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Bobby G

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Everything posted by Bobby G

  1. I love Amilia Island and we have hit a number of the restaurants there before. Will be heading over there to meet up with some friends on Sunday. Thanks for the head's up on the speed limit. Hope the popo's are biker friendly. We do tend to run somewhat loud!
  2. Hig, you ought to write for Fodors Destination Guides! Great suggestions for once we hit the JAX metro. Thanks! We're actually staying on the west side of I95 in the World Golf Village, but will be playing tourist in St. A, and also heading up to Amelia Island to visit some friends.
  3. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I think we are going to take US41 to US341 to US23 to US1 all the way to JAX, and then pick up 295/95 the rest of the way to St. Augustine. Should be a great ride, and the weather is looking good for Thursday and Friday as well. the trip home on Monday might be a little dicey with T-storms moving in, but oh well. That's why God made rainsuits and windshields.
  4. Leaving the ATL on Friday for Jacksonville and want to stay off the interstates for as much of the trip as possible. Thinking of getting off I-75 at Macon and getting on US 23/341 to Brunswick and taking I-95 the short rest of the way. Anyone familiar with that route or have any alternate suggestions? Being a holiday weekend, I really don't want to deal with interstates all the way.
  5. Just installed mine on the '99, and they are awesome. Currently selling the stock set. I paid $329 for the seats, and $135 for the passenger back rest from a guy in California. Brand new, never been farted on! The MSRP on new ones from the dealer is nearly $800! Good luck finding them.
  6. bled brakes and clutch, and installed new pads on front and rear with the last tire change out - CHECK New valve stems - CHECK greased bearing and splines - CHECK Dunlop E3's - not on this boy's RSV! On the VTX, definitely, and Dunlop 402's on the H-D, no problem. But you can't argue with the past performance I got with the 880's on the RSV - over 18K on the back, and 20K on the front. Keep the ideas coming - - this is very hepful!
  7. OK, there has been a ton of discussion on this forum about oil, tires, windshields, leveling links, lights, carb heaters and the infamous whining splines in the clutch. I've personally appreciated all of the advice and opinion from all of you on the things that can improve my overall ride, performance and maintenance of my '99 RSV, and I hope I've added a little something to the discussions as well. So now what more can I do to make my ride as good as it can be, or improve its performance or life. It rides pretty darn nice right now (53K miles, ME880's, Yamalube semi-synth oil w/ Motorkote, leveling links installed, Showchrome 13" windscreen, full maintenance schedule every 3000 - 4000 miles)? Am I missing anything that I should be doing or changing or adding? I haven't changed out the i-basket yet, but that's already on the list.
  8. Thanks for posting the article. Makes sense to me.
  9. I have this same jack but in blue. Works great, and will definitely work with the C_O adapter, which my bike is up on as we speak. This is a steal. Gotta run - - off to O'Reilly's.....
  10. Been on the leveling links now for about a week with the 150 ME880 up front, and I love the handling at all speeds now. Even my wife noticed a difference last night when we went on a 40 mile evening run. I also keep about 25psi in the rear shock when riding solo, and about 40psi when 2-up. No handling issues whatsoever. And the new pillow top seats are the cherry on the whip cream!
  11. I just swapped out my stock seats on the '99 yesterday and replaced them with the pillow top late model set. Selling the stock set (both seats and the passenger backrest - excellent condition) if that is what you are looking for. But the pillow tops are the BOMB!
  12. Now that is a pretty sight! Got it today and it is wonderful. Beats the heck out of trying to use wooden blocks or hockey pucks, which I couldn't get to work anyway.
  13. Ordered my Carbon_One from Larry the other day, and it is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Can't wait to put that sucker to work. Great guy to deal with too. Next task on the docket - - leveling links!
  14. Got a very nice little hand pump at a local bicycle shop that looks just like the H-D pump. Screw on valve connector and nice gauge, but the psi range is more for very high pressure bicycle tires than a M/C, like up to 120#, which makes it pretty useless for the front forks. For that I had to get a low pressure tire gauge that ranges from 0 to 10 psi ($3 at the same store). But I rarely keep any pressure in the front forks anyway, and keep my rear shock at about 25 psi, maybe up to 35 when on a long ride with the wife on the back. The pump itself was $24.95, and it works very nicely. I even use it on the tires when I need to make small adjustments to them.
  15. First class piece of equipment and well worth the price, but if you are not very adept at these kind of installs (and I'm not!), get some help. It will be worth it.
  16. You're right, driving conditions and user maintenance have a lot to do with it. I love the Dunlops for everything EXCEPT the RSV. I am a true believer in the ME880's for my '99, and got over 15K on my last set. Lot of guys here don't like the Metzlers, but I don't argue with performance that good. I keep the front tire at 40 and the rear at 42 (cold), and my rear shock at 25 psi when riding solo and at 38 when riding 2-up. I also keep the front shocks at 0. Getting ready to install the leveling links as well, so hopefully that will make the handling a little better which should translate into even longer tread wear.
  17. Got it on the calendar Chip. Keeping my fingers crossed for great weather for everyone. (Would love to see the Ventures outnumber the Holly's!)
  18. One other element to take into consideration was that Yamaha and Kawi were playing a game of chicken - - who would pull the trigger first on a "new" touring bike. Kawi lost when they introduced the Voyager with a grand THUD in mid-'09 (two major recalls already!). That bought Yamy time to test the waters, watch the market and ride out the tanking economy for awhile before having to make a decision on a when to move forward on any serious changes to the current 2nd Gen. But you're right - the Venture is a sidebar line to Yamaha's major product line up. They are kicking ass right now in the PWC and sport boat market (just passed Sea Ray in the under-25' segment for #1 market share), and are seeing some nice rebound in the ATV/UTV/Side-by-Side market as well. And they still hold a solid #2 market share position in the US in metric M/C sales (Honda still rules those numbers, and is closing fast on H-D for overall #1 in all M/C sales). But I still believe that 2011 will see a new Venture introduction that will maintain the classic styling but offer some nice enhancements in a price point that will give us Baby Boomers and everyone else that likes a comfortable ride and easy maintenance some cause to take a serious look.
  19. I have it on excellent authority inside Yamaha that they will NEVER move to a V-twin for the Venture. Look for a very nicely juiced up 2011 model with lots of improvements to the current 2nd Gen. (Their guys read this forum every day, so they know what their loyal customers are saying!) Target price will be under $20K. Stay tuned!
  20. Gary and Ponch, thanks for the suggestions. I have decided to take the easy way out and bought a few battery operated red LED flashers that have clips on the back and easily clip to the tour pak when the lid is unlatched. These are highly visible strobes that can be seen a mile away, day or night, and if I have to be parked with the ignition off and need to be seen, these will do the trick. Very inexpensive at ACE hardware ($7 for a 2-pack). Problem solved!
  21. Is there a way to rig the flashers on an RSV to operate without the key turned on? It seems to me that in an emergency, you'd want them to work even if the ignition is off. Help!
  22. Roger that.
  23. The same happened to me on the wife's Harley on Tuesday. A two week old Dunlop 404 with a tube in it, no less! Turns out that the tube kinked when it was installed and popped a hole where the kink was. Doesn't happen often, but this one was pretty bad. Had it fixed at a local M/C tire store close to where it went flat ($70!), and I'll be heading to the Harley dealership where I had the new tire installed tomorrow to see about getting some $$$ back. I think they should stand by their installation procedures. Glad your situation was not worse.
  24. Thanks guys. You pretty much confirmed what I suspected, but there just aren't many affordable options for half-helmet riders who want to use the comm system on the RSV. I think what I'll do is get one set for myself and try to make some "comfort adjustments", and when the wife wants to ride rear seat, I'll let her wear them and I'll go back to using my 3/4 lid with the existing headphones and mic.
  25. I just got a quote from Partshark on the I-basket of $260. For those of you that have installed this, is this about right?
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