I've been lurking here for sometime now and I want to thank all of you that have posted some great advice. I have an 83 venture royale thats been a great bike. I have owned for it about 4 years now. I had some troubles on my next to last ride about a month ago coming back from Pigeon Forge Tenn. over heated twice. Once while riding down the interstate. Also clutch went away when over heated on the highway. Also gas milage was low 35 mpg consistently. Anyways flushed out clutch fluid, drained radiator replaced antifreeze, added purple ice super coolant and synced carbs at idle. Current state clutch is good now, ran alot cooler this last trip 732 miles ( although it did rain on me coming back home for about 270 miles (yuck lol) and the gas mileage measured about 42.5 to 44.3 in good weather. now i have to flush and change out the brake fluid. Lots of effort to stop. One other thing... has any of you guys ever seen the rain beat the plastic covering off of the windscreen? mine had a couple of bad places where it was flaking off but now i just have a few strips of coating left on it running from top to bottom. But anyways thanks again.