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Everything posted by wuzfuzz

  1. .......... Rick @ Buckeye has begun selling the upgraded Stator (comes with the gaskets) with the only suggestion being to clip out the inline plastic Stator connector and soldering/hardwiring the leads. This is the same problem the old GL1200 GoldWings had -------- and still have. Hardwire the 3 leads and the potential trouble spot is gone. There are no other issues to deal with and the oem Voltage Regulator/Rectifier has been functioning with absolutely no problems. Rick is now satisfied that the R&D aspect has gone well and that the product is ready for the market. These are new Stators ............ not re-winds. I recently purchased one and am awaiting its arrival for install over the winter as part of my off-season maintenance.
  2. ............. when draining the water pump and the cylinder bases to avoid any mess, use some tin foil to act as a means of directing the coolant to a suitable catch container. Works every time.
  3. ..... my '03 Midnight does the same thing. One thing odd about the rear speakers --------- they are NOT in stereo........ both are connected to the same input source with "mono" at the output being the result.
  4. I got my headlight protector for my '03 Midnight Venture at..... CycleVenture, Inc. 407 Howells Way, Edmonds, WASH 98020 Ph:1-800-688-6439 (ask for "Amy" Part # is VS113 (standard 7" round Ventura headlight protector). http://www.cycleventure.com The piece fits perfectly and is secured with provided velcro dots. In my case, I have a headlight visor and had to trim the protector ever so slightly in that area for a perfect fit. Price is around $20 but it is certainly cheaper than replacing the headlight for the 2nd Gen Venture. ken.jo@shaw.ca
  5. ......... here's photos of the HOPNEL bags mounted on my '03 RSV. ken.jo@shaw.ca
  6. Best place for parts right now is........ http://www.yamahasportsplaza.com 25% off.............
  7. ................ the 5 pin 'Wing headset works just fine on the 5 pin YAMAHA. ken.jo@shaw.ca
  8. ........ I installed braided lines on the front and rear brakes (2 separate lines on the front) and also on the clutch. Money well spent for sure........ ken.jo@shaw.ca
  9. J&M headsets through..... http://www.wingstuff.com Currently selling for $59 and change. Lower cord is included. I bought one Open-Face, liked it so much, I bought another for the wife. ken.jo@shaw.ca
  10. Signal Dynamics Tri-Star "XP" gives you running/clearance lights, and brake lights as well as your rear signals. You must, however, acquire your own red lenses (or red bulbs with clear lenses). The red lenses can be acquired at..... http://www.crc2onlinecatalog.com/turn_lens.htm The Signal Dynamics Tri-Star "XP" is available through many sources. ken.jo@shaw.ca
  11. I did a similar thing years ago for my 1/2 helmet. Mine does not use the zip-in liner. The attached photos show a Chatterbox headset, but I currently have a J&M mounted in the same fashion. Ken.jo@shaw.ca
  12. My '03 had a shock replaced on warranty with just under 16,000 kms on it............. moaning only, no oil leak. Now with almost 45,000 kms, the 2nd one is beginning to make noise.
  13. ............ plans for building your own are on eBay....... $9.95. ken.jo@shaw.ca
  14. Although I currently do not pull a trailer, I have had two previous cargo trailers................. both with swivel hitches. Pulled them both for several thousand miles. My advice is --------------- buy and install one. There are no negative aspects to it other than the cost of buying it. I am currently in the market for another cargo trailer -------- I'm also considering the Piggy-Packer. I am wanting a hitch as well, but VentureDad seems to have dropped off the face of the planet. Anyone know the story ?? ken.jo@shaw.ca
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