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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. If the bell worked properly and kept the Gremlins away, I'd say keep it.
  2. My first was on C50T. There just is no comparison. I can do a thousand miles standing on my head with the Venture. . . . . . . well, almost.
  3. 1,024 in 2007 23 1/2 hrs 1,024 in 2009 18 1/2 hrs, I think. Kirby might know. He was leading and we were hauling -----
  4. What, SkyDoc didn't supply fuses? How were you to know?
  5. Looks good. Hope it's all you want and more. I understand the need to make the little lady happy and as for myself I'm starting to explore sidecars. The knees ain't what they used to be.
  6. Thanks a bunch.
  7. I can not right now, but I think I would like to sidecar soon. I like trikes, but there is just something about a sidecar that gets me all goose pimply. My question is: Where do I start? I too know I'll have to save up. Thanks
  8. Thanks, added my wife's two daughters to the image and it was a big hit. I can sleep in the house tonight.
  9. Me: Doc every time I drink coffee I get a sharp pain in the eye. Doc: Take the spoon out of the cup.
  10. I got rid of the first one after 24 years. I've been with this one 16, she's got 8 to go and I'm done. Congratulations!
  11. The extensions replace the nut.
  12. I'm slightly heavier than that, but maybe reduce your tire pressure 2 or 3 lbs. That really can make a big difference.
  13. Go to www.distrowatch.com and download a Linux O/S. Maybe PCLinux and run it live from the CD if the noise goes away it's Windows, if it stays it's hardware.
  14. Yes, and the Windows operating system is always running something in the background.
  15. It's likely the fan is clogged or the bearing/bushing is going out. If you have air compressor get in there and blow everything out. If not make sure it's unplugged and vacumn it out with the plastic crevice tool. Additionally, if you've forgot to remove a cd or dvd then that also can make the type of noise your describing. In fact not long ago the fan went out in my power supply. I just replaced the power supply they've gotten so inexpensive now a days.
  16. Sweet! I need something to fill that spot!
  17. Don't think you'll find a car tire narrow enough for the 1st Gen.
  18. If it's the right side, it's very likely the gall bladder.
  19. Our condolences and prayers. Keep on keeping on, that's what mothers want.
  20. Certainly looks good. I like that there is no boom mic. I didn't see any pricing on the site though. I wonder couldn't you just adapt a Bluetooth device and they're way inexpensive now a days.
  21. You say that like we're exaggerating! You'll see!
  22. Probably need to sync the carbs is all.
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