]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPvfX381MK4&sns=em[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQBAGJvdtRo&sns=em]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQBAGJvdtRo&sns=em[/ame]
  11. Thanks team! I went with C, horizontal , bottom edge of hard bags. Have them mounted and almost done with wiring. I'll post a video tomorrow.... Thx again for all the suggestions Andrew
  12. A. 1 b. 3 c. 7 Thanks for the pics and advice. Seems like C is leading the poll. I like both for various reasons, many brought up here.... Ive temporarily set up both for a better visual.
  13. Good Pick up! However these strips can be bent around a can or angled a bit as I would need to do in config C. Thx
  14. Thanks good thinking but I have a pretty bright led light in the trunk spoiler...
  15. Thanks One more point to clarify, the wires exit the led strips from the back. When led strip is stuck on, the wire won't be seen, it'll pass thru a hole into the hard bag. I'd imagine I'd then run the wires out to a plug and in an area that's not seen.
  16. A. 0 B. 3 C. 2 1 vote for getting something else (Not sure I need to say it but I will, the photos don't have the real lights, just mock ups ) Anyway, thank so far, hoping for more opinions! Andrew
  17. http://www.carbtune.com Got it fast, perfect instructions, easy to use and it worked great
  18. Hello team! Ive ordered a set of 6" smoked lense, slim profile running/brake LED strips. Im also adding a brake flasher. http://www.chromeglow.com/catalog.asp?prodid=670639&showprevnext=1 I intend to place these on the back of my bike on the hard bags and would like to get the groups opinion of which configuration, A, B or C as mocked up in the photo attached.? The "lights" in the photo are not the real light of course, just red lines;). The wires will be hidden no matter which configuration as they'd pass thru a hole into the bag. Thanks ! Ill post pics and a video after I get them working..... andrew
  19. Mike Hard working, well meaning, dedicated people need to look out for one another. As a fellow father (and rider) your story is meaningful to me. I hope you and your family come thru this current situation well. Andrew
  20. This is a good dealer experience thread however my local dealer said something so absurd it must be shared to contrast these good stories in the name of good fun..... I wanted to bring my venture in for carb adjust, sync, general tune up and to look at my front forks, head bearings. He told me my bike was too big to work on, takes up too much space during this busy season... Call back and they'll see if they can fit me in near July! I don't want to name them.... It's just too funny
  21. So I go out and let it warm up and the cylinder is as hot as the others. I got out for 2 hours , come back and it's still as warm as the others. Argh. Ill keep my eyes on this and the coils
  22. Thanks Jeff. Will check that today.
  23. I've run them at 0, 5 and 8#s. hard to imagine tire wear based on form air pressure though
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