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  • Bike Year and Model
    Honda, HD, Yamaha
  1. Yes I will B getting back to you on the fuse box issue yes will step up to progressive srings.
  2. My new old 85 VR, picked it up yesterday, he was asking $1,000.00 got it for $900.00 has a few issues fork seals rear tire has some cracking. Right fairing has some damage. 49,000 miles, E-4 Class code. I M first time owner of VR looking foward to many fun miles
  3. Here are some pics of my new old 85 VR
  4. Yes I Did!!! will post pics has some cosmtic issues right side fairing has some cracks got some epoxy. rear brake was a little sticky. replaced brake fluid and bleed working good now. Turkey Baster worked real good to fill. That was a neet idea someone sugested. Class system not working was unpluged, I pluged back up got the E-4 code will did into it later. Raido will come on some times it will cut off then come back on probly conection. It had been sitting picked sea foam. added a 1/2 can filled with super. Misses and pops at higher RPM's. Dose not smoke. Dose need fork seals, going to see if I can find some one near Lenoir NC that might guide through the process. Just asked my daughter to take some pics but here batterys are dead pics hace to wait.
  5. Today I bought a 85 VR with 49,000 miles got a great deal $1,000.00 bucks has a couple of issues it will need fork seals. It has a miss and suppers at high rpm it has been settin for a while put half can of sea foam and filled tank with premium. Class system was unpluged pluged it up got E-4 code. Main concern is rear brake is draging going to drain old and put new fluid and bleed. Thought I saw something about someother problem that might cause it?
  6. I M new here been reading about VR going to look at a 85 later today 40.000+ miles. A couple of ?'s Owner says bike has couple of issues right fork seal leaking. Runs a little ruff when you start warms up, smooths out after it warms up. He said it seems to have a little miss. also air system dose not seem to work display shoes no reading. Fairing has a issue at mounting location. needs to be cleaned up price.. $1.000.00. any quick info any one could give B4 I go look at it
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