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Big Daddy

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About Big Daddy

  • Birthday 08/10/1964

Personal Information

  • Name
    Joel Bachhuber


  • Location
    Cape Coral Florida, United States


  • City
    Cape Coral Florida


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcycle repair
  • Bike Year and Model
    83 Venture, 00 Vulcan
  1. Vulcan is Christine. From Stephen King book. Venture is Sophia. As in Lauren.
  2. I sent you a PM. I am interested in the 86 set. Randya knows my story right randy?
  3. Lookin Good Randy! Congratulations! Wish I could pull that off! Glad to see you back posting. BTW Do you still have a stash of quicksilver around? PM me if you do.
  4. Can anyone tell me were I might purchase some additional mercury for my old style carb stic?
  5. "petite"
  6. As I mentioned in another post the Barnett solution for your early first gen is to replace the originals with a set from a 1957 sportster. These springs have both more load resistance and are slightly taller than the stock ones.
  7. Barnett sold me a set of springs for my 83 from a 57 Sportster (thier recomendation) that and new friction discs and it never slips now! A little more effort at the lever but it never bothers me.
  8. I took a look and I see that proportioning valve was removed and the second hole plugged. So I should be getting full squeeze there. I do already have SS lines. Maybe just another bleeding........
  9. So am I reading this right one of the ports from the brake master cylinder puts out less hydraulic pressure than the other? Perhaps this is why the rear delinked brake on my 83 puts out such poor performance? It has never been a big issue safety wise as most of the heavy work is done by the front but it would be nice to have a bit more bite when trail braking.
  10. I was gonna try to photograph my system in the bike and send it to you on Sunday. If it helps you can use it.
  11. I have the same system on my 83 and it works just fine! While I dont have any spare parts for it if I can answer any questions I will try. I have the original manual and stuff also.
  12. 1983 with 153,700 miles. But I gotta weld up the frame now!
  13. Can anyone tell me if the frame from a 86 to 92 would be the same as the 83 to 85. My frame broke!
  14. I bought an old mercury style carb stick from someone and when I used it today (1st time) it darn near sucked mercury into the manifold! I yanked the first and second tubes off just in time I think! I think I followed SOP? I warmed the bike, shut down, attached the hoses, started engine, and began to adjust 1and 2. I had bliped the throttle a couple times no problem and was teeking when 1and 2 started to continually rise. no change in engine noise though. Before I pulled the plug I noticed the Mercury had seaperated with air bubbles. Any clues? I'm baffled and I dont want to suck mercury in the engine!
  15. Wow! You really smart guys know how to take the fun out of being a troublemaker!
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