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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. Truth is my sister was so scared I would get another bike that she helped me get an 03 Explorer Sport Trac.
  2. Thanks again all. I have a lot to pay for and a lot to be thankful for. I chose not to get another bike when I saw just how much pain I caused my family. I always said I'd rather die riding and I would have had it not been for my ex son-in-law and my very good friend, the EMT's without whom and God I would not have made it. I can assure you I do not take my recovery for granted and I work hard every day to get back to a little of what I used to be. My family, sister and daughter mostly, say I'm pushing too hard. I don't think so. I walk 2 miles each day about 30 minutes for me. I lost 61lbs in the hospital, but I don't recommend it to any one. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/teyster2/Family/18thAnniverary1_zps83b870e3.jpg 2 months after hospital my wife and I celebrated our 18th anniversary. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/teyster2/Family/RodsinBack_zps3fdb5d76.jpg first doctor visit after surgery. The rods extend from near the shoulder blade to the very bottom rib. One on each side, if you care to know.
  3. You're not wrong Kirby. I had my problems, but I retired last year and had planned to spend the rest of my days on a bike. My days almost came sooner than I was planning. I'm up and kicking now so I guess I should not complain. I figure it's God's way of punishing by making me spend more time with my wife, Patricia. lol
  4. By the way, I was one of those that thought something like this could/would never happen to me. Before you go out tell the people you love that you love them and be damn careful.
  5. Thank all of you. It was probably my fault you didn't here of it, but I haven't quite been myself since the accident in June. My recovery is truly amazing. I started walking with a walker first day home. After the first week I was walking without assistance, I do not remember the accident at all (drugs from surgeons) but apparently, and I'm guessing, I hit a deer or other obstacle that caused the bike to flip forward and land on top of me in the ditch. The police said I missed the 2d curve of the S curve, but if that was the case I would have just slid out and probably not much damage. I want you guys, individually and as a group, to know just how much I love and care for all of you. Ted
  6. I'm sorry I have not been in contact. I've been, well, not well. Here is my response to Broncoboy. Originally Posted by Broncoboy36081 Just saw where you were in Luverne. I'm in troy. We are neighbors lol! Indeed we are. After two months in the hospital (got out mid August), Broken back, collapsed lungs, broken ribs, damaged spleen and brain, bike totaled and I'm not riding currently. Do not be concerned I'm doing well and walk 30 minutes each day. I was in a medically induced coma for 7 weeks and my family never new if I was gonna make it. While I certainly love motorcycling I gave in to their wish and did not get another bike. The above paragraph does not mean we can not meet. I think my address is on the list. I always invite my biking friends to come by. I've not made any contact in some while. I will post this in the forums so everyone will know what's going on. Thank you Broncoboy36081. __________________ :sign **** happens:
  7. Neither crazy or wimpy. If you're not on an anti-depressant you should talk to your doctor. I was having all kinds of CRAZY until I got on the Zoloft. I'm just saying.
  8. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/teyster2/MiscNgifs/NatiosPrideThankYouSoldiers2.gif Past, present, and future!
  9. I think it's a grand idea. I've been down more than once in the 40 or so years. Thanks for turning us on to it.
  10. Happy Birthday, Ken.
  11. I totally agree, I didn't get mine on clearance, but only $58. @ Leatherup. The reason I mention that is I used the size guide they provided I fell between large and xlarge so went xlarge and couldn't be happier with the fit. I recently said somewhere that this is the first helmet I've had that I could actually feel air flow.
  12. It is exactly the same as Harbor Freight's as near as I can tell. There's was also on sale for 69.99 I have a coupon somewhere. I used the one I had for a couple of years without incident then sold it.
  13. I left a comment on your video. Make sure you have fire at all the plugs. Mine sounded like that, I was running on 3 cylinders, dead coil. I have a couple here if you need me to bring them on the 29th.
  14. Couldn't you run the bolt from the other side and use a chrome cap nut on the outside? That would look good.
  15. Pulled the tube out of the wifes bike and cut a piece 2" wide. The hard part was getting my looped rod over the rubber, what a PITA, but with a little persistence and a small dull screw driver I worked around until it was under. It works ike a champ. Takes a pretty good pressure from the thumb to force down on the brake lever, but I'm a happy camper.
  16. Another great idea. Thanks.
  17. Copyrighted by Microsoft!
  18. If he gets on he probably will have a great day and I'm not saying on what!
  19. If you look at the photo of the bike in the garage and compare fairing to the tank, trunk, and bags it looks good. I would consider he's probably using his cell phone for the outdoor photos and it's throwing the color off. If someone were close it would certainly be worth checking out.
  20. I'm back! I think a rubber ring is the answer. I used electricians tape up on the chrome section of the grip and the cruise control worked flawlessly. However: we know how long electrical tape is going to last. I didn't have that old tube, so I'm gonna have to look around for a piece of rubber and test it again. I didn't fail I only had a couple of things so far that didn't work.
  21. Yes, I know it doesn't lock, but I couldn't think of a better term.
  22. Thanks for posting. It makes what I'm going to say easier. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I was so sure it was going to work I didn't test it prior to submission. It may be my standard grips or the tensile strength of the wire, but it vibrates down pretty rapidly. I do think if I can get a rubber ring up on the chrome part of the grip and put it over that it will work. I think I've got an old bike tube here somewhere that should work for that. I'm so sorry I'll get back to you on this issue.
  23. I agree, but every once in a while on the long haul I just want to give my wrist a little break. It's really not unusual for me to ride 8 or nine hours for lunch, ie; Rome, GA M&E
  24. Happy Birthday my friend. Hey, everyone uses that birthday emote. I wanted to be diff.
  25. Guys this couldn't have been simpler. It may not be the perfect throttle lock, but it looks fairly good and costs $1.25. Okay, I was wanderering around Fred's (dollar store) and found a single pole sign holder. Sorry I meant to take a before picture, but its a rod that has two loops about 9" apart. Since I had already cut it, that's me holding it together. Hope you can see what I'm talking about. And the finished product after cutting one loop off and bending to final shape with my large Channel Locks. Took all of 5 minutes for project. 1: Sign holder with the two loops - $2.50 2: Makes two throttle locks at a cost of $1.25 each.
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