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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. The blue '09 is a very sharp color. That is the one I would have gotten if I'd have gone that route. Can you rent one like you want? I was pretty disappointed in the selection of rentals the time I checked into it. Seemed like, if I remember, Harley's and Beemers was it.
  2. That sounds like a good idea. I demoed one, but I just found it "hard". I don't know how to explain it. It just didn't feel right to me. It had the power though. Maybe if I'd have had one for the weekend it may have made a difference. Price didn't stop me, it was only 600 more for the audio/comfort model than the Venture. Carolina Honda in Columbia, SC.
  3. Classic Buick. Shoulda been up front somewhere.
  4. Sons of the Pioneers, yes! You got to include Marty Robbins in there. You're my kind of guy.
  5. I don't think so. I have the stock windshield. As I said before I haven't had a chance to get much solo time because of the weather here in the great northwest, but with my wife at pillion I could not get a wobble at least up to 92 mph. When I rode solo I thought maybe just a tinge, but again I haven't had the opportunity to solo it yet. I do hope to this weekend. It will be cool, but as long as it doesn't snow again I'll get in some test riding.
  6. sweeet!
  7. I had the same problem with the Nexxen. Went with the Kumho.
  8. Yeah, I played that game waiting on the new Voyager and ended up with the Venture. If you like the Wing - go for it. I just felt the Venture was a much better choice for me.
  9. If you can, sell the family members, keep the bikes.
  10. The date wasn't important. The facts were, and to my knowledge nothing has changed.
  11. Email Sent! This is something I don't usually do, but I'm getting fed up with this civil liberties, politically correct, anti Christian, and anti American bull crap! http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/teyster2/MiscNgifs/USA.gif?t=1272947273 http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/teyster2/MiscNgifs/USA.gif?t=1272947273
  12. I guess when you click on it you're thanking the person then it disappears so you can't do a second thanks. I just thanked you and when I click on the little arrow it shows my name, but no thanks link.
  13. http://cdn-6.psndealer.com/e2/dealersite/images/motorcycleaccessoriesgj/vp1129243_1_large.jpg Manufacturer Yamaha Model Year 1986 Model VENTURE ROYALE Price $2,399.00* Color Brown Displacement 1300 cc VIN# 001353 Stock Number: 001353 Miles 48508 Looks pretty good to me if you're a 1st Gen kinda guy. Click on the specks for link to web site. http://www.westerncovintage.com/ Sorry click on links left side and do Motorcycle Accessories. Western Colorado.
  14. EXACTLY what you last two guys said. That's what I was saying.
  15. I always thought there was but the one pond monster, but I now see there may be a family of the elusive creature. Some one should let Discovery Channel know.
  16. Right! What were they thinking?
  17. Motorcycle Super Store has quite the selection. I'll check them out some more.
  18. Dem Canadians theenx of everthin, aye?
  19. Front Tire: Pirelli MT66Route 150/80B-16 - Rear Tire mounted reverse You may want to also follow this thread. Page 2 - we have a little ongoing comparison going on here.
  20. I know this has nothing to do with the actual, original question, but thought this very interesting.
  21. Shoot! It's a good thing he don't work on sophisticated air craft or anything, where math skills might be required.
  22. I prefer the bike over any other form of transportation and I wear what I wear on a daily basis. Jeans and boots. Most of the time I wear a helmet.
  23. I guess it's alright if you like that kind of power and beauty?
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