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Everything posted by similost

  1. I actually started on my seat last night adding a much denser foam. I'm about half way though. I'm taking pictures and will write up a little something about it.. . Here's basically what I"ve done so far though.. . I went to Walmart and got a Coleman sleeping bag pad from their sporting section. It's about 3/4 of an inch, or maybe an inch thick, anc very dense... I took my seat apart, and drew an outline of what I wanted to cut out of the seat.. basically all of the center, and leaving just enough foam to support everything.. I use an electric carving knife, then a 4" grinder to smooth it all out. What I had left is the edges, with a little in the bottom.. Think basically a bread bowl you will fill.. Then I started cutting pieces of the hard foam and iinserting them into the cutouts using spray adhesive.. I built up four layers on the bottom, and two layers in the back.. Then I put the seat back on the bike, and started carving the foam with the electric knife to fit what feels good to me... I'm just roughing it out with the knife... So far.. NICE.. good and firm like the corbin, and I can already tell it's taking the stress off my tailbone and actually putting the weight on my cheeks like it should be.. I cut a little, and try.. cut more and try.. CUSTOM FIT... Tonight I'll be taking the grinder and doing the final shaping and smoothing, then I'll put the pillow top foam and cover back on... It's not really a hard process at all.. just taking a little thinking before cutting. WHat is nice about this way too.. if take off too much of the dense foam, I can just glue on another piece to build it back up, then sculpt it back down..
  2. simple site to find... http://www.corbin.com/ OH.. check out the video section while there.. They have a video of a 2009 V-Max doing a burn out..
  3. Very nice link.. Here's another that I had found a month or so ago... I'll add it for those that are looking. http://aerobourne.com/motorcycletrailerindex9.htm
  4. I wouldn't over fill the final drive. Pressure can build as the oil heats and can be hard on the seals. I would only put in what the manual states.. I believe it's .2L As far as the stator in the way.. I've always said that design engineers should have to work in a shop for a year or two before they can start designing things. I bet if they had to wrench on things they would think a little bit more before they said it looks good.
  5. I found the foam I was looking for today. So, I'll probably stgart tearing he seat down this evening after I get a few things done... It's a really decent firm foam.. It's actually a coalman sleepingbag mat. I'll just glue as many layers together as I need then sculpt it similar to the profile of my corbin. It didn't matter if I sat straight up, or slouched.. my tailbone just had too much pressure on it..
  6. I'm thinking once I get it tweaked I'll love it... just gonna take a while I guess... I had the 85 Madura too.. I was looking for one last year, and if I ever stumble on one that is in decent shape and a good deal I'll probably end up buying it... A super fun bike for sure... and it was a perfect fit and comfort for me..
  7. I can deal with a sore or numb butt.. but this is way over the edge.. like my tail bone is bruised.. It's really painful to sit today, and if I lean up against something and my tailbone touches.. OWWWWWW!!!! Like I said.. I'll be redoing my seat.. and I just found a very common source for some dense foam that I think will work out really nice... If I can get this stuff and I get started on my seat, I'll be sure to document what I'm doing incase others are interested... I've seen the Butler mod, and also another person that has used some denser foam.. I'll kind of be combining the two..
  8. That's relly interesting, because most the people I know with other brands really like their stock seats... I don't know.. maybe it's jsut that I talk bikes more with star riders.. but I do know lots of people that ride..
  9. Glad someone understands what I'm trying to get at... I think you said everything I was trying to sum up... 10 years ago, I'm sure this was a FANTASTIC bike.. but they really need to get with the times and litsen to their customers... I've been saying this for the last 6 years....
  10. Interesting Goose you find the seat the right height.. Guess you must be taller than me. I've got a 34" inseam, and at times it seems like an inch or so lower would be nice. Most times the height is ok, but if I stop on a little bit of an incline, my downhill side legg is too short and I'm tip-toeing it. Same if the front or rear tire is sitting on a higher spot, like coming out of my garage.. I can deal with that though... I'll be cutting my seat down a little too, so that should help some... Over all, I do like the bike.. I guess I came off a little wrong over all. Just some things about it I would have thought Yamaha would have worked out by now is all.. I don't see people with other bikes (Suzuki, kawasaki, honda) having to change out seats as much as you see them change them on Yamahas. I know some want a seat others don't have, but I've just know way too many people complain about the seats Yamaha builds. I really don't hear people with other brands having as much distaste for their seats. I do love the power.. the ride is fantastic, and even with Slickstone tires, it handles really well.. I couldn't be happier with those aspects.. I just wished Yamaha would consider ergo a little more.. I know a bike can't fit everyone, but I've seen too many others make the same complaints... I guess people that do like things don't rave as much as those with problems moan about them.
  11. LOL.. then I would have said it was a POS... I really do like the bike, but I guess being too critical... I just feel when you are paying pretty much a new car price for two wheels, they could do a little better job of engineering and R&D... If I was the only one that had these complaints, then OK.. but I see a LOT of people on this forum with the same issue I have.. This bike seems to be a little better engineered than the R*, that bike had lots of issues.. not enough electric overhead, eak springs, weak clutches... it's a long list.. I wouldn't have anything but what I have now.. just saying.. Yamaha could do better...
  12. OK.. I didn't realize you were doing 50.. but I don't know how far of a distance you had that you could see too... I'm not saying they were right.. I'ts just usually large groups I allow to go if I have room to let them.. Tough bikers or not, many groups seem to think they own the road.. I've ridden with too many large groups that will tie up an interesction illegally.. and supposedly no attitude clubs... just a group mentality I think... I agree it wasn't right for them to do you the way they did... but stuff happens.. I don't believe it's brand related like mentioned here..
  13. um.. yeah.. I can do that.. didn't know that language you can say on the radio wasn't good here...
  14. Yeah.. I'm not a bridgestone fan, but I was surprised even with them on it how well the bike handled at speed.. I can handle it pretty well at really low speed so long as I am riding the rear brake at the same time.. Let off the brake, and the thing is a little squirrley... I think it's more of a trail issue than being top heavy or tires..
  15. I can't explain why they are so comfortable, but I love mine. It's on my Roadstar.. Best seat I've ever had on a bike.. I've had others seats that were comfortable, but soft, and after a while they would start hurting you... Like I said, no idea why they are so comfortable, but here's a thought, and the way it was put to me when I was trying to decide on one.. Ever sat in a tavern all day on a wood bar stool.. That's a hard seat.. and you had no problem sitting on it all day with any pain... I gave that some thought and said Yep.. never got a sore ass on a wood seat.. so I bought mine and best seat I ever had.. My wife doesn't like it though, because there isn't much room between the backrests is the only issue I've found.
  16. Nope.. I've hit the rev limiter 5 or 6 times now.. I do ride it like I stole it.. I used to ride a Madura GV-1200. It's was also a V4, and LOVED that bike.. It was very comfortable right off the floor.. I am somewhat used to keeping the revs high while riding the mountain twists and turns. It's just on the highway I wish it wasn't wound so tight at 65 or so... To the person mentioning gravel, I did end up riding about 5 miles of dirt and gravel roads over the weekend. It wasn't too bad so long as it was compacted good, but if you hit some deeper uncompacted rock.. HOLD ON.. but it still did pretty good, which did surprise me. I felt pretty stable on it in the dirt.
  17. I've been riding for years, and I know getting to a bike is a given, but no way can I get used to this.. IT's for sure about making changes to make the bike fit you... I can understand the bars... sort of.. but DAMN.. the designers should take the seats they design, put them on a post, and use them in their office for a bit to see if they are going to be comfortable befor shipping them out the door... The Roadstar has the same seat issue... I don't think I've seen one that anyone has left the original seat on...
  18. LOL.. so far I've pretty much figured out the radio. The only thing I need to really look at is adjusting the FM manually, and not with seek. I've got a few local stations programmed in already, and can find something to listen too while riding. I don't have headsets yet, but will soon. I''ve got the CB figured out, and did a little listening over the weekend... Pretty cool.. Now I can't wait to ride with someone that has one too.. I've never had music on a bike before, and didn't think I would ever want it. Others tried to talk us into a fairing on the R*, but my wife said NO WAY.. music is the sound of the pipes... After this weekend, we're sold on bike tunes.. My wife said she was shocked she likes it, and now things we might need some on the other bike.. LOL..
  19. I'm going to do the seat myself. I was using a couple of rolled up towels on either side of the seat yesterday, and have a good idea of how I need to cut the foam. I'm also going to look for some really dense foam to do an insert with I believe. I love the corbin I have, so hopefully I can firm it up like that. I guess I'm just so used to the Roadstar... I do really like getting the engine wrapped out when shifting through the gears, but once at cruising speed, the PRM's are just a lot higher than I would of expected. I can understand they are trying to keep it in the power band at speed I guess, but it seems like it would be a more enjoyable ride with less RPMs, and and shifting down if you need to suddenly accelerate.. Guess again, I'm used to my Roadie.. It could almost use another gear too, but it doesn't seem to need it as bad as the Venture in my eyes.. I really didn't buy this sight unseen.. No way I could have had a test ride. Dealers just don't do that. I've ridden with many friends that had Ventures, but they also weren't people that were normally A/C twin riders.. I've been weighing this bike, a BMW 1000, and the Wing, and this was about the best of all worlds I could find. It also felt the best sitting on it compared to the others... I'm not trying to be negative, but it just seems like as long as Yamaha has had this design out, they could do a little better. I know I'm not the only one that sees these things I'm talking about, because you read all over the net of the same complaints.. I am liking the bike, just not as much as I thought I would.. I was expecting something more comfortable I guess..
  20. What a great weekend.. Got a little over 400 miles this weekend on my 2008.. I've got about 580 miles on the bike now in the first week and will be doing the 600 mile maint, and lots of other things... Here's my thoughts after spending all weekend riding out in the Shenandoah's.. First thing.. the ergonomics are a mess!.. who the designed this thing? I can understand a bike is meant to be modified to fit you, but man.. this thing needs a lot of work... As we all know the seat on these are tailbone KILLERS.. I can't believe they don't have a relief in the foam for your tailbone.. I'll be redoing my seat for sure VERY soon.. I'm still having a hard time sitting today.. Also, I can't believe how wide the seat is at the front. Must have been a bowlegged Japanese guy that designed the seat. The bars.. like everyone else.. they are too far forward.. You have to wonder what the hell the build of the guy was that said "Yep, this feels good.. ship it" He must had arms about a foot longer than me.. and I'm 6' I'll be doing the Flanders bar kit.. As far as handling and the ride... LOVE the ride.. nice and smooth.. as far as lots of curves.. show me more.. Handles really great in the mountains. My wife even said she likes it much better than the roadstar. Said it feels like it was meant to take curves with, and that was just sitting on the back. She said it felt more secure.. and I have to agree. It went where you pointed it.. not where it wanted to go.. The one thing I really don't like though is it needs another gear for the highway.. just way too many RPMs for me when cruising on the interstate... Even my roadie don't wrap out as hard as this bike... interesting... Have yet to really work on it , but I'm sure I'll be finding things I like, and things I don't... I just hope it's not as complicated as it looks.. Guess it could be worse and be a Goldwing and take half a day to get to anything on it... I've got very mixed emotions about this bike.. Some things I really like, especially the handling. (however, the low speed handling is a drag too, and I'll be adding the leveling links to see if that helps like others say) Other things I don't like, like the high RPM's on the interstate, and bad ergos from the factory. My wife is super happy on the back, buy I'm not camping real well on the front. Hopefully a lot of money and time will fix that. Just seems like after all the years of this bike being on the market virtually unchanged, they would address some of these issues. Seems I can't be the only one to make mention of these issues. I'm sure once I spend a lot of money, times, and make lots of changes and can call it my own I'll be happy.. but Come On Yamaha!... just like with my Roadstar, you just aren't hitting the mark as good as you could.
  21. Not saying they were right, but personally, I would have slowed after seeing then and waved them on in front of me... Just kind of a respect thing when you see a large group and you are riding single..
  22. I've got a full true black (not dyed) skin I got at the Lamb and Wool Festival in Maryland. When I bought it.. WOW.. softest thing I ever felt. Talked to the lady that sold it to me for a bit about care of it... Hand wash, Woollite if very dirty, air dry, and LOTS of brushing with a round wire metal brush... I've been lucky and so far haven't had to clean and comb it. It sounds like QUITE a chore.
  23. OH? if it does fit, why not? I'm learning here...
  24. Thank you much. I'll take a look at that this evening... I've also got an extra R1 caliper laying on the shelf. I may try swapping that out with the rear caliper soon and seeing if that will help with the rear locking up so easily...
  25. There's always Bingo...
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