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About Smely

  • Birthday 11/06/1964

Personal Information

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  • Location
    Hiram, GA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2004 Midnight Venture
  1. Got it , it was a loose connection to the Back Off module. Thanks for all the quick responses from everyone. I love this site:guitarist 2:. Anyone heading down to Biketoberfest? Looks like I'm heading down a day late now. Plan on visiting the Custom Dynamics booth and letting them have the bike for awhile and mod all of the turn signals and brakes. Once again, thanks all!
  2. OK, bad terminology on my part, you are correct. The short to ground was caused by me while checking voltage at the bulb socket. (I must have touched the probe lead on my meter to the socket while touching the hot point). Yes, there must be an open in the power wire to the bulb socket.
  3. Got it! Thanks for the Help Texan and Dano, now back to square 1 looking for the short
  4. Thanks O T, I plan to go there next but right now I'm looking for the headlight fuse (also fuse for brake/running lights). I blew it shooting voltage at the brake light socket.
  5. OK, the first pic is of the 3 fuses behind the battery. The second pic is of the wires coming out of the front of the rear fender back to the connectors under the passenger seat and the 3rd pic is of the connector with the blue, black and yellow wires. Also, I just checked the headlight and it is not working as per the wire schematic but it is not one of those 3 fuses.
  6. OK, I'm trying to get some pics off of my phone now but I found 3 fuses just behind the battery and they all ohm out good. I did find the wire harness going under the fender and it looks like it comes out of the front of the fender and goes back to the connector that you were talking about. The connector that I found is under the passenger seat though. I did find another connector with a blue, yellow and black wire to it under the drivers seat by the battery and I can see that the previous owner installed a "Back Off" relay to make the brake light flash.
  7. Thanks Dano, going to check now.
  8. Need urgent help. I'm getting ready to leave for Biketoberfest in the AM and my brake lights quit working on my '04 Midnight Venture. I removed both seats and loosened up the wires underneath and the brakes started working again so I'm pretty sure it is a short somewhere. Now they have stopped working again. While troubleshooting voltage/grounds at the bulb socket I must have blown a fuse because now the tail light portion of the bulb does not work. Can anyone tell me where the fuse is for the tail/brake lights? Also, the grounds check good. Thanks for any help or suggestions
  9. You can always go this route If you want to go back to the original door.http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-Cassette-Player-Tape-Radio-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem588c20359cQQitemZ380308043164QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  10. No worries Bobby, Anytime you want to work on it just yell at me. Just got my truck back from TMT. He got the transmission going on it again for me. Got it home today. I was riddin' dirty because it hasn't been registered since '06.
  11. Sorry, Had to get a few days of work out of the way. The box is the same box that houses your tape player guts right now. You will have to split your front faring, then you will have to remove your amp. (it is sitting over the tape deck and has all of the wire harnesses for the audio running into it). Undo the 4 bolts on top holding on the securing straps. Slide the amp out to the side and you will see the tape deck sitting below. four bolts holding the box on the sides of the tape deck and then open the front door and there will be 2 screws to remove. Once you have these out, the box will bee free. I had to remove the 2 bolts securing the head light and that let me move the head light enough out of the way to get the tape deck out. Once you have the tape deck out, remove the 2 screws on top and the lid will come off (after removing all of the tamper proof tape). Then just remove all of the screws that will allow you to gut all of the tape deck workings out of the box. DO NOT REMOVE THE SCREWS SECURING THE DOOR MECHANISM, if you still want to keep the door. I then used a dremel to rout out as much as I could on the front face plate to allow me to keep the door and also replace the front two screws. I tried to make it as factory looking as possible. Next, find some foam pieces and some 3M spray glue (Home Depot) and some felt or material (WalMart) and line the box with foam pieces and finally cover it all with the fabric of your choice. I just pulled it all back out and installed a power point and the USB adapter I pictured previously. I also ran the aux plug through the back. Turned out pretty good. I can now charge my phone or MP3 player while listening to tunes.
  12. Very nice exrsa, thanks for the link. I missed your post by about 20 minutes. I already ordered the flush mount one and I think I'm going to try to adapt that one. But, I'm sure that I will need burnsmoto on many other projects. Thanks again.
  13. I actually just picked up all of the parts from Radio Shack to move the aux plug. I bought the 3 way splitter and am going to run an extension to my navigator, an extension through the back of the box for an mp3 player and leave the extra for down the road accessories. I also want to install a micro USB auto charger like this one, as seen on a previous thread but not real sure how it hooks up. Has anyone installed this before? Is it hard wired or do I need to get a cigarette light adapter? [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Belkin-Micro-Auto-Charger-5VOLT/dp/B002F0200Q/ref=pd_cp_e_3?tag=citofgamonlco-20]Amazon.com: Belkin Micro USB Auto Charger 5VOLT 1A: Electronics@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21aLOIt2nhL.@@AMEPARAM@@21aLOIt2nhL[/ame]
  14. Ummmmmmm............AhOhhhhhhhhhhh. I see re-work down the road. Hopefully not, didn't have a problem with water in there before and I went through some pretty good monsoons. The original box for the tape deck has holes in it and it is just foam inside so should water get in it should just drain out (I hope).
  15. With all of the snow here in GA and only 8 snow plows for the entire state, and me climbing the walls I decided to start tinkering with my bike. There have been a lot of threads out there about what to do with the tape deck so after reading many of them and taking a little from what everyone else has done, this is what I came up with. It came out pretty nice. Big enough to put cell phones, ipods, extra cords or whatever. Finally, a reason to open that door
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