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Everything posted by StarQ

  1. StarQ


    How about the noise emitting diode? When connected to a 120v source it makes a loud pop - once.
  2. StarQ


    Did anyone answer the guy's question about his dirty, low down, low life LED's? LOL
  3. What is the red light law you're referring to?
  4. The The Fonz ever ride fast enough to need a helmet?
  5. I'm looking for a second complete windshield with brackets for my RSTD. Anyone have one? Condition of the shield doesn't matter, it's the brackets I really want.
  6. You can also order the vent from Clearview. You have to call, though, they will sell it to you but they don't have it as an item online. I think the Clearview vent is shorter than the Goldwing one.
  7. Will the pillow top work on an RSTD?
  8. Fingernail polish also works!
  9. I got the idea for mounting the Stebel from wes0778 on this thread. I also posted pictures of my install. Slightly different approach but the same end result. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37401
  10. I put Avon Venom X tires on my '84 VR a number of years ago. Rode about a mile, leaned into the first turn and said outloud, "WOW!" I always like how the VR handled like a sport bike, the Avons made it even better. Tire choice depends on how you ride, how you load the bike and what you want the bike to feel like. Avons did the trick for me, I've heard good stories about other brands, also. Oh yeah, I have been in horrific rain storms, one where trucks were throwing sheets of water over me. The tires never slid.
  11. Search Stebel Horn, look for "Can you hear me now" and you will see pictures of my install on my RSTD. I'm sure you can do something similar with the relay. This link might work: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=353479#post353479
  12. I took it off and am keeping it as a spare. Good idea with the top chrome, though.
  13. Have you changed the gas you're using? Has the gas station changed the fuel mixture? I.e. Added alcohol? Also, I read elsewhere on here that some bikes get better gas mileage with 87 octane than they do with 92.
  14. Here is a picture where I traced the outline of the brackets I made with a few notes.
  15. I know a lot has been posted about the Stebel Nautilus Air Horn. I took a few pictures of my installation on my RSTD and wanted to share them. Stebelhorn1.jpg shows how I mounted the relay under the right side cover next to the coolant overflow tank. Stebelhorn2.jpg shows the wiring according to the wiring diagram included with the horn package. Stebelhorn3.jpg shows the brackets I made from aluminum bar stock. Aluminum is easy to drill and bend. Not shown in the picture is the slight bend I made in each bracket to get the horn to sit back closer to the frame. I used a large adjustable wrench to hold the brackets while I hand-bent them. Bend away from you on the end that bolts to the original horn bracket, bend towards you on the other end. The brackets are hidden behind the horn so they don't have to look pretty. Stebelhorn4.jpg shows the finished project.
  16. I always say "With my GPS, I might be lost but I know exactly where I am."
  17. GPS providers make money selling update maps. I went through that with Magellan going from the Meridian Platinum to the Explorist to the Triton models. Each needed a new map program to create cards for the units. I pefer Garmin units now. The Canada only version for the Garmin Nuvi is $60.
  18. I think some do and some don't, depends on the model. You might have to buy the update. City Navigator® North America NT – Canada Only or City Navigator® North America NT https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=252
  19. Is it waterproof?
  20. I got my 2007 RSTD Midnight, 3000 miles, never titled for $12,000 out the door with new HJC Sy-Max II helmet and a RapidTransit sissy bar bag. The Sy-Max II is the flip-up with the built-in sun shield.
  21. All this talk about cup holders.... one thing I found that I like to put in my cup holder is a bottle with a flip up straw. Something like this: http://www.reusablebags.com/store/nathan-stainless-steel-flip-straw-bottle-p-1401.html Makes it easy to drink and drive...
  22. In a pinch you can use a large trash bag with three holes cut or ripped in it. Works for cold, too. A dollar store rain poncho in the saddlebag as a backup. My Firstgear Kilimanjaro Jacket that I wear as part of my riding gear keeps me dry enough that I don't bother carrying a rain coat anymore. For my legs I carry something like the REI Marmot PreCip Full-Zip Rain Pants http://www.rei.com/product/740035. They have a full zipper on the legs like chaps and work to keep me dry or warm. I like to carry things in the saddlebags that have multiple uses. I also have a pair of Rain Gators that I used a lot before getting the rain pants. Rain Gators keep your lower legs and feet dry. I usually don't stop to put on rain gear unless I am just heading out or it is really coming down. Usually, by the time I stopp to put on rain gear I found that I could keep riding to a dry location to stop and get less wet because of the fairings and windshield.
  23. Do a search for Avon of Venom X, you'll see lots of posts about how much people like them. As for the Dunlops, they wear because they stick. Stick is good but it comes at a price.
  24. I wonder how many people know that WD-40 stands for Water Displacement perfected on the 40th try. Check this link out for the history of WD-40. http://www.wd40.com/about-us/history/
  25. Part of your tire choice is what you want the bike to do and how you want it to feel. When I put the Avons on the bike, I went about 2 miles, leaned into the first turn and thought to myself, "WOW!" I always loved the way the Venture Royale rode like a sport bike once moving. The Avons put it even closer to the sport bike feel. My new bike, 2007 RSTD, came with a bad back tire. I asked for the Avon Venom X as a replacement under warranty. It took a while to get shipped to the shop but I am very pleased with the feel of the AVX on the RSTD as well. If you're looking for a more stable or neutral feel, other tires would be a better choice. I'm sure any tire someone recommends on here will work well for you.
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