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Bobby G

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Everything posted by Bobby G

  1. My bike's PO installed Sampson Slashcut slip-on's several years ago, and the sound really is unique and amazing. Listen to a Donzi sportboat inboard engine (or other similar kind of high performance inboard marine engine), and you'll hear the same sound. Very deep-throated and low tone rumble. Most of my riding buds say they can pick my RSV out of a crowd with no problem. And it's not obnoxiously loud either. The performance is also excellent, as I get high 40's MPG most of the time, and have hit 50 on several occasions recently. Although I like Vance & Hines and Cobra's, I would never change these out. Just my Good luck with your evaluation and selection!
  2. My fluid boiled last summer en route to Ft. Lauderdale, and the mechanic who changed it out for me put in DOT 5.1 synth fluid. No issues ever since.
  3. I may be in the minority here, but I truly believe that my whine and the little chirp diminished considerably when I did two things - - I switched to a good 20W50 synth oil, an equally good oil filter (I use Mobile1 for both), and added Motorkote oil additive every 3rd oil change. My bike's previous owner replaced the clutch a few years ago, but did not install an I-basket and I noticed the whine right away when I bought the bike. These oil and additive changes have made a very noticeable difference, almost to the point that I really don't notice it anymore at all.
  4. All fluids and filters changed out and/or cleaned, new brake pads on the rear, and new plugs installed. Wow, what a difference that made! The old plugs had about 30K miles on them, and still looked pretty good, but it was time. With all that done, I took a 240 mile ride today, and the RSV just seems to glide through the air and through each gear. All of the minor little vibrations are gone, the acceleration is amazing, the idol now purrs, and the engine never seemed to get that hot, even though it hit 88 today. I am now truly ready for my trip to DC next week, and the other 3 long rides we have planned over the next 3 or 4 months. Doin my happy dance!!!!!
  5. Generally, it just means pre-1999 models, and then 1999 to current. There are many more qualified owners of both on here that can elaborate in greater detail.
  6. The 2011 RSV at 3 area dealers here in the ATL is pricing out at just over $18K.
  7. Heading up from GA with several others (I'm the only RSV!), and staying with family in the Fairfax area. Pretty packed agenda already, but thanks for the offer. Wish I could be in 6 places at once on this trip, with so much to see and do. Praying for nice weather. Thanks, and enjoy the ride!
  8. OK, I just got back from visiting my clients in the OC (Suzuki, Kawasaki and Yamaha). Very productive and interesting. I promised to report what I learned, so here it is: Kawi - - attained #1 MC marketshare in 2010 and Q1 2011 among the 4 Japanese OEM's, ended the year in the black, and lowered overall inventories by 30%. All good stuff for them. Their main focus is overall #1 in JD Power customer satisfaction survey by 2013, and more black ink, in addition to regaining some lost marketshare in ATV, ORV and side-by-side products. Suzuki - - lost $$$ in 2010, but is well positioned to regain some lost sales with renewed product availability this year. It's going to take 3 to 5 years to get any real momentum back after a down 2010, but the focus on street bikes and the new GSXR 600 and 750 lines in particular may help them ramp up faster. Big discounts and dealer incentives will give them a clear price point advantage well into next year. No more inventory shortages either. They are down, but not out by a long shot. Yamaha - - as I reported earlier, the next gen RSV will have a somewhat different frame to accommodate the fuel injected V-MAX engine, optional anti-lock brakes, side opening rear tour pak (ala the Ultra), no cassette player, restyled guages, and similar styling, seats, handlebars, etc. to try to keep the basic RSV styling. Intro will be Fall of 2012 as a 2013 model, limited availability until the Spring of 2013. MSRP will top $21K. They don't see a huge marketing push on this currently, as they, like the others, are more focused on their real money-makers, the street bike and crossovers, especially a bike to compete with the Kawi Consourse. Will know more details after their Fall dealer meeting in Las Vegas. Bottom line, they are not abandoning the RSV.
  9. Notorious Westsiders, PGR, Warriors Watch and ALR usually use channel 3 in my neck of the woods. But I do go to 29 to try to find the VR boys.
  10. I forgot to mention one small but important drilling measurement to keep in mind. When you drill the holes on the angle iron for the U-bolts, make sure they are low enough on the bar so that you can easily fit a crescent wrench or socket in there to get at the nuts holding the U-bolts on. I drilled mine too high on one side and it's a pain sometimes to get at them. (See picture #7 and you'll see what I mean.) Just a thought....
  11. That's my plan!
  12. Can I assume that if my RSV starts OK, idle's OK and gets really good mileage (47 - 50mpg), that my carbs do not need to be checked or tuned? I've never done this and have never had it done. All I've ever done is run some Chemtool B-12 or Seafoam in the tank every few months or so. Just checking.
  13. I deal with the business line folks in Cypress CA who are responsible for the budget process for north American sales to dealers. They already know what the sales budgets are for 2012 and through Q2 of 2013. I think they know by product line, by model, what dealers will be selling during those model years. Right now, there is a high level north American sales budget for a Venture model in 2012 and 2013. The specs on this model are not very clear, but I'm going to ask my contacts if they can elaborate.
  14. I have the same issue with this bike that I do with the Wing. If I can't stretch my legs out in front of me, I'm not gettin on it. It's just not comfortable for me.
  15. I am heading up there for the 1st time with 3 Rolling Thunder vets. We are leaving on Thursday morning from the ATL, staying the Harrisonburg VA area that night, and arriving in DC late Friday morning. Hitting some of the local sponsoring dealerships for some momento's and playing tourist on Saturday. Lots of memorials I haven't seen in quite a while. I also have family in the area that I'll be visiting with, so no hotel needed. After the Sunday ride, I am heading back south on my own via the VA and NC coastlines before arriving back in the ATL on Tuesday. Rain or shine, it's going to be a great trip.
  16. I am visiting Yamaha corporate next week on business, and will get an answer for you. However, I have already been told that the "new" Venture will be a 2013 model that will come out sometime in 2012 in limited production, will be an EFI V-MAX engine, anti-lock brakes, upgraded electronics and digital displays, power port and smart phone/Ipad friendly, and NO CASSETTE PLAYER. Beyond that, I have not other specs, but I think it will be pretty pricey at retail - - probably in the Ultra Classic range. Be cautious on what dealers tell you. They are usually the last to know anything.
  17. It's very easy to make a flag holder for the 3X5 flags for the RSV, if you have the saddle bag guard rails installed already. It's attractive and easy to install. Get one or two chrome fishing pole holders (depending on if you want to fly 1 or 2 flags) and the rail clamp accessory for each from your local marine dealer or Bass Pro shop. They cost about $20 each. Get a 30" length of lightweight L-shaped angle iron bar stock at Home Depot and 2 U-clamps. If you only fly 1 flag, make sure it's installed on the RIGHT side of the bike as you are looking at it from the rear. 1. Clamp the chrome pole holders to the back of the saddle bag guards on each side. (The top rail.) 2. Drill 2 holes for the U-clamps at each end of the angle iron so that they are roughly directly above the pole holders. 3. Bolt the angle iron to the underside of the tour pack using the existing bolts that hold the tour pack on. If those bolts are too short, replace them with ones that are a little longer. You'll obviously have to drill 2 holes in the angle iron that match up with the bolt locations. I also use rubber cups over the sharp ends of the angle iron to protect against getting cut if you or anyone else rubs against it. 4. Use a flag pole of your own choice, but make sure the pole is tall enough that when the 3X5 flag is attached, that it doesn't hit the ground when the bike is leaning on the side stand. I use 2 adjustable paint roller extension poles that I painted to match the bike and attach the flags with carabeaners on the top and clamped to the middle of the pole. 5. Attach the U-bolts to the angle iron, and slide the poles through the U-bolts and into the chrome pole holders. Tighten the bolts and attach your flags. Total cost estimate for 2 flags: Pole holders and rail brackets - $60 Angle iron and rubber end caps - $14 U-bolts - $5 Poles - $25 (but you can make your own for less) Flags - varies with quality and source I leave the angle iron on all the time and no one even asks me about it when they see it. It's very unobtrusive looking. The U-bolts and poles attach and remove in about 5 minutes each time. I'm sure there are lots of other ways to do this, but I like this set-up, and use it often.
  18. Ditto my '99 RSV. The Sampson slash cuts provide a deep throated V-8 powerboat sound that few other bikes can match. I get comments on it all the time.
  19. Looks like Honda is definitely slipping in the MC market share department. At the end of '09, their overall MC market share was 24%. Now it's barely 18%.
  20. Bill, this is a March '11 vs March '10, and Q1 '11 vs Q1 '10 comparison. Apples-to-apples, not 3 months vs a full year. That would be pointless and misleading. Hope that helps.
  21. Dumb question on this point. I usually use no more than 2oz of Sea Foam per gallon when I run it. Is it possible to overuse Sea Foam, and can too much added to a full tank hurt anything??
  22. Same here. I had to do some trimming and customization to get it to fit.
  23. So how are the various OEM's doing sales wise this year, you ask? Here's a 2011 vs. 2010 comparison in unit retail sales for the first quarter. Suzuki is seeing a substantial gain over last year now that they are shipping product again, but HD still leads overall in unit sales. Pretty interesting numbers nonetheless.....
  24. Just got the email and just renewed my membership. The best $12 I'll spend all year, bar none! Thanks Freebird! Bobby
  25. IMO, ME880's or E3's are the best tires for the RSV. Too many horror stories about the Venom's and their inexplicable sidewall cracking issues. On my 2nd set of 880's and they have been flawless. Wife on her second set of Dunlops on the Softail and she's approaching 20K miles. Again, no issues ever. Good luck!
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