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Everything posted by Greener

  1. Just paid.
  2. Try this site. http://www.gorideontario.com/motorcycle/
  3. The last time I was censored was
  4. That's #3. Nothin' but good luck for you now!!!
  5. Could it be the air box overflow hose? Too much oil maybe?
  6. Where's the cassette deck???
  7. Thanks again. We had a great time. The drive home was much more relaxed; no white-outs, snow covered hiways or freezing rain. We'll have to do this again in bike weather although this was a pleasant way to break up the winter.
  8. packers!!!
  9. Greener

    Decent driver

    In a word, WOW!!!
  10. Merry Christmas to all. And a Happy New Year!!!!
  11. We've got no snow to speak of yet. The heavy snow is all around us but Hamilton is somewhat clear.
  12. Make sure you don't run out of gas while syncing. Don't ask.
  13. Greener

    2011 Ventures

    8 track or reel to reel???
  14. Glad you had a good ride and really sorry I couldn't make it.
  15. Thank you all at Pioneer Motorsports for the hospitality. Exceptional people!!!
  16. If someone who is on the road and needs assistance, its called courtecy.
  17. Lovely couple.
  18. Ya!!! I guess the 15 min. job was too much them.
  19. Since you've already checked all the connections under the fairing, checking the sensor at the final drive and working your way forward sounds like a good next step. Is it possible something might have come loose when you had the back wheel off for your tire change?? Just a thought.
  20. Glad to hear you're getting everything set right again. Enjoy the rest of your trip.
  21. Glad to hear you're not hurt too bad. It doesn't matter how carefull one is, you can't see that one coming!
  22. :thumbsup:Congratulations!!!
  23. Thanks again! Deb & I had a great time.
  24. A bit above the freezing mark yesterday and today in Hamilton, Ontario, but the ride still felt good!!!! Going to be better on Sunday
  25. As I was scraping the ice off the windshield of the truck today I wasn't really thinking of AIR CONDITIONING my bike!!! I may re-visit the thread in a few months.
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