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Everything posted by jeeper0202

  1. spray it with so wd 40 .. i will work eady for a while then you will have to spay it again
  2. mine did that and i found out that one of the coils was bad:322:
  3. i have a 06 and my whine sounded like a four by four with mud grips on it .. took it to the shop and the found out that the rearend ring and pinion gear was ate up.. that year yamaha put in some kind of special grease that was suppose to make the bearings last longer but little did they know that the grease would eat up the ring and pinion gears.. they sent me a whole new rearend and that was the end of my whine .. may want to check on that
  4. when i got my bike .. i went to boass al. i rode it home and i ran anywhere from 85 to 90 and i got 52 mpg
  5. i dont know but i would like to see how it looks when you get it done
  6. check and make sure that the plug to the relay did not vibrate out .. that is what happend to mine.. was not pluged all the way in till it clicked in place .. and that was 3 years ago
  7. mine sounded like a four wheel drive...
  8. my 06 had a bad wine in the rearend come to finde out the the rearend was wore out...yamaha told the dealer that it must be a 2006 and the dealer told him that it was... they sent me a brand new rearend and i have not had that wine anymore...for some reason in 2006 they put some kind of grease in the rearend to make the bearings last longer. but what they didnt know is that the grease would eat up the ring and pinion gear... so they fixed mine under warenty
  9. i dont use the cassett anyway... i think that is what yamaha shoud put there
  10. if horns are not working take a 12v tester and make sure that you have fire coming thew it .. if you do then there is a screw on the back of the horn that you can screw out just a little bit and the horn will work .. that happen to me and a buddy of mine showed then fix it in a jiffy
  11. i had to have mine painted to ... they are just stuck on with tape... i never could get mine to stay on after having it painted so i left them off .. i think it looks better with them off myself
  12. there is a screw on the back of it .. mine did the same thing .. all you have to do is to screw it out a little bit and i will work.. unless your not getting any fire to it .. but that is all that i had to do .. try it .. it might solve your problem:lightbulb:
  13. i got mine at the thunder beach rally... and they say that i will not scrach.. when i was on my way home i noticed to long light scratchs at the bottom of it .. i think it was like that when i got it.... goint to call the company and see what they say about it ... i think they done it when they were cleaning it and maybe had a ring on or something.. realy not that noticble but i then for the money it should be right
  14. i need a set myself.. if you know where there is another set let me know .. thanks
  15. i tryed it but it did not work.
  16. where is it on a 06 rsv:fingers-crossed-emo
  17. i have a 06 and mine realy had a bad whine.. took it to the shop and found out that it was the rear end... in the 06s yamaha put some special grease on the rear end bearing... said that it would make the bearings last longer , but what they didnt know is that the grease would eat up the pinion gear...they put a whole brand new rear end in mine and now i do not have a whine at all... if it is under warranty... bring it in and yamaha will replace it ..
  18. yes i had to change the rear end in mine to , but the wine is gone.. yamaha said that they put some kind of grease in the rear end bairings that was suppose to make them last longer .. but what they didnt know is that it would eat up the rear end... they replaced mine:bluesbrother:
  19. how do you hook it all up ..know how to do the amp meter but how about the oil and temp meter ...
  20. this is my trailer and i love it .. i got about 500.00 tied up into it .. but made it myself.. bought a h/f trailer and made my carrier top the way that i wanted it .. works great for me [ATTACH]31072[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31073[/ATTACH]
  21. yes ,, they are 100.00 dollors ... had to replace mine to
  22. just got threw with mine to .. here is how it came out [ATTACH]29929[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]29930[/ATTACH]
  23. my trailer pulls great .. .even at 85mph it is straight as a arrow... as far as stopping it i have no problems with that either... dont even know that it is behind me ...
  24. jeeper0202

    my venture

    midnight venture 06
  25. jeeper0202

    From the album: my venture

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