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Everything posted by similost

  1. Yeah.. right now it's just a trojan that does take user action to install, but give it time.. As Mac gets more popular, more and more will be written... No OS is safe, you never can let your guard down no matter what you run. I run Linux on a box at home, but I'm always careful what I do with it too... Just as the OP stated, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU CLICK... that's what a lot of it really boils down to...
  2. Being as the Venture is basically a built up TD and I have a Venture, personally, I'd go with one of Yamaha's twin engine bikes over the TD... I prefer the torque and lower RPMs at crusing speeds than the high RPM and lack of torque of their V4. Yes, the TD is faster, but if you know what you are doing, you can build up one of their twins that will smoke a lot of bikes out there... You would also be surprised at how smooth Yamaha's A/C twin engines actually run too... I never have problems with vibrations or numbness after riding all day. I love my Roadie... it has it's own personality, and something I've heard many Roadstar people say... I've never heard any TD or VRS people talk about the personality of their bikes... For some reason, when I am on the highway with the Roadstar, I feel like I am cruising... when I'm on the venture, I feel like I'm off on a race... As far as weaknesses, Yamaha has a lot of typical under engineered points... Clutch springs, shocks typically kind of weak and usually benefit from heavier oil, stators fairly low output (not so bad on the TD though) what I call butter bolts.. they tend to round out or round off or break when tightening, their ignition switches could be better made, brakes could be a little better designed, just all small stuff, but I feel like Yamaha does cut some corners in the name of saving a buck... Don't get me wrong though.. I'll NEVER give up my Yamaha's... just the quirks you wish they did better at to make an even better bike than they already do.
  3. Adaware is pretty good, but it doesn't remove a lot of malware as well as malwarebytes does..
  4. I just can't get over the mentality of all this... especially after reading some of the comments... This one comment standing out especially... "tyler on May 3, 2009 7:16 PM you take an unnecessary chance riding a motorcycle and it just isn't worth it to appear cool." It's people that make comments like that the I fear the most on the road, because they don't think about anything and do as they please, and usually pay attention to nothing other than their own warped little worlds.
  5. I started to mention that... but I figured that would get to be a long drawn out discussion...
  6. This would be good especially if you are riding a first gen... (80's) You can always get a Members Only jacket... light weight, and as seen here, you can find most any color to match your bike... http://www.rustyzipper.com/shop.cfm/rz/gender~Mens/type~Jackets/search~Members%20Only/Mens_members_only_jackets.cfm
  7. Never say never... Always stay on top of the news... http://www.upi.com/Business_News/2009/04/22/Mac-users-note-new-computer-virus/UPI-73661240441079/ http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/01/another-mac-vir/
  8. I make my living as a sys admin... I deal with this stuff daily because of ... well.. we'll just call them users.... Lose the Norton and McAfee.. both have very high overhead and just load up your system... Look to a program called AVG... VERY good antivirus, and the free version is MUCH BETTER than McAfee or Norton.. A great program also for free to remove most malware you can ever stumble on is called Malwarebytes... Both good stuff, and both free. I use it all the time for the real problem machines my users bring in from home as "favors"... they all have been happily ever after... I also use both of these at home and have for years... Never a problem...
  9. I just went to the tech section here and printed out the manual while at work..
  10. I've seen a bad kickstand or clutch switch cause something like this to happen before...
  11. Very sad indeed. I know they are working to make laws stiffer for people that kill others on the road over stupidity, but that doesn't bring back a life. It doesn't make people think any more than normal when driving either... I see stuff like this every morning when driving into DC for work... Makeup, nails, shaving, reading, texting... It's sad... no one seems to care about anything other than their selves. I even got flipped off by some guy shaving in the mirror because he was doing 15 under the speedlimit and holding up traffic and I honked at him. If they could just understand, having an accident because of neglect not only hurts the family of those injured or killed, but it can and usually destroys their own life. They may not worry about the fact they killed or hurt someone, but it can easily put them in jail, and or cause bad financial hardships that will forever change their life... Is it worth it to take your mind off the road? Or forget you are responsible for YOUR actions?
  12. When he suggests strengthing therapy, time to put the clutch in your hand
  13. Sure looks like it's cupped pretty bad though.. don't often see rear tires like that...
  14. Would something along the lines of this not work? I'm sure Custom Dynamics has something that would be about the right length. http://www.customdynamics.com/Images/plugngp21a.jpg
  15. Which rack are you using? The Yamaha rack or the aftermarket rack that has the bow over the backres?
  16. I second this method... everyone knows alcohol kills germs..
  17. I've got a Roadstar with a Memphis Fats 19" shield on it.. .I ride on the interstate at 70 and 75... I have no problems at that speed.. Every now and then I'll pull the shield and ride without it... about 65 or 70 then, but I'm getting older, and tire out a lot quicker, but I still love it... I hear so many people talking about buffetting and such.. I just don't get it.. you're blasting 70 MPH through the atmosphere.. you'll never have a perfectly smooth ride. If I wanted that, I'd get a car... but even then, I'd prefer to be more like a dog and hang my head out the side.... cause I can....
  18. I was reading the site you got it from. They say it won't work with a rack... I think it would, if you moved the spoiler further down on the trunk, but then if you did that, the leading edge of the spoiler would be pointing up to the sky...
  19. That's a REAL drag. Hope you heal FAST and well!!!! I broke my wrist in a fall.. turing too fast into a gas station laid way over and hit a bunch of loose gravel... That's beside the point... Point is, once my knee healed up enough to bend it (about a week) I couldn't stand it any more and would take off the splint (they seldom use a cast any more) and went riding... YEP.. it hurt.. but my knees were in the wind!
  20. VERY nice.. and a lot cheaper than Yamaha... looks like you can't get a rack on there with it though?
  21. OH... Or... if you want to spend a couple bucks, you can get a cheap slide hammer that has internal fingers that you can lock into the hole in the inner race of the bearing, then using the slide, pull the bearing. You can also spend even more, and buy a good internal bearing puller... This method isn't always the best method though. If the outer race is wedged in there really good, about all you will accomplish is pulling the bearing apart, and will be back to the drift and hammer method.
  22. I've alwyas used a drift.. or a brass or soft metal rod. You can use a good size punch though... Just start from the back side of the bearing you want to remove. Go through the center hole of the bearing on the side you have up, and place the drift or punch on the outter edge of the bearing against the hub housing, and start tapping, working the drift around the the bearing. Be careful not to drive any one point very far or you will cock the bearing in the housing and then have a hard time getting it out... Also, if you are using a steel punch and not a soft metal drift, be careful not to mar up the hub of the wheel. Just keep slowly working your way around the bearing and it will finally fall out. To get the second side out, I'll find something like a ipece of pipe that will fit the outter race of the bearing, and just give it a couple good smacks and drive the bearing out.
  23. I had done two maint. days at my house when I was pretty active on the Road Star Riders forum on Delphi. I've got about everything you would ever need, plus cook up some mean ribs, but this year I just have too much happening to even think about trying to put something together... Maybe next year I can see if I could host one in this area.
  24. Oh.. OK.. that's what I had thought you meant, but wasn't sure so was just checking. A little too far for me with everything I've got happening.. Would love to do a closer one though. OH.. pluse I'll be that the Motorcycles, Metal, and Mayhem rally in Greenburg PA that weekend.. that shold be one great party!
  25. Are you having one in Fredericksburg?
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