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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. You know fellas that Seashell is the fastest. I would NOT lie.
  2. Are you kidding me? If I could squat that low, who in the heck would get me up!
  3. I'll bet that turns out doable. Congrats on the new bike.
  4. Great Pics. Congratulations Claire! Hope to see ya all soon.
  5. Thanks I used your link to get me OUT. Let my grand daughter talk me into it in the first place. Never could stand it.
  6. Very possible. When I had the Voyager I ordered a maintenance free battery on line (china). Started having trouble two months later. Went to Walmart got the one you have to add the acid to and never had another problem.
  7. Yeah, keep it right next to your Rotex watch.
  8. Yeah, I'm sorry. My link was messed up. I was actually looking at the Continental, Conti Pro a 155x60x15, but the Federal doesn't look bad either. I really don't know how I got there cause I've only got about 1500 miles on my Kumho so it will be a while before I change out.
  9. That was a very good song, but if she don't get on the right side of the road she's gonna get hurt.
  10. Wanderer

    Note the Kick Stand

    Probably to keep it from rolling backwards.
  11. It's an age thing. You oldsters should get your eyes checked regularly.
  12. Looks like we have another to choose from. 155/60/15 ContiPro
  13. I'm starting to believe, this, with some mods will be the next Venture. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_xOOWRVc9-a4/S_iprGgN8dI/AAAAAAAABjM/to3pcpLbvSo/s640/StratDeluxe.jpg
  14. If this keeps up we'll have to change the name here from VentureRider.org to WingRider.org. :rotf:
  15. Dad burn man, guess I won't be looking at any helmets any time soon. Nice ride, but I don't even see a helmet in that thar picture.
  16. I truly believe the key is in the tires. I have the Pirelli, but a radial up front may just be the answer. I'll have to wait to find out, cause I figure the Pirelli should be good for about 20,000 more miles. Until then I'll just slow down a little.
  17. Enjoy your new ride Herb.
  18. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s05jcrJw0as]YouTube- Boy's Don't Cry - I Wanna Be A Cowboy[/ame]
  19. Wish I'd have been there to torment you all.
  20. My sentiments, exactly. I rode some twisties this morning and it just keeps a grippin'.
  21. Must o' been a tail wind. That's fantastic at that speed.
  22. Wish I could. I'm leaving the great northwest on the 27th and may be headed to Ft. Drum. We'll see, I guess. It's the only thing going with my company for the near future that I know of.
  23. Who was it that said: You got to know your limits. A Prius, really, what was he thinking?
  24. If I've learned one thing from this thread it is that we have as many differences as we have likes.
  25. Some day when I get old - uh, older I'm gonna try and do 55 and see if my mileage improves any.
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