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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. Yeah, I tried to rent the hauler from Uhaul. Local only and if you say the bike weighs more than 740 you're screwed. I bought a 5x8 from Lowes and tied the ramp up so it wouldn't hit the back of my bike and took it to Utah and back about 4000 miles round trip with no problems except anxiety. Oh that doesn't include my not tightening my hitch ball and almost losing everything in Omaha.
  2. My heads to pretty to cover with any thing - - - - - - - - - -except a ventureriders.org head wrap (shameless plug for my good buddy).
  3. Also 57. I too have been riding for many years.
  4. South Dakota? It probably was black ice. Glad no one was too seriously hurt.
  5. I want to talk Santa Claus.
  6. Better late than never. I have a slow Internet connection. Some of the deer were from Utah, sorry. Oh and the clouds are from home here in Alabama. Nothing as sweet as Alabama clouds. http://s97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/teyster2/OberlinMD0610/
  7. Yeah, I missed it too. It was probably one of them ones where I woulda got to say "I told you so!" - - - Nah, what am I thinking I'm always wrong!
  8. You know, it almost has to be the sidewalls of the CT. I'm happy with mine as I don't get any wobble til 87mph/gps and I've said I don't need to go that fast any who. Sorry it didn't work out for ya.
  9. Are you not concerned about the over inflation
  10. I'm just curious. How much gas did you put in the tank when you filled up. Even after riding reserve for some time I've never been able to put even 5 gallons in my 6 gallon tank?
  11. Yes, inquiring minds want to know.
  12. That's like out patient surgery now-a-days, is it not? Sorry for your discomfort. Get better fast!
  13. Ok, from now on you have to wash the darn bugs off the stuff before sending the pictures.
  14. Thanks, for the edit Charlie. You know I'm still learning, eh.
  15. Now the question...several times after riding for awhile when I was coming to a stop...the front would WOBBLE. When this happened the bike was barely moving...at highway speeds (and faster)...the bike was smooth as butter. So what could cause this VERY SLOW SPEED WOBBLE? I'm guessing the OEM tire. The 404's are crap, IMO. Seem to cup pretty good after not too many miles, especially if tire pressure has not been maintained at 40lbls. Just my guess.
  16. Not at all surprised. Those are the exact conclusions (not numbers) I came to when doing my own comparisons prior to making my purchase. I checked the web, demo'd when I could, and visited the various blogs and sites like this. I went to the site link you provided and made the comparison to the '09's and most results were similar. The only bike close on touring and fun, etc was the Kaw 1700 Voyager.
  17. Shouldn't that be "Say it right or else, eh!" These foreign languages are killing me.
  18. You're living my dream, my friend. I can't wait until I can do the same. Until then though I guess I can't give any advice. As it is now, usually, I go as far as I can as fast as I can to get to a destination. Enjoy and be safe.
  19. If you have no real particular reason to run Windows, dump it and try PCLinuxOS. No virus, no spy ware, no problems.
  20. No, I didn't know that. So when you get ready, hit me up. I'm due for some ha ha's. I'm back in Luverne, AL waiting on a big time job offer.
  21. Hey, you didn't answer me about lunch. You're buying.
  22. He did seem tired and hollow-eyed. That's an age thing and he's getting so old. Guess it's time for you to get your own wheels Bobbie.
  23. I tried to help by staying out of the way! And, of course, helping Charlie with the refreshments. I don't think I broke any thing so, I helped!
  24. If any of us made you feel like part of the group - - we certainly didn't mean to. What could we have been thinking.
  25. You Bet! Destin ain't that far from here. I might want to go for lunch in Freeport at the Outpost - Whadya think?
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