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Bobby G

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Everything posted by Bobby G

  1. One of my first mods was adding the Diamond R LED light bar under the trunk. An easy install and it adds a ton of needed light to the rear. It's both a running light and a brake light. http://diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/proddisplay.php?name=15%60%60%20Slimline%20LED%20Lightbar
  2. Woke up to a nice blanket of snow this morning here in north GA, but the roads are already dry and the sun is out, so it will all be gone in a few hours. But it's pretty for a few hours anyway. Bring on the heat wave!
  3. Getting ready to start with the white flaky stuff here in Marietta too. Gonna be a fast mover though, and it should be a distant memory by mid-afternoon. Thanks for the offer. I'm sure the first time I make it to a M&E Maintenance Day around her, some of the guys will get a pretty good laugh at how I put the whole shabang back together under the seat!
  4. Mission accomplished. When push comes to shove, start pulling everything out of the way until you can get to the sucker! Anyway, I got the old one out, and it had to be the original. It was brownish-yellow and had a rubber jacket on it so it would nest in the little cradle down there where I found it, and is twice the size of the replacement, which is now safely nestled up in the nest of hoses and rubber tubes at the base of the tank, so it can be accessed without taking anything but the seat off. After I got everything back together I fired it right up and ran it for a good 20 minutes, and it sounds smooth as glass on the throttle. I agree with whoever said to re-route the tubing between the filter and the fuel pump to make it easier to access. But the devil is in the detail, and making sure all of the clamps are on tight and the filter is installed with the "flow" arrow pointing the right way is essential. I'll be taking a nice ride this weekend to make sure everything works properly. Damn snow is showing up again tonight and tomorrow here in the ATL. I hate winter!
  5. No problem. I'm laughing at myself right now too. Man do I feel stupid sometimes. But I'm really operating in the dark here, and I just know I'm going to screw this thing up big time. I learn things visually, not by written instructions, so I wish there was a video of how to change this sucker out! Grrrrrrr......
  6. OK, scratch that. I'm a dumba$$. That black thing is not the fuel filter. Apparently it's some kind of vacuum, as the hose connected to the bottom of it just dangles down through the bottom of the bike and is not connected to anything. Back to square 1 trying to get the actual fuel filter out.
  7. New question: I finally removed the old fuel filter to put the new one in - - and yes, it was a colossal PIA getting to it, but I finally got it figured out - - and as suggested in this and prior threads, I bought a new Purolator F10024 replacement filter. All I can say is that they don't even remotely resemble each other. Pics attached. The new filter (silver) is on the left. The new one seems to be much larger in all respects, especially the openings on each end. Any suggestions? Should I be overly concerned about their differences? This is the first fuel filter change-out I've done on this bike, and obviously it's WAY over due. Thanks.
  8. Bobby G

    Harbor Freight

    Love that store!
  9. 13.296 after about 20 tries, but I'm starting to figure it out!
  10. This stuff is really amazing and easy to use, but man does it stink until it dries! Strongly advise to mix and use it in a very well ventilated area. http://www.plast-aid.com/video/Introducing_PlastAid_BB.mov
  11. If you got this bike for under $5k, I believe you got one heck of a great deal. Enjoy!!
  12. Wow! Great debate on this old thread! Glad I dug it back up to make the inquiry. I will stick to the stock ignition module unless I see a great deal on the 3000 (under $50). Thanks again guys!
  13. Thanks guys. I appreciate the input.
  14. Just throwing my 2 cents on this one, as I had a serious clutch safety issue last summer while on a very long ride to south Florida. I had not changed out my clutch fluid since owning my RSV, and after 14 hours of riding in 95+ degree heat last August, the fluid boiled and I lost the clutch. Was able to get the fluid bled and replaced on site, and the ride home was much happier and safer. I strongly suggest that if it's anything but nearly clear in color, change it out (DOT 5.1). Everything else that Goose recommends, I second.
  15. Resurrecting this old thread to ask a question: If you are happy with your current performance, not bumping the rev limiter, and have no other ignition issues, is there any advantage in replacing the stock ignition with the Dyna 3000 that everyone seems to be so pleased with? Will upgrading to this product improve gas milage, or help the plugs perform better in any way? I seriously don't know if it's worth spending $215 on this or not. Thanks.
  16. My '99 in great shape with 29,990 miles was $5,750. If this bike is in good shape, buy it!
  17. Thanks for the differing viewpoints. And yes, I do recognize that motor oil, like tires, gets debated way too much on this forum. I did some additional research on the topic, and found this very interesting article on some fairly extensive independent testing done on automotive vs. motorcycle-specific oils, including the petrolium vs. synthetic oil comparisons. Some of the conclusions are pretty predictable, but others were not, and as such, I think I'll stick with what I'm currently doing and stay with Mobile 1 20W50 or 15W50 synthetic. I think my clutch will be just fine. Thanks again. Here's the article: http://www.nightrider.com/biketech/oiltest1.htm
  18. Lots of pros and cons to be read on this site about using 15W50 synth oil in the RSV, but it's hard to turn down a 5 quart container of Mobile 1 for $23 at Wal-Mart. Been using M1 20W50 for about 2 years now, and the 15W50 does seem to be quite a bit thicker, but for older engines with higher mileage and higher rev limits, it makes sense to give it a try, especially at that price. Only concern may be clutch slippage, but we'll see how it performs.
  19. Bobby G


    New cars for $960? iPads for $8? Please..... (WC Fields and my ole daddy were right on the money....if it sounds too good to be true, it is. And there's a sucker born every minute!)
  20. Will have to work on that!
  21. Man, I hate that I cannot join up with you guys on Saturday, but I'm already committed to the escort on Saturday morning for our WWII MIA Hero who is arriving at Hartsfield at 0715am. The PGR is escorting his remains and family to Cleveland TN, and from there I am heading to Nashville to meet up with some family members. Hope to meet up with all of you guys soon. Everyone ride safe.
  22. Getting new shoes on the RSV tomorrow, and the "2011 Tour" is really shaping up to be a good one! Departing the ATL on: ~ Feb 25 - Palm Beach FL - 6 days ~ March 5 - Daytona Bike Week - 7 days ~ May 26 - Washington DC (Rolling Thunder) - 5 days ~ June 10 - Dayton OH - 4 days ~ June 23 - White Sulpher Springs, WVA - 5 days ~ Sept 8 - Philly PA (for 9/11 memorial) - 6 days Not sure how many miles that is, but it's more than I've done in a long time in one calendar year, not including the weekly 200 - 300 mile rides we do to the mountains from March through November, and all of the other shorter rides with the PGR and WWR. 2011 is gonna be a great year. It has to be, cause 2010 sucked! So when is the N. GA maintenance day???
  23. Had that surgery many years ago, and still enjoy the benefits to this day. All the best to her in her recovery. Should be a piece of cake. (Just looked at the clock. Hope it went well!)
  24. Bobby G

    Cheap GPS

    I've had Magellan, Tom-Tom and Garmin Nuvi, but my StreetPilot c550 is still the best GPS I've ever owned. The $99 software upgrade fee is a killer, but I only do that about every 2 years.
  25. Steelers win ugly again, but win they did. Now to figure a way to score a ticket to the SB!
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