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Eddie Fulmer

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Everything posted by Eddie Fulmer

  1. Balancing a tire is the easiest part. Next time I do a set I'll take pictures. What I do is slide the axle through the wheel and then place the wheel on 2 pieces of aluminum angle that I screw down to my workbench. You must make sure they are level now. Find the heavy spot and put the weight on the opposite side. There are actually several places on the net that you can look at and learn about this simple procedure. Good luck. I had the same problem with the dealer here. I understand his point to. By buying my tires somewhere else I was costing him money but saving myself some to.
  2. Quit gripping, buy the tools and do the job yourself from now on. I did and it ain't hard to do. Then if anything goes wrong you are the only one that can be held accountable. Easy fix. Oh yeah now friends come over and help with the tire changing on their bikes. We have some good fellowship along with helping each other out. I don't just do it all myself. It's really not that hard.
  3. Well we've been planning it for quite a while and we finally got to go. 9 Riders left Tuscaloosa Alabama Friday for a leisurely trip to Natchez Ms. We rode out 82 W past Starkville Ms and got on the Natchez Trace. What a great ride that is. If you are not into speed and want a slow pace for a change try this one out. We stayed the night in Natchez and left the next morning for Pascagoula, ms. The best part about this ride is that we weren't in a hurry and had plenty of time. We stopped every 1-1 1/2 hours just because we could. On the way to Pascagoula we made a special effort to cross the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway. This is the longest bridge in the world and I wanted to cross it. 24 miles is a long ride over the water. At the middle it was hard to tell where you were as the land was far far away and barely visible. After the trip north on the causeway we headed for the coast and took 90 over to Pascagoula. The ride along the coast was most enjoyable and the beaches were really cleaner than I thought they would be. The 2 year old damage was still very visible, although mostly just building foundations that had been cleaned off. We left Pascagoula around 8am for Tuscaloosa, Al and arrived about 3pm, I said we weren't in a hurry didn't I? I'll be planing another ride similar to this one in the near future. We really saw a lot of bikes on the road this weekend and the weather was great.
  4. While changing oil today I decided to run the rear wheel, with the engine, while I had it jacked up. I got a lot of noise from the rear drive train in every gear. I am thinking that it was from not having any resistance on the rear wheel because I get no noise while riding. She's as smooth as silk when I turn it by hand. Any thoughts on this one?
  5. No problem has ever been solved with alcohol as a beverage, however many have been caused. I've never seen anything good come from alcohol. I'm a non-drinker. I go to bike night here almost every week and am amazed at the amount of alcohol consumed by bikers. We ride home then, impaired, on a machine that takes more dexterity to ride than anything on the road. I work in the local fire dept here and I'd say at least 60-70% of wrecks we go to are alcohol related. Why are we still drinking? I'll put you and your friends family on my prayer list. I know it's a difficult time.
  6. If you run the max air on the tire you'll feel every matchstick in the road you run over. I run what it says in the manual. I believe that's about 36 lbs. Look on the underside of the trunk for air pressures. JMO I like my avon tires.
  7. I believe there is a verse in the Holy Bible that goes like this. Jesus said "Let the man that is without sin cast the first stone". This was in front of a crowd that wanted to stone a woman because of infidelity. So I think it applies in this case to. Just a little different but you get the pic. Thanks for the help.
  8. Me thinks you might have better luck finding hen's teeth:080402gudl_prv:
  9. Wallyworld (Wal-mart) has a nice little 1.5 amp charger that comes with a lighter plug and a pigtail for less than $20. It also has some nice little lights on it to let you know if it's charging or "floating" I've never used one that I left hooked up but I do put one on my waverunners about every month or so. The lighter plug works great on my dune buggy as the battery is under the seat and not real easy to get to.
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