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Bobby G

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Everything posted by Bobby G

  1. You may have seen Murph from northern Alabama on the Dragon. We ran into he and his wife on the top of the Great Smokey Mountain National Forest pulloff (near Clingman's Dome) yesterday. Great folks. You just never know who you're going to run into when you are out and about with your RSV! We had a fantastic weekend also, going up to 411/321 to Pigeon Forge Saturday and then back down to Atlanta via the Forest, with stops in Franklin NC, Hiawassee, Helen and Dawsonville. Probably the last mountain ride until the Spring. It was glorious!
  2. Not much to add to what Chip (Loehring) posted, but I'm sure the family of this Fallen Hero will be comforted by the presence of many flag carrying Patriots tomorrow as they lay their son to rest. They will neither see nor hear one voice or image of protest from anyone. The low life "pastor" of the WBC, whose name is Phelps, has failed, and will continue to fail, in his attempts to spread his lies and filth at the expense of a fallen Warrior. Which is why they rarely if ever show up to any funerals anymore, even though they continue to say they will. Their only remaining weapon is their web site, where they can continue to spew their bile. For reference and information about the PGR, go to http://www.patriotguard.org. Once you join (no cost), you will be able to easily track any of the missions in any state that are taken on by the PGR to stand for our Heroes. You'll also be able to post your own personal condolences for any fallen active duty KIA or veteran for whom the PGR is standing to honor. These condolences are often printed and placed in a book that is given to the family, so they know that they are not alone in their grief. Thanks Chipper. Semper fi, Marine. God bless. Bobby Former GA Ride Captain Proud Flagline member
  3. I think that there is still a sufficient level of demand for motorcycles in all sectors - street, cruiser, touring and off road - but the ability of your typical customer to acquire the bike today is what is mainly affecting sales. Consumer finance options have shrunk with big lenders like GE Money and HSBC significantly cutting back in this industry due to massive credit losses, and with the seemingly non-stop erosion of consumer credit due to job losses, home foreclosures, etc., even top tier lenders who are still in the game, like HD Credit, Sheffield Financial and State Farm Bank, are being very cautious about who gets financed. New regulations in revolving credit are also affecting what kind of loan programs will be offered by the Big 5. The days of $79 a month for the first 12 months, then 23.99% for the next 15 years are over! If you don't have the wherewithall to make a reasonable installment loan payment on a bike, and don't have at least a 675 credit score, you won't qualify. Lenders are more risk-averse than ever, and F&I managers at the dealerships are learning that they can't make chicken salad out of chicken sh1t anymore to make the sale. Welcome to the new age of retail selling and lending!
  4. Everyone has their own favs, but my '99 has only had one kind of oil in it since it was new - - Yamalube 5W40 semi-synth. I change it out every 5K to 6K miles, and while black to a degree, it still comes out with a golden hue. I also now add 6oz of Motorkote every 3rd or 4th oil change, and my Yama-whine is all but gone completely. I'm also getting 2 to 3 mpg better milage. FYI, I only use mid-grade 89 octane fuel. Another key to great engine performance is using a really good filter, not a cheap Fram or off brand. Spend the extra couple of bucks and save yourself the headache down the road.
  5. I attached the flat black plastic disc that came with my Garmin StreetPilot 550a to the tank bib just below the gas cap, and use the suction cup mount directly on it. It's perfectly stable, has never come loose regardless of the bumps I hit, and is easier to view the GPS in bright light conditions versus the handlebar mount I previously used. When I have the GPS stowed away, the black disc is barely noticeable.
  6. I ordered my first 32oz bottle last week and can't wait to try it to see if it really helps with both the whine and the MPG's. Got a great deal on Amazon.com - $26.50 and no shipping charge. That beats the motorkote.com web site price by about $12 bucks.
  7. I suspect he meant 4 quarts of motor oil, not motorkote. (Talk about slippin the clutch!)
  8. I'm off starting Friday through the 13th. Working around here on some much needed projects until the 9th, when a group of 5 bikes and a cage/trailer leave the ATL for the Gardens of Remembrance in PA for the ceremonies on 9/11. We are part of a Steel Pony Express Ride in honor of Sgt. Jennifer Hartman, who was KIA in Bagdad on 9/14/06, to present her unit's flag to her family. It should be a very emotional and heart warming trip. We are doing the DC tourist thing on the 12th, then head back home.
  9. Just ordered a 32oz bottle on Amazon for $26.39, free shipping. About .82 cents/oz. That's about the best deal out there I think. I'll let you know how it works on my '99 RSV.
  10. A bunch of us with the Warriors Watch Riders will be in Bucks County PA on 9/11 for the ceremonies at the Gardens of Remembrance, if you get that far north. We'll be doing a little sightseeing in DC on the 12th before heading back down I-81 en route back to the ATL, finishing the trip on the 13th. I'll have my blackberry if you want to shoot me an email while up that way. Happy trails!
  11. I just changed the oil after 6,000 miles, and I was shocked at how clean this used oil looks compared to any other oil I have ever used. It still has that golden hue to it. I think I could have easily gone another 2K to 3K before a change-out. Just thought I'd mention it.
  12. Wish I was in Utah. I'd be honored to ride for this cause. Ride safe.
  13. According to the original owner, a retired Yami engineer, Yamalube semi synth 5w40 since 1999. Scoot just turned 45K, runs and shifts like new, and I now go 6K to 8K between change outs, and only change the final drive lube every other oil change. I'll never use another kind of oil. It it ain't broke.......
  14. What about this disclaimer on the BikerHiway.com web site? Note PIAA motorcycle lights are intended for use solely as auxiliary lighting. PIAA motorcycle lights are not intended to be used for headlight purposes, nor are they certified for headlight usage. Auxiliary lighting laws vary from state to state. PIAA makes no representation or warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the legality of its products for street use on any vehicle or in any location. PIAA motorcycle lights are designed to improve visibility during night time motoring and inclement weather conditions. However, irresponsible use of any auxiliary light can be dangerous and illegal.
  15. I also ride with my high beam on during the day to enhance my visibility to on-coming traffic. The stock lamp is a little weak, and I'm not going to add highway lights, so I will also be checking out some other options.
  16. Just completed a 325 mile ride today from Marietta GA to Meridian MS, and no rattles! Man, was that a treat!
  17. SUCCESS! That was the source of the rattle! It was coming from the speaker housing. A little padding and super glue, and it's now nice and quiet. I also re-installed the plastic cover to the trunk latch mechanism, and replaced the loose plastic plug fasteners with 1" X 6mm bolts and made it very tight. Thanks for all of the great suggestions. Now, about that rattling wife thing......!!!!!
  18. Great check list! I'm getting on all of these tonight. Anyone of them could be the culpret, including the aforementioned loose tool bag in the side compartment. Thanks guys. I'll let you know what I find out after a check of all of the above and a test ride.
  19. Yep, I reinstalled every bolt under there, and used a tube of Blue in the process. Still rattles. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  20. I have a very nice '99 RSV, but I am getting the most annoying rattle and vibration from the area of the backrest, speaker housing or trunk that I cannot identify. I've tightened every bolt and screw I can find, lubed the trunk lid hinges, removed and reinstalled everything from the front seat on back to the trunk, and still cannot find the source. I've had my wife sit backward on the rear seat while we rode up and down the street to try to isolate it, but even she can't nail it down. The speakers work OK at all volumes, so I don't think it's them, unless it's inside the housing itself. I'm stumped. Any ideas? Thanks.
  21. I heard. Glad it's working out for you. Now you and Sue-Sue can go rain-ridin'!
  22. Thanks for all you are doing Clay. Post your homecoming information and me and a bunch of the boys will rig up the flags and give you a proper welcome home escort!
  23. Just saw this on eBay for anyone interested. It looks in great shape, and they are only asking $25. Just spreading the word. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1999-Yamaha-XVZ13TFL-Royal-Star-Venture-Rider-Seat_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem20accd1a04QQitemZ140338076164QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  24. Ditto on the Show Chrome shortie/fatty. It's 3" shorter (perfect height), and 4" wider. I run with it all the time, get great MPG's, can see in the rain, have no buffeting issues, and get great air flow over the top on my skid lid. I'll never go back to the stock windshield.
  25. I'm running a very stock '99 RSV, except for the Sampson slashcuts and a Show Chrome shorty windscreen, and I average 45 - 47 mpg all the time. Getting 50+ when only cruising the local roads and staying under 55 mph. Most of my riding is solo with not much added weight, except for my increasingly out of shape 220 lbs. I now have 44K on the bike, and have no real issues with it at all. Must just be livin right, I guess. Only goofy thing on gas milage is that my reserve tank kicks in when I still have at least 1.5 gal left in the tank. Not sure why, but I'm not complaining.
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