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Everything posted by LilBeaver

  1. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!? Now there is a novel idea! Yea, I'm the same way - with exception to 2 members from here that I have added and not met personally... But I have everything set to either 'do not share' or 'friends only' and post very limited information, at that.
  2. LOL. Actually, it isn't the distance that is the problem - except for someone else needing to run her back to Texas for me. I will be leaving Nelson to head over to Vancouver for 3 weeks (for work) then riding back... I have been eying the PIP deal though, as it looks like a good time - and I'm quite familiar with some of the decent rides up in that part of the country.
  3. You beat me to it!
  4. I realize this is old news and probably no one cares anymore, BUT, I figured I should update the information I gave here because it is now inaccurate. As of today, when I got on to facebook, the privacy settings ARE, in fact, much easier to set and are described very clearly. So long as they actually abide by the policies and rules that are claimed by the settings the users choose, I think that this is definitely a user-friendly improvement for them. Again, I am sort of under the impression that since this is buried now, no one really cares anymore but I figured I'd mention it anyway.
  5. If you are okay with a used one, here is one with no bids and starting at $40 ($20 - S&H). Limited pictures and description though, so I'd definitely be rather cautious about this. A quick search shows several other [complete] trunks of varying years & condition starting at, buy it now or 'make an offer' priced around $200. I know it is still some cash, but it beats the OEM replacement for 900. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/yamaha-venture-new-style-trunk-bottom-decent-shape-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2a07743ae1QQitemZ180513684193QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Item #: 180513684193
  6. Wow, looks like a great turn-out and the weather, for the most part, looks like it was pretty good too!
  7. Yea, I'll bet! I suppose I should bring a squirt bottle or rolled up newspaper for the occasionally necessary 'DOWN BOY!'... Just in case Although the 4000 mile (~6400 km) round trip for them might be a bit of a turn off...
  8. + 1 to ordering straight from them. I have seen some vendors on e-bay selling it too. Sometimes cheaper, but not by much - unless you buy in bulk. My understanding of the differences between Ride-On and other products like 'slime' is that the Ride-On is intended as a preventative measure that works while you ride, opposed to the 'slime' like products that you put in after you get punctured. I put some in my tires before my last long trip and have not had an issue - but I haven't run anything over either. I'm about ready to do a tire change out so I might drive a screw or two in, just to test it out and see how well it actually works on our bikes. Did a quick search on flea-bay and found abunch. This was one of the first that popped up, 27.50 & Free shipping for 2 8 oz bottles. This is sufficient for our tires. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/RIDE-ON-Tire-Sealant-Flat-Fix-Balance-System-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem35a8d612efQQitemZ230465868527QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_1164wt_1119 Item #: 230465868527 [just in case the link does not work] PS I am not affiliated with this particular seller, nor to I know anything about them. Just figured I'd post it as an example.
  9. Sounds like you really lucked out bud!! I took one to the chest a few years ago (on my GS750 at the time - no windshield) - almost knocked me clean off and boy was I bruised. Then last summer, the first ride I was out on with a brand new windshield - I got another one, right in the shield. Unfortunately I needed to replace the shield, but boy I'm glad it didn't get me... I was doing about 70 at the time, it probably would have killed me.
  10. I've been iching to get on one but have no intentions of buying one at the moment so I can't really justify going to the dealer (who has a used one sitting out) and asking for a test ride. They sure do look like a lot of fun. And they do sound purdy.
  11. They aren't necessarily pretty, but they keep stuff dry. I have used these on luggage racks in the past and they have been great. Available at sporting good stores (and possibly wally-world) For example: http://www.rei.com/product/739202?preferredSku=7392020017&cm_mmc=cse_froogle-_-datafeed-_-product-_-7392020017&mr:trackingCode=2DB4234A-C21C-DF11-9B13-0019B9C043EB&mr:referralID=NA I have also used these on camping trips or when out canoeing, can be completely submerged and still keeps stuff dry. I know that many of the bags that are advertised as 'water proof', really aren't. It is typically a matter of time before they get waterlogged and then get the stuff inside wet. These don't do that since they are made of a thick rubber material. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Just thought I'd mention it as an alternative to the 'standard' motorcycle trunk bag.
  12. YOU GOT IT Annie!! Brian: Lol. yea, well - other than the whole me having to work for 3 weeks after it, I might have considered it But, I agree, she'd probably be up for it
  13. No kidding!!
  14. Nice! :happy65: I guess you were going fast enough to not get wet in that last one and too quick for the camera
  15. Nope. At least based on the laughter I heard from her as we passed a few of them, I'm guessing not.
  16. Yikes. Glad you two are okay!! That is one of the reasons I hate pulling off under the overpasses (granted, the way it sounds it could have happened anywhere along the side of the road) since it is difficult to see anyways and who knows who else wants to stop. That doesn't stop me from doing it when necessary, but I try to keep it as quick as possible and stay as far out of the way as possible. Again, glad ya'll are okay!!
  17. Well. I'm back. Great ride today too. No pictures because I left my camera at the house () but it was beautiful, so I'll be back out there sometime soon I'm sure. I don't know what is going on between her and her 'man' but when I asked if everything was okay, her words were "don't worry about it, he can deal with it". I offered to go have a chat with him, but she wasn't too keen on that, so whatever. She has been looking into getting into a MSF class so that will be taken care of too, so no worries there. She did good today 600+ miles and we even did some rain. To my surprise, there wasn't a single complaint from her, just enjoying the open road and having some laughs. When I saw the dark clouds start to develop and move in from the south (and in front of us) I wasn't sure how she was going to handle it. I gave her a fair warning of what to expect when we started to get wet and offered her my rain pants - that go on over whatever you are wearing (the jacket I let her wear has a waterproof liner in it) she just said 'no thanks - I'll dry'. Overall, we had another great day - and it was mentioned by a few folks now and I'll reiterate that it is REALLY nice to find someone that enjoys riding too and is fine as just friends. By the way, the next ride has already been tentatively scheduled for later this week :banana: Thanks for following along, I just wanted to share my excitement with someone... Anyways, sorry this is a little jumbled. I need to go clean up a little (it was 95+ today and sunny for some of the afternoon... Yuck). I may fill in some more details later, but for now - off to the water-closet. Additional responses below: :yikes: I'm not old enough to be thinking about any of that 'm' word stuff. And me, get in to 'trouble'?!?!?! Naaaaaah Yea, no kidding. I've been through a few that were 'into motorcycling' until we get out for a ride. 15 minutes down the road I get the 'tap tap tap, are we going to be out much longer?' Which is followed by a 'nope, not anymore... C-ya'. She is super excited now, more so than she was when we had our first motorcycle talk, and is really looking forward to getting her own set of wheels. You were correct Dave :happy65: . 10 Points for you... So young?!?! Hmmmm, she is only 1 year younger than me At this point, I just hope that her boyfriend doesn't get in the way of her enjoying motorcycles. Although if we start hanging out more (with the bike(s)) and she continues to enjoy it (which I imagine she will, considering the mileage she has racked up in 2 days) she'll be fine. I have no idea what you are talking about :confused24: ...............................
  18. I'm glad that you feel that way because I wasn't going to say it... I was just getting ready to lay out a pygmy run cheesecake diversion, if necessary... I think I'll still keep that in reserve.
  19. Excellent point. I added frequency of use info to my original post.
  20. That's the plan and my thoughts exactly.
  21. I would say put a little seafoam in it - but since you are on an 09, that ought not be necessary... When it is 85+ I actually don't have to choke mine at all. I do give it 15-20 seconds or so before I take off, just to be sure. EDIT: I think an important tidbit of info here is how often the bike is run. I ride my bike every day. I use it to commute to work and back, I use it to get groceries, I use it for fun. So it is started a minimum of twice a day...
  22. Nope, no overnighter involved. The route I've got figured is only about 650 total. So, I'm thinking a total of 12-14 hours ought to suffice (including fuel stops 2 meal breaks and ice cream). Kickstand up around 6am (she is an early riser too) and I can have her back before sunset. :crackup::crackup: Yeah... Right... That's it. Although I have been told numerous times that I can be quite dense. Nah, no funny business here. She just enjoyed the ride and wants to go again.
  23. I agree - he can deal with it. My intentions are pure (i.e. NO shenanigans) and her and I both know that. So, whatever. Today while we were eating lunch she had mentioned that she had nothing going on tomorrow and would like to see northern New Mexico/southern Colorado (6-800 mi round trip). So we have tentative plans to head off first thing tomorrow morning. BUT, that might end up changing by the end of tonight.
  24. While jumping off the bike was an option, I had made sure that she knew all she had to do was say the word and I could turn around at any time. And yes we did. Well, I haven't a clue; I have met him once and he introduced himself as her 'friend'. I will probably call her in a little bit to make sure everything is fine, however I did have the following thought too: NO KIDDING!
  25. Sounds like a great trip!! Hope all goes well!!
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