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Everything posted by Johnh

  1. The way I was taught, and always have checked float levels, is to hold the carb so the float hangs vertically from it's pivot point, and gently tip the carb so the weight of the float firmly presses the needle into the seat without compressing the spring in the needle. Then measure.
  2. I have come across tire machines that won't work on our wheels without removing the rotors. I just change mine by hand. I like to locktite rotor bolts so I don't like to remove them unless I have to.
  3. If you go down the Dragon, you might want to stay at the Deals Gap Resort. $69.00 a night for an apartment right at the Tail of the dragon.
  4. I bet it is the carb synch. They probably followed the factory manual's directions and fouled it up like I did a couple years ago.
  5. Attack life, it's gonna kill ya anyway!!!!
  6. Hmmm , kinda makes it look like a kawasaki
  7. Johnh

    new vmax

    Uh Huh
  8. Johnh

    new vmax

    210 Hp !!!
  9. The mustang seat placed the handlebars in the perfect position for me, and got rid of the pain between shoulders. It also took the heat off my tailbone to boot.
  10. I also had pain between my shoulders with the stock riding position after an hour or so. Got the mustang seat and it moved me just enough so I can ride all day with no pain.
  11. Reiny, I think that last one looks first class.
  12. Does anyone have a solution for itchy helmet head. We've tryed do rags , no do rags, but after 1/2 hour to 1 hour my wife's head gets itchy and irritated whenever she wears a helmet, and it doesn't seem to matter which helmet she wears. Any suggestions are appreciated!!!
  13. Yamaha makes air foils that mont to the engine guards. or you can add highway pegs to them
  14. I haven't removed the seat or fender to get the whhel off. Just had to jack the bike high enough. also there should be an ink spot near the bead maybe yellow or white that you line up with the valve stem. never saw a bike tire without one.
  15. I've done mine, by hand. Just a couple tire irons. I just cut up a plastic milk bottle to use a rim guards so I didn't gouge them up. Also if you're using the same model tire you're taking off don't remove the wheel weights from the rim until after you've changed the tires. you will probably find that the balance is right on. it has been for me. Jus make sure you line up the dot with the valve stem. You may have known this stuff, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.
  16. Put a little marvel mystery oil in the crankcase and a little in the fuel. It'll break up any varnish in that baby. run it for a few hundred miles and change the oil.
  17. Johnh

    State Laws

    The only time I have seen these laws actively enforced is during the major rally weeks. During sturgis, the Wyoming troopers have a field day with ape hangers and at Laconia they jam a stick up your pipe, and if there's no baffle you get a coupon. I think they seize the moment to drum up funds off the visitors.
  18. Is there any possibility the choke is not completely off? Sounds to me as though it's loading up at low rpm, and when you get on it, she clears out if I understand you correctly.
  19. You could make your own, then really brag. There are a couple posts on here how to do it.
  20. I put on Dunlop 404 series. Factory sizes. I got them from derbycycle. com . Both tires for $132.00 plus $14.00 shipping. Mounted and balanced them myself. That's what I call a deal. Just came back from a 2800 mile ride, one day was 300 miles in the rain and not a shimmy or a shake.
  21. I also had trouble with the bridgestones, even when they were like new, being that the tread doesn't cross the center of the tire, any time i hit wet pavement at over 70 mph, the bike would do a sidestep. then when they wore a little they got noisy on the curves. The worst tires I have ever come across. Switched to Dunlops and couldn't be happier.
  22. Barons makes a lowering kit for the rear. it drops the back of the bike 1 1/2 inches. I put one on my bike last year and am very happy with it.
  23. I had the same thing happen to me last summer, and it was my own fault for following the shop manual instructions. The they show the wrong screws for the cylinders indicated. If you did what I did the number 2 carb is closed tight and number one is open. you will need to get a base line setting on the 1-2 carbs and start from scratch.
  24. You might want to check the switch on the clutch lever and both brake light switches. any one of them will kick cruise out.
  25. Sounds to me like it could be a stuck float. You could try tapping on the float bowls on the carbs with the handle of a screwdriver and it might seat the needle. Or you could try running the engine with the fuel shut off until it stalls then turn the fuel back on and start it back up . This may dislodge any dirt that might be holding the needle off the seat. A word of caution though ,you probably don't want to try that one if fuel is dripping onto any hot parts of the engine. I hope this helps.
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